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RE: STEEM II Announced: What's the Name? What's the Intent... What's the Difference?

in #steemit7 years ago

Interesting point made towards the end of the post:

People are humans, humans are not perfect, and sure you can have a good little utopian platform for you, me and like-minded individuals... BUT if we're going at changing the world here and going into mass adoption...

... You got to account for the imperfect masses.

In my opinion, STEEM is the perfect place to find people who want to develop a better sense of the world we are in. You can be encouraged and build great traction because of the constant uplifting nature of the comments section, you can find others who share similar approaches and we can all grow our communities externally away from the blockchain so we can all move onto different platforms without a problem.

People get too wrapped up in thinking Steemit is the be all and end all. It's far from that and it'll evolve and grow over time. STEEM is just the beginning.

No matter what is said, having bad marketing for these projects doesn't necessarily bother me right now. It gives communities that are trying to solve scaling issues the time to do so; as well as the developing team.

For instance, can you imagine how steemcleaners would feel if Steemit was 10X bigger right now?

There is a lot of different factors for sure, but the best thing about Steemit is that we can find people who get it. Yes, there are people who seek monetary gain and approach the platform with varying methods to try and 'capitalise' their time better. They choose these methods over genuine human interaction because they think that those methods are more beneficial. This is just a behaviour that has transferred from the existing social media platforms and the mass collected thought that is portrayed onto us.

In the next decade, we have an opportunity to change that perspective. Those who are willing to challenge it and grow inwardly will benefit from having people around them who support them genuinely. Grow your relationships with people and make support networks.

We all grow together.


Well said, here's my 100% upvote.

I would have rather had a reply that would expand on the discussion but fair enough. What are your thoughts on the future of the platform?

Steem 2.0, whenever it may appear, will hopefully change some underlying issues but it won't change the behaviours and patterns of the exisiting platform without proper guidance and support for the new users.

I didn't really go that deep into it because at this point I've said it so many times it gets old, but since you are asking for my opinion that means you still didn't hear (read) it so I'll go on ahead and let you know.

STEEM, from my point of view, doesn't have much more life in it in terms of years. It isn't a long term blockchain.

Putting it bluntly, STEEM will always be known as the first of its kind, but whatever competitor appears, as long as it has the same profitability, it will be superior.

STEEMIT Inc is a very poor company, they don't work hard for their project, and it shows. Unless they will release a baddass HF20 and SMT launch soon and I'm wrong, but I'm starting to doubt.

We lost huge players already just because the HF is delayed, we could have had great apps that now openned up in ERC20.

On the other hand, this site looks hideous, isn't functional, content sucks, a lot of the people on it are hypocrites and so on...

People won't change, but the UI will be different for a competitor, the site's look and feel will be better and the platform will be superior because frankly the only thing we have is the blockchain's performance and the profit, everything else is trash.

This is a great project that will last one year or two more, depends on the competitors and the crypto scenario, but I think it's only a matter of time until a competitor comes out, and with STEEM as a case study to analyze, they can't really do much worse.

There are a lot of things that aren't set on stone, but this for me is what's set on stone:

  • STEEM will NEVER be mainstream.

I can see your view very clearly and although I share some of your views on Steemit and the downfalls that this site has, I don't believe that this hinders STEEM's potential for the future. The fact that STEEM is still adopting more entrepreneurs and businesses by the week, makes me believe that there is room for the token in the mainstream.

Steemit has problems because of what is at peoples eye level and although there is a lot of problems with the platform, there is still a lot of great people with an open perspective compared to the existing social media platforms. Like yourself, I realized that the best thing to do within Steemit is to find like-minded people and let them have a place to interact outside of the blockchain (yourself running CryptoEmpire, myself BuddyUP). Having these communities are important because no matter what pops up in the future, we can all merge together into the next best thing. Gather the people who are genuine and care and then grow from there. Steemit is merely a drop in the ocean but it's a great place to find the right people to interact with.

I am still learning every day about this space and my views change from day to day but my main focus will always be to find genuine people who value and express real human interaction. This is the perfect place to find them. In my field of view, I rarely see any bad content at all and I tend to read between 10-20 posts a day. It comes down to your social circles though for sure.

The benefit that STEEM has is that it has been running for 2 years now. It is battle tested and there are communities on here that are gearing up for this new decentralized space. That is needed when a blockchain pops up with the potential and backend to support the users correctly.

The teams that have moved over to ERC-20 don't phase me when you look at the technology behind the two blockchains in comparison. Yes, they may have created tokens on the ETH network, but the potential on ETH is very limited when it comes to real world application for anything socially related. STEEM has that tech right now for real wrold application, there isn't many other places like it and with the runtime.

The only thing that I would challenge about STEEM not making it to mainstream is that it all comes down to application and demand. Already we have many projects and applications that have teams that want to push them forward. Yes, some might not be the best but they are still adding value to the blockchain in this early stage. Other platforms that crop up will not only need to go through the 'battletesting' stage, they will also need to wait for the communities and important figures to step up and somewhat lead the way for the blockchain to grow.

Who knows what will crop up in the future though.

Thanks for taking the time to share your viewpoint on this. I believe I can learn a lot from you and it's beneficial to seek that perspective to broaden my scope of the crypto space.

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