How to Distribute Wealth (On Steemit?) - Two Famous Philosophers

in #steemit8 years ago

Do Whales think about philosophy when upvoting posts? They just might.

This recent quarrel in trending, hot and even new posts over voting, flagging and reputation scores reminded me of my Master Thesis in philosophy titled 'Karl Popper And John Rawls: Open Society And Just Society'. I feel I wrote it so long ago, in 2012, and I'm happy I have the chance to present at least a part of it.

The title refers to the ideal society as these philosophers imagined it. Both were vehement liberals and would feel right at home on Steemit. After all, without going into details of their respective philosophies, Steemit is open to all and we all want it to be as just as possible. I am excited to see how justice here gets developed in the future.

Here is the abstract of my thesis:

The aim of this thesis was a comparative analysis of two prominent 20th century political philosophers, John Rawls and Karl Popper. In the center of interest were their designs for a just society. For Popper that was an open society and for Rawls a society that follows his conception of justice as fairness. It was claimed that their ideas on that subject were complementary rather than opposite. The structure of their major works is different inasmuch as Rawls’ primary aim is a complete system of justice and Popper mentions it haphazardly, more often using arguments against his opponents that building his own independent position. They were both liberal democrats and egalitarians. It was also claimed that, more narrowly, Popper was leaning towards sufficientarianism and Rawls towards prioritarianism. Other themes discussed a variety of topics such as suffering, truth, epistemological foundations of their theories of morals, individuals and their relation to the society, Kantian autonomy, reflective equilibrium, fallibilism, traditions, institutions and reforms and some others. The conclusion was that in every pertinent way a just society is open, and that open society must have at least some elements of justice as Rawls imagined it.

If anybody actually read it, I thank you. It just stopped collecting dust in my room :D

Most of my Diploma :D

Image credits: 1

Want to know more? Do tell me! :)

Cheers! @buzzbeergeek

Here is another interesting Steemit article on philosophy: by @son-of-satire

What is your idea of justice on Steemit?


Why is it that when you question or God forbid, disagree with a Liberal you are automatically labeled intolerant? BTW Geat post. I shared it to both my FB and Twitter accounts.

Thank you a lot! Maybe people consider this label a 'gold standard' :D It's only a label, and sometimes we find ourselves feeling that liberals are too strict and there is not enough resulting social justice.

Next time I am called intollerant by a Libtard.....I mean Liberal, I will have to say "Thank You".

Great post. I really liked that quote too about the right not to tolerate the intolerant. And having beer as one of your interests makes me think... welcome to steemit!! Sent you some celebratory introductory steem! :O)

Wow! I was just discussing with my IRL friends how inclusive this place is. They didn't buy it, hehe.

People never do unless they join its mad!!

We should therefor claim, in the right of tolerance, not to tolerate the intolerant.

I had never heard this before. But, I shall be using it from now on.

Thanks, and interesting piece.

I shall give you a follow to see what comes next.

Thank you for a constructive reply. I remember there were real life applications to this quote. I'll try to look them up and maybe post about it.

Hello my brother. When join here I hear a lot about whales + flog. We all have talents each person such as art, as well as writing and also programming. We must make the community here outside the scope of whales +flog more important here that we think with some benefit and some help.

Bards such as you have their rightful place among the community, that is true. But, we have to face that technicalities of a venture sometimes obscure its true purpose. Let's all be more positive and help each other, I agree!

The difference is not the fittest to survive. It all eventually humans. More importantly to stand in front of the problems is to figure out why you find these problems. I have no say about Philosophy and anthropology, but Read the in it. What, it believed that the problem comes is not empty, but a beginning and we must overcome all the problems that We see and solve it. thank you brother . I also have a problem of my English language. And try to avoid this problem

I like your post here! :)

Thanks. If it is at least amusing, it served a purpose. ;)

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