These Are the Wild West Days of Steemit

in #steemit6 years ago

Like those pioneers, we're innovators and creators who don't want to be told what to do. We're Anarchists. But even that word won't do. We don't want to live their way. We want freedom. We want opportunity. We want to build new. We know we can do better.

The only difference is that this is a brand new land. We don't have to take it from anybody. It's a wide open landscape for us to create freely.

Each of us comes here alone. Most newcomers know no one. We wander through a vast landscape until we find one person we relate to. Then come more people. We have to find our place in the community and make a living for ourselves.

Colorado Gold Rush by Alfredo Rodriguez

Most people out there in Steemit Land are rogue individuals. But there are projects coming together such as @tribesteemup that unite similar people. I hear Adam Kokesh is starting a similar project for Libertarians of Steemit.

One can only imagine what's coming in the future. These are the very early days. You are the first arrivals to the wild west. Imagine California when the very first people arrived.

Let's make sure we build a really strong foundation. What do we want the future of this platform to be? The possibilities are endless. It's hard to fathom what this will turn into since it's a breeding ground for creativity. It could go in a million different directions, and it will. You're standing at the very base, the very foundation of what this will grow into. What do you want it to be?


I want this to be a place where individuals are sovereign and free. I would love for our communities to enhance us and not inhibit us in any way.


I would like this to be a place where we aren't competitive with others but we support each other and help each other flourish.


I would love for us to each eschew the scarcity mindset. Before the mainstream flows in, I would love for this place to operate on a very grounded model of abundance.

We should be solid where we stand before the mainstream pours in. We are the pioneers. What do we want to create? It's important that we build a strong foundation that the mainstream can stand on and be supported in. We want them to come here and be welcomed into a paradigm of abundance and to open their arms to it rather than to flood in and bring their competitiveness, fear, and scarcity mentality with them.

We're building a new world. What we're building here will have profound impact since the mainstream will soon be coming into the mix and adding their ideas and creating projects and SMTs and joining communities and creating communities.

None of what's been done before will do. No outdated ideologies will do here. This is a new land. Brand new. We're only limited by what we're open to. So let's open ourselves up to infinite inspiration. Who knows what's possible.

Scarcity mentality, fear, and competition must go before the mainstream flows in. It's up to each of you to embrace abundance for yourself. Let everything you do here come from that place and that place only.

@taskmaster4450 writes extensively on the Age of Abundance. Please see his work. It's vitally important for us moving forward.
Age of Abundance: The Death of the Competition Mindset
Age of Abundance: Unite and Conquer



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wow amazing comparison, we live in a new era and the development of the digital age is upon us and its amazing to be apart of that journey.

Love this, it really does feel like the wild west! And I find that so exciting! Cheers to being the pioneers and finding our way 🌟🙏

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