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RE: The Decentralized Mind: Breaking the Centralized Mindset to Achieve True Freedom

in #steemit7 years ago

I'm just getting to this post! Good stuff as always @sflaherty
"Centralized governments and systems has everyone truly believing this is the only form that works in nature and in society. "
^^^ that quote sticks out to me. I was driving home from work today (pre reading this) thinking about some interactions I had with hopeless looking people at work. Most in "lower stations" and i really really hate to use that terminology. Becayse i notice at work i spend a lot of time building those people up when i get a chance. They are largely undervalued. "Oh its just the cleaning lady"
Actually no its not. She goes above her call of duty on a regular basis and is a kind hearted person. Few see it. Because of her "station" in life. This particular person deserves much more than she makes bevause of the higj quality moral fiber of her being. There was a man who wouldn't eat. She stayed 30+ minutes after her shift (unpaid) top encpurage this sick elderly man to eat. And he did.
I can often see the discouragement in her eyes that's why i try to build her up.
Unfortunately, she, like many others of "all stations" think well this is the only way. We have all been brainwashed to believe that. Its bull shit and it is not the only way, but merely the only thing the sheeple know to do. Imma resteem this and post over on steemit dreamit too


You see what I see very well. I have kind of put myself on the outskirts of society through most my life. I tried it hard to fit in and be an up and comer in all jobs I took but honestly I just always had that nagging feeling that positions, money, status all that bull just never set well with me. I have since lived on my own terms and kind of so free spirited the rich seem to view me as a loose canon and the poor think I am too free that I stand out too much for my own good lol. But in the end I always win people over and I try to figure out why, why is it that a rich person is picky about who they associate with but take to me and why is it the poor relate to me but also consider me an outsider....lately I found the answer because in the end I only view myself as a human being and I see no status. Its unfair that society views someone making less as a lesser person and a rich person of value for money...its what they bring to the table that matters most. I guess its the brainwashing out there, really hope we can break free of that.

Thank you for the resteem and read, wasn't so sure I really got the point across perfect because its such a complicated topic but hopefully it makes a few people think.

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