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RE: Tests Of Focus & Purpose: WHY Steemit When It's Economic Structure Is Worse Than America's...

in #steemit4 years ago

It is frustrating to see the most developed blockchain ecosystem be in this state. I have had to do the math and if STEEM went to $0.01 and I invested $10,000 at that point I would have some actual pull on the reward pool. In the end the solution is taking ad revenue and using part of it to pay articles that meet certain engagement metrics in Steem power on top of the stake weight system. Change the power down cycle to 7 days for the security benefit but having the liquidity.
Then do a series of airdrops every quarter based on increasing Steem Power levels.
All this would create a positive feedback loop and demand for STEEM.

Fix trending by showing stuff with certain engagement metrics not just stake weight.

We are losing our SEO funnel and it is going back to having about 20 cookie cutter content mills and spiraling downward. It is sad.

Worst of all...... for a content creation platform not even ONE creator can come here and support themselves on even the very best content.

Just changing trending and rewarding engagement and pumping ad revenue back into creators by buying Steem and distributing as STEEM power.

I don't even know why I spent the time to peck this bullshit with my thumb. No one listens to me anyhow.

Posted using Partiko Android


There’s at least a couple people listening. Neither of us may be in the position to do anything about it, though at least that little bit isn’t falling on deaf ears.

And I guess that’s usually the case with whatever we do peck out whatever little we do here... we know there’s always gonna be at least two people who read it - so, what shall we choose to impart to those minimum of two people that’s actually worth it to both them and ourselves?

Maybe there’s the challenge of reconsidering that it’s not always about big numbers, impacting/reaching lots of people and making big change - but more tests in the outlook of starting small, tending to what small corner of the world we do have influence over, and really putting in the heart and soul to connect with and send out some positive ripple wave through those 2+ people.

Or maybe not. I dunno. I could just be trying to telling myself as justification/rationalization of the frustration.

In either case, I agree with you that there’s a lot frustrating and sad here. *Though I, for one, was at least still listening (reading).

We will see what happens with everything but at the end of the day we are all taking notes. I primarily got my money out of here and felt a lot better about it. There were just too many issues that weren't being addressed. I really hope somehow it can get straightened out but I don't really see all that happening.

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