The story of Why I am called Buttcoins

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

So a lot of people are thrown off by my account name. Some think it is amusing, some love it,some are turned off and perhaps most could care less. Honestly for me it was kind of an accident that started back in June.

Off and on since 2010...bitcoin popped up in my world. I was always interested...but never quite got hooked. I looked a little bit deeper a few years ago when i was looking for other avenues for accepting money at our hostel. (sick of paypal)
Yet still didn't click in. Well back in May i had a close friend in the next town with a bar who asked me if he could use my credit card and pay me in cash... he needed it for a coinbase account. that same week another friend who now is just getting active here... @squdsi1 started telling me about his investments into crypto. I try to notice these kwinky dink moments in my life. So i double booked meetings with them both purposely and said...lets chat crypto.


that meeting was a few beers and a bunch of laughs. at one point we were talking of a few others we knew who were into this alt coin universe.... it was obvious that we should meet again... make a little club of sorts.
I honestly cant remember who said it...but we were joking that our club would need a name... somebody said The Buttcoins club. We cracked up... a pure Beavis and Butthead moment. By the end of our little get together we decided to meet again the following week... and so The Buttcoin Club of Lake Atitlan started.

It stayed informal for a couple of months, and then we actually made it into an official club with monthly dues of $50 buck's...that we call the monthly Butt.

So we started making collective investments in August. I went home that month and had some extra time.... so i used that time to properly dive into learning about crypto....i joined exchanges and researched coins before buying.

I had this thing that i kept saying to myself.... what the fuck is the point of these alt coins if you cant really do anything but speculate, show me the coins that are working toward or allowing the every day Joe Schmoe to walk into a 7-11 mini-market and buy a red slurpee. Cause that is the coin i am interested in. I want to be invested in coins that have a real use case....not just an idea about all the things they are gonna do in the future. I wanted to find actual working products.

Well i arrived to the end of August and that is when i discovered Steemit. I scrolled around for a few days reading stuff and checking it out. At first glance it all seemed so serious and like a crypto feed back loop. but i was like hey...this shit is being used.... ill join this and see what's up.


For years i have been involved in sketch comedy... i saw a serious lack on the humor side of i gonna bring sketch comedy and skits and funny shit to Steemit. I had this character i was working on that i called Crypto Bro... i had these sketches i was filming and i thought...this is what my thing will be on steemit.

So here i am filling out the info to register.... Account name.... i was unsure....then all of a sudden...ahh @Buttcoins... perfect... that's hilarious and goes along with my idea to bring comedy to steemit... the Butt of the joke if you will....

In the moment it seemed like such a funny idea and so appropriate...cause crypto currency felt like butt coins to me, like money getting pulled outa the ass of computers.
At that moment though...i hadn't quite grasped the reality of how permanent this thing called Blockchain was.... I knew.... I just kinda forgot about that part.

And so I became Buttcoins.

I tried to post my first sketch...its still first 2 posts here on steemit are the same video...and in the comment me whining for help because the sound wasnt working on D-tube... shocking i know..D-tube glitching.
(this post is still silent...but my own comments make me laugh)

i immediately had to reevaluate. i just kinda did nothing for a bit and was frustrated that the community just didnt want to help me... ha ha... fucking noob.

Eventually i made this deal with myself. I am gonna do 60 blog post in 60 days. force myself to give it a real try. And we are... nearly 4 months later and over 100 blog posts in.

In that time i have certainly regretted a few times being called @buttcoins ....folks just dont take me serious...lololol
trick is for those of you that have followed me for any of this you probably know I'm quite sarcastic and I don't take myself that seriously...yet simultaneously I am often sincere about what I'm saying, i often mean and feel the idea I'm trying to get a crossed... all the while not caring if you care...yet kinda caring. Confusing isn't it, yeah imagine living in my head....or maybe don't. 😜
Perhaps you see my Buttcoins dilemma.

well i am here to say I am @buttcoins and i am proud. For anyone that cant bring themselves to follow someone who often refers to them self as The Butt now.... well good...go follow some informative wanker and go ahead and info masturbation learn from whatever slick fuckwit with the perfect markdown posts that you want to lick up to...i dont want your pretentious upvote anyway. (unless ofcourse you're upvote is worth a that case i am sorry dear whale...please do forgive may well not be a wanker)


this is original writing
these images were found on duck duck go and fall under the fair use act

i am aware that the use of the #introduceyourself is not to be abused
i do not believe this is abuse. i believe this is a kinda of re-introduction after many months and is a fair use of this tag.
i am more than willing to further demonstrate why i feel within my rights using it to any steemit abuse folks that have questions. maybe a #re-introduceyourself tag is in order...hehe


Lol, you are the perfect example of not judging a book by its cover. When I first came across your name, all I could think is wow trolls made it to steem. I decided not to be an asshole and actually read what you had to say and it was profound. From our little discussion, I pecked you to be this intelligent, serious, and compassionate individual and since we don't have a lot of those left in the world, I decided to follow you. This my first time reading your post and I can see that I am wrong yet again. You have a comedic side that I did not notice the first time around.

haha...yes...i try to defy all labels....😉
thanks for popping over for a looksy.

No problem, it was worth it

Buttcoins you have my kind of sense of humor lol I think I'm gonna follow you now lol

Thanks @adammillwardart happy you found me... i went perusing over in your spot...not too shabby yourself...

For me it showed you don't take yourself too seriously which I think is a great quality, not the same as not taking things seriously which I see from your blog you do. It's healthy to be able to laugh at ourselves.

I do get mistaken for a guy all the time because of my name, and just recently I was asked if I was a trucker.

I thought you were just being a troll ;)
I have trolls on the brain though

maybe there was a troll inkling in the name...
perhaps you got a few less trolls dancing on that brain these days though

Well that explains a lot..always wondered why buttcoins..:))) Thx for the reintroduction!

I was actually wondering and it's why I clicked on your post today. LOL. Good reasons and funny!

lol take a look at the last tag folks. you are a gold mine. funny story.

nice spotting... i was trying to sneak that in there.

You’re the fucking man @buttcoins. The hilarity is well received with me. I enjoy the contrast you bring to Steemit with your serious/playful/crude/humorous writing.

thanks @theferalone it has been nice meeting you and the fam... i liked that worm post... i actually looked into getting them red worms shipped to guate... tough one... next time i might just worm them into my pockets for the trip.

I've always liked the name buttcoins - which is why you get a regular upvote from me, hah.

Good to hear @raymondspeaks yeah...i like popping over to yours too... i enjoy your writing...

I like the name! Nice 5th tag for this post. LOL.

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