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RE: The Proof is in the Pudding

in #steemit8 years ago

I have a head full of ideas. Many of these have made it into half-baked projects to blog about things that are important to me. I have lost count of how many there are - must be over 30 by now, from cooking to coffee to cycling to forex to cryptocurrency to depression to drones to yoga to bodyweight training to name just a few.

The prospect of seeing a visible reward today and tomorrow here on Steemit has become a forcing device to get me writing about the things I have half- baked projects running on. My new big idea is to keep writing about these things. Maybe I will find an audience and maybe I will not. But I do know when enough time has passed I will have a collection of work which will be a whole more than a half-baked project. I do know is I will get a better idea of what people want to read about and learn about - that can drive focus big time.

I am all ears for finding any clues that will help me to do that. Meanwhile I will just keep writing (and photographing).


We all bounce around at times here. I'm normally doing ridiculous jokes and showing off digital art. That's what I push out to larger audiences. An article like this, I'll leave on Steemit. It's for us, steemit is the audience. I can't tell you what to focus on or how to run your business, I just know at least one trick to keep the old stuff alive. That's where you put your best stuff though.

^ Dig this response. I feel the same way about the "point system" being a way to gamify following through on those ideas, in some way.

The "points" are more attractive to me than money has ever been. Hence me willing to invest a lot of time learning about steem when I've never felt super motivated or enabled to monetize my creativity before. It's definitely a good thing.

I'm excited for and to see where Synereo goes now that they're kind of starting over. The attention economy combines a thing I crave with a thing I need, so it seems good for me, if not everyone.

Maybe that's the future. An ecosystem of these different economies all based on different ideals and currencies.

@carrinm exactly right. This is a great place to find our voice, our audience, and build a portfolio. All of the content we create is ours. If this place goes to the next level, great! I hope it does, it has promise to do so with some adjustments. If not, there will be a site coming behind it that will. And everything we've done here can be brought with us there. That's how I see it.

Part two is finished and the link is here on the article.

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