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RE: A QUEST FOR THE PERFECT PITCH (Attracting Awesome Content Creators to Steemit)

in #steemit8 years ago

I have upvoted your post and feel that there is merit to it but I did exactly what you are saying in recruiting people who already had a following on other platforms. They all quit Steemit despite me helping them get everything going.
One of them has 4,500 followers on one of his YouTube channels and is gaining more subscribers rapidly. Another one has around 1,500 very engaged Instagram followers.
I have the thickest skin of anyone I know and I'm the only one that didn't quit but I did have to primarily go into "sleeper mode" where I mainly just played Steem Sports and have my bot voting for me.
Don't get me wrong I think there are a lot of awesome things about Steemit and I'm bullish on the platform in the long run but there are still a lot of things to hash out. In my experience even people who are content creators on other platforms for whatever reason aren't real excited about getting on Steemit. I think part of it was because of inconsistancy of payouts. They would see some of my post that I spent 5 hours on and then I would get $0.36. They would post and not get anything so it just seemed like too big of a crap shoot to try to get a payout. That was the main thing I could gather. One of them said. "It really seems like walking on egg shells over there."
I have been posting quite a bit since July and at this point my vote isn't really worth anything the way the system is.
Don't take this response the wrong way. I think there are a lot of positive things about Steemit and I really do think these other content creators should come over here and post but there are a lot of reasons why they don't want to or why they won't stay.
Another issue is that by my calculations there are no content creators on here that are able to make a full time living off this platform at this current time. Some say they are full time and all that but if it came down to having to rely on Steemit to pay their bills I don't think anyone who is getting decent payouts would be able to survive right now. @knozaki2015 and @sirwinchester are the closest ones right now but I don't think they could totally maintain themselves off the Steemit Rewards right now. That may not seem like a big deal but it actually is.
I guess at this point I'm personally not going to worry too much about recruiting people to join Steemit. I will tell people that I make money from blogging and if they are interested I will say I post on YouTube and Steemit but I'm not going to push them too hard. If they seem super interested I will tell them that anyone can post there and they could create an account and make some posts.
Perhaps some of the ones that quite will come back around at some point if Steemit gets a lot bigger but it is hard telling. I really feel that the core of Steemit will be the crypto community or people who have some direct connect to the crypto community like a spouse or something of that nature. But maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it will be like Linux. Where all these people are using it directly or indirectly but most people have no clue what Linux is if you asked them. It would be possible for Steemit to become really popular but people wouldn't even know what Bitcoin or Crypto currencies were if you asked them. Only time will tell.


Thanks for your comment @brianphobos. Part of me used to wonder if Steemit would hit their stride and be more widely adopted. I have no doubt now. This is the really exciting part of being an early adopter now while the platform is still in Beta.

I try not to emphasize the money aspect of Steemit when I pitch because sometimes it does take a while to find your niche and start making decent money. I always tell people to write what they're passionate about and the rewards might follow, even if people don't make a lot of money they are making more than they would be on any other social media platform in existence today so I see it as a winning proposition no matter what.

Yeah it is awesome to be apart of this so early and see it evolve.
In general I would agree with you on the premise that people would make more money on Steemit than any other platform. Right now it says this post has 88 views and it is saying $123.29 for the payout. That blows pretty much everything else out of the water. The exception to that are some of the YouTube channels that are able to succeed out of magnitude of the viewer base. Zoie Burgher is an example of this. Basically she took YouTube by storm in August and her channel went super nova right away. She is making over $30,000 / month now and just in a few months she has captured 1,147,392 subscribers and gaining thousands every day. There are other situations like this on YouTube as well. Even if the largest YouTubers came over to Steemit I don't feel that their payouts would become larger than what they are earning from YouTube simply because the model is different. Let's say they brought over a ton of traffic to the website. It wouldn't cause them to get a higher payout. If everyone signed up and started voting it would take an unbelievable amount of them to get the payout to a few dollars. It would still be dependent on whale votes that that point.
Don't get me wrong Steemit has a lot of cool things going for it and it will be interesting what happens overtime.

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