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RE: Like the Aftermath of a Really Bad Storm...

in #steemit6 years ago

I’m getting caught up little by little. Ned’s last Livestream quickly points out that he is only interested in the benefits of crypto currency (store of value and ease of transfer) and that is not what it has been made out to be (a space to get paid for content, nor a censorship resistant platform). For me, his talk raises a lot of questions. Though I understand that Steem and and Steem.Inc are different things, I can’t quite figure out how to untangle them all.

When I listen to Ned speak, I feel like he is saying the majority of us are all idiots for assuming that Steem.Inc is in the social media app business and that this site is something that Steem.Inc would eventually pull out of Beta mode and turn into a high-functioning centerpiece to the Steem ecosystem.

At any rate, I see more transition and stormy seas ahead, but more initiative and effort coming from different developers in the community. This all seems like it will be a good thing in the long run. I think there are too many people overinvested here (in time and money) to turn their backs away. That doesn’t mean that we won’t be seeing new lows in Steem prices, though, but I feel like eventually something worthwhile will come out of all of this. It just won’t be here on

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