FIRST PROPOSAL UPDATE - Steemit Editor v0.1

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Two or three days ago I have an idea that could be very good: have a editor with the functionality to store drafts of our posts (could check my #proposal) . Thanks to our community's encouragement, my feelings that will be very profitable to invest our time and efforts in #steemit and the confidence that #steem will grow much as we want. And for now not for the money because, nothing yet!

So..... I decided to start building my idea.

For now I already have the editor running without problems.

The next tasks to do are:

  • build interface
  • save drafts (almost ready)
  • organize and build menus (organize i think is ok, you will see)
  • .... *

If you have any idea that you think is good to add to the project please reply!!

Soon I will have alpha version to run some tests, if someone wants to try get in touch!

It is very good to pursuit our goals, makes us feel more confident and powered up!!

*Today I have to sleep today is work day! I wrote the post when I stop working on editor and it was very late (4 morning) and now I i'm at work! That's fine! We must steem on!!!!!!!!

Click here to enter my blog page and click in to follow me! 

#steemit #dev #proposal #steem #thanks #portugal #bycz #happy #vote


Good post! Do you have any ideia to implement?!

How you want implement the editor?

I'm creating separated right now, when i have it funcional and if is possible i'd like to integrate directly in steemit.
But as soon i have some key parts implemented (save drafts, copied directly to steemit-submit -page and few things more) I will put it online!

it would be awesome dude! i've been using onenote to do this right now and it's not bad but definitely could be better.

Try these posts, they are very good too :D

Good post! Do you have any ideia to implement?!

Yes, and adjustable insert text boxes... it's to claustrofobic as they are now...

ya I will. The interface and css files almost untouched! It will be much more attractive and user-friendly

steemit have auto save draft, after you write on the text editor, even you close your browser all article thats already written will be saved cheers

**Ya, just save one draft! Not every draft you need

We need Font Awesome availability

You mean more fonts?

I definatly would welcome improvements because I'm having a real difficult time formatting , editing , posting videos and pictures . Saving a draft would be perfect

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