
I have been buying Steem all the way down. I thought I missed the boat when it popped up to .00024 yesterday, but it seems to have gone back to its original downward path with no bottom. I am not swayed and will be buying as soon as my bitcoins are worth 720 again.
Crazy that this other Zcash is trading higher than bitcoin ever has - and there is nothing behind it - not even a wallet app.

If you go out and buy Apple or Amazon stocks, you always own the fifty shares you bought. If you buy Steem, well Steem " decays " away over time. However if you pay 20 cents for Steem you build up with Steem Power on that real money investment.

So if Apple or Amazon lose money then you investment shrinks and the best you can hope for is a Real Life Tax Office write-off. But if Steem value falls simply by using your company's platform you increase the value of your 20 cents per share investment, thus by using Steemit you are protecting your real life money investment.

Sure Amazon and Apple stock might be a lot more stable and predictable; but do you really think you can buy Blue Chip proven stock for 20 cents per share . . .

The thing about Steemit is the better articles over time tend to get better upvoting rewards, sure some click bait posts earn but check out the works of the higher reputations, you will see some quality work there . . .

Now is the time to reach for your cheque book and show your own small business some love, even a purchase of $10 worth of shares once a month would send the share price a powerful signal, the other 29 days of the month you can just work on improving your investment for FREE ! ! !

Like any investment, there are no guarantees; so do not gamble anything you cannot afford to lose.

After all money tends to make money : )

I agree - money makes money. I have been putting about 1 bitcoin per month into this platform. I make about 45SP per day - 450 per week - 1350 per month just for voting. So it's growing.

So, if I make ten cents per day; let me think 10 cents multiplied by 365 days a year, plus interest.

How much is that ; )

Plus the interest is " compounding interest payments " , not ' simple interest ' right : )

Right - Could be a ton of cash.

Yes but it might not be, the point is it often takes years and years for something to truly show its promise and potential. But it builds up over time ; )

Memo 2 Self, must remember to report that at the end of the financial year : )

I am not entirely convinced that i'ts worth it to put my btc into savings accounts here on Steemit. I heard that interest is highest when your cash in in SP.

Steem gets zero internet, so you need to transfer, sell or power it up into steem power. I would never suggest anyone put like most of everything into anything, ever. But a risk of 5 % of your net worth might be a small loss if it is lost entirely or a far higher return on that 5% compared to your other 95 percent.

Personally I have cash, rare metal coins and collectible ultra high grade trading cards. Basically I have almost as many diversified assets as practical and I am still bankrupt lol. But at least I do not leave to much of an electronic money footprint lol : )

Never gamble on anything you cannot understand and never risk nothing you cannot afford to lose ! ! !

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