Age Of Abundance: Unite And Conquer

in #philosophy6 years ago

The ascension is happening...the awakening taking place.

There are some who are leading while others lag behind.

Our world is going through a radical transformation. We are all experiencing a paradigm shift. The Age of Abundance is rapidly heading towards us. This was something that was promised throughout the ages. Many who touched upon other dimensions, visions, or experiences all mention the same thing: a time when humanity is full of joy and abundance.

During this transition, we see technology at the forefront of it all. No, technology is not a savior. It is only a stepping-stone. Technology is neutral; whether it is positive or negative depends upon who is using it.

The first global part of the transformation was the Internet. For the past 25 years, we saw the expansion of information around the world. As people log on, they are exposed to what the world knows. This put the elites in a bind since controlling the information flow was/is paramount to their system. Sadly, few took the opportunity to really research what is out there. Instead, they opt to hold onto their old beliefs, programmed beliefs by the elites which further the enslavement of humanity. The fact that the mainstream media is still in existence shows how people refuse to question what they believe. People still tune in and find support for their ideology.

This weapon is powerful. It is classic divide and conquer. Program the population to believe two opposing views and then pit them against each other. We see this with politics, race, religion, even sports teams. As long as people are fighting among themselves, they will not delve deeper. This makes it very easy for the truth to be "hidden in plain sight". Since few take the time to journey within, instead opting for the headlines and pre-programmed beliefs, it is very simple to ostracize the truth. Those who carry the message tend to get marginalized by the MSM. Sadly, the masses buy into it. They go on defending whatever agenda they were tasked without a second thought.

Fortunately, the people who are lagging behind, are about to get blasted into the stratosphere. Not literally, of course. However, there is going to be a massive shift which few are prepared for.

Technology is about to blast a hole in all aspects of society as we know it. This is the great equalizer. The elites stand no chance against the force that is running this. In fact, it is so powerful that nothing humans can do to stop it.

The reason this is the case is because it is not human. Technology is the expression of consciousness (or God if you will). All that is created is already known. There is nothing that is not already in the ether. "New" is simply the re-organizing of the old. Many of the greatest minds knew this to be true. They took the time to delve into the invisible to bring something into the visible. From Edison to Einstein to Jesus to Tesla to Buddha, all mentioned similar practices. The external only followed the internal.

Humanity is driven to focus upon our differences. Sure, it is healthy to celebrate our individuality. When this is taken to the point, however, that is causes fear, hatred, and anger, it is dangerous. This leaves us at the mercy of those who are keeping us captive.

The Age of Abundance is about oneness. It is realizing that we are all part of the same cosmos. While we are individuals, we are all one. This is true for every living being on the planet. Our "enemies", whatever species they are, realize that it is our oneness which is our strength. By using the divide and conquer, they render us impotent.

We are going to see the world of form taken over by machines. This is something that scares people. Of course, fear is not caused by the machines but programming into scarcity. People fear that when people have nothing to do, they will do nothing. After all, how can we have value if it doesn't come from our work?

What a sad state of affairs that people believe that.

Self-worth cannot come from an external source; hence the term "self". We need to realize that each person has worth simply because he or she is breathing. It is the ego, fed by years of sick programming by the establishment, that leads us to believe we are our jobs, what we own, who we are married to, or the grades our kids get. This insanity insures that we can never be of healthy state of mind.

Humanity is emerging from the dark ages. The last few thousands years saw the development of the most ruthless, vile, destructive creature, perhaps, in the history of the universe. Mankind succeeded in being the lowest possible entity on the planet. We are the only species who used our free will and intellect to hate. Most other living beings operate out of instinct. Being less "evolved", they simply know no better. Humans, on the other hand, we choose to behave in the manner we do.

And the results speak for themselves.

In defense of the species, we did turn into clueless boobs. Jesus summed it up:

Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.

Yep, that about sums it up.

Fortunately, a great deal of help is on the way. The darkness is being cast aside. Everywhere we look, humanity is starting to pull it together. By applying technology for good, we are starting to confront issues such as poverty, starvation, disease, prejudice, and self loathing. We now have a means to wrestle control of the monetary system away from the few. This one breakthrough really is kicking off the Age of Abundance. Over the next few decades, as the establishment starts to lose control, monetary issues will dwindle away. During that transition, there will be a host of problems that we will have to confront. Nevertheless, today we are seeing the onset of that.

As the monetary system shifts, we are going to see great impact on governments and the entire control system. Centralization was the key for the last few hundred years. As this starts to break apart, old habits will create hardship for many. We are going to have to learn to look towards ourselves, and each other, for guidance, assistance, and support. Our conditioning is to believe in Big Brother even when we do not like that. Our masters are comfort to us. They are going away. Part of the lessons of anarchy is how do we live when we do not have someone telling us how to live?

By uniting, we instantly foster in a new era for humanity. We were beaten to a pulp by the establishment yet we still persist. The technological breakthroughs that we are experiencing are bringing people from all over the world together. Today, we are able to learn what is going on in a different part of the world almost instantly. In a few years, because of virtual reality, we will be able to feel and experience what is going on there. That is one way we will realize that a starving child is no different whether he is in Nigeria, North Korea, or Western Ohio. The tears are the same in each place.

Oneness always existed. The only question is whether we choose to believe it or not.

We know what those who placed humanity in chains want us to believe.

It is time to unite and conquer our collective inner demons.

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The term, "the sky is the limit" will no longer even make sense if we wake up from this primitive state. There is no spoon.

Plenty of reasons to be optimistic about what’s going on technologically.

For anyone who’s been paying attention, plenty of third world countries around the world are currently exploding as they’ve begun to embrace things like technology and free markets. It’s happening on a global level.

You are very right.

The herd is coming!! 🐑🐑🐑

The power of Technology will change peoples life forever.

Your writing is really hopeful especially for countries like mine, Venezuela, that we are experiencing a TERRIBLE HUMANITARIAN CRISIS. I do not know anything about the monetary system, but what I do know and share with you is that the union is strength. Wars and crises affect us all and although we think we are safe, if we do not stop them they can involve us.

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Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvoting this reply.

I believe we already live in an age of abundance. But the current "economic" system won't allow abundance to be used to its fullest extent.

I tend to agree....that is why it will fall eventually over time.

The banks cant stop it, neither can government.....

We are in the early stages....Adapt or die.

Look at the newspapers, magazines, record companies, and long distance services. All either are history or altered seriously.

Probably my favorite thing you’ve written.

I’m catching up on you. Have been away from Steemit last week.

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