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RE: One Year Later — 1st Steemit Anniversary!

in #steemit7 years ago

It's nice to see that the whales on here were once little clueless fish too. I still know jack about crypto, granted I've only been here about a week, but I took a very similar approach to yours. I just kinda jumped in. I heard about Steem through a @kadavy podcast and was intrigued. It's still surprising me everyday how positive this community is, a part of me wonders if its just a show since money is involved, nevertheless I'm having fun here. The photography community has been especially awesome to witness! Love the photo challenge and loving sharing my beginner photography stuff on here! I'm learning a lot!

PS I would love any and all feedback you have as far as photography goes. I'm currently focused on street photography in particular. This is my latest post any tips/criticism? If you don't have time to get to it I completely understand, I know you're busy. And if you've read this far thanks for taking the time! Have a kick ass day Jam man! (Your name always makes me say jam in my head so I associate you with jam, like for biscuits.


Well, I'm definitely nowhere near being a whale. Maybe a dolphin! :)

Something an old photographer told me when I was just starting out is that you need to scan around the edges of your composition in the viewfinder, not just focus on the subject. I would go further to say look at how the lines interact with each other and with the subject. Try to avoid things sticking out of the subjects head, or pieces of a pole leaning in to the frame at a weird angle. Make everything as purposeful as possible.

— the Jam Man :)

Will do Jam man, will do. I'll put that great advice to use! Appreciate it :)

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