Lack of Motivation and Energy Here on SteemitsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago

Hello my fellow Steemians! It honestly feels like it's been forever since I've written a decent post on this great platform and in reality it's only been about 7 days ago since my last blog... Well, that is a long time considering that I was posting at least one post per day on average! I've actually had a lot of stuff to write about but I've been in sort of a funk here lately that I'm having a hard time getting out of. There's no doubt that I will get out of it, it's just a matter of when is all.

I have several things to write about and my phone is full of pictures to post! But it almost feels like I have gotten so far behind that I'm literally overwhelmed and don't know where to begin. I have two unboxing videos to upload, one from @raybrockman and one from @rebeccaryan, I also have many pictures that I want to post and tell about that I saw at a beach festival in the Outer Banks where I thought about @natureofbeing. Just about the only things that I have been doing on steemit is making a few comments here and there, voting on a few posts and participating in a daily endurance contest that @papa-pepper is hosting.
This contest has been going on for around 19 days now and I have been having a blast with it and have also met a lot of nice people. We started out with approximately 90 contestants and I think it's around 48 of us left. There are some hard core people left in it, so I don't see this ending anytime soon unfortunately. When I say unfortunately, I don't mean that in a negative way towards the contest. As some of my closer followers know, I have my fair share of health issues like MS and Progressive RA being the major hard hitters. I still need to have some surgeries and fusions performed on my feet sometime, whenever I can work that in lol. I've already managed to get passed a few hurdles during the contest with having sleep studies, MRI's and other test's done but I fear the worst is yet to come, we'll see what happens. While I was at the beach last weekend, I doubled over with a massive sharp pain in my lower stomach area. The pain lasted throughout the trip and when I returned home, I saw my doctor which advised me that I had an infection in my lower intestine, so I was like "Great." This can be pretty serious if not treated properly. Well, it's been a week and I'm still suffering so we'll see what plan B is. @rebeccaryan thinks they will give me an IV of antibiotics and she is probably right. She has a plethora of knowledge and has taken a lot of her personal time to try and help me and I am forever grateful for that. In this picture, I was supposed to be making an angry picture for @papa-peppers contest. I am very well known for having an intimidating look in my eyes, even when I don't mean to. But in this photo, if you zoom in and look in to my eyes, all you can see is pure pain. Everyone that knows me said the same thing, that I looked like I was miserable and they were right. It was all I could do to hold that rifle up with one arm without doubling over!

Well here's a great question: "Why don't you quit, Bandit?" That is a fabulous question, Safety Sally but let me tell you why I don't want to quit. Simply put... It's NOT IN MY NATURE TO QUIT! I'm a Type A personality, hard headed sumbitch, so there ya go. If I end up losing this competition early, it will be because of a technicality, being in the hospital without my laptop or 6' under or all of the above! I never claimed to be the sharpest tack on the board but I do have a set made of steel. That's just the way I'm wired folks and it takes all kinds to make the world go around. If we were all the same, it would be pretty boring, huh? And we wouldn't have soldiers, cops, doctors, lawyers, farmers, truck drivers or computer programmers. We would all be doing the same thing.

So what in the hell is this blog even about, Bandit? Another great question, Negative Nancy! I guess it's just a blog of why I haven't been blogging in a while. I kinda feel responsible to let people know what is going on when I usually visit their posts and then all of the sudden I go under the radar for a while. I sure as hell ain't looking for any sympathy, so if you're thinking that, I will quickly but politely correct you. I've just been really fatigued here lately and haven't felt like making comments. I have made an effort to visit some of my loyal followers though and vote their previous posts, even if I didn't make any comments, I try to always be supportive when I can. @mother2chicks, I've been visiting your page but steemit hasn't allowed me to leave a comment fyi. I hope everyone has a great day!

Picture of the guy with the guns belongs to me. The rest of the photos were taken from Google images.


I'm really sorry to hear you're having a difficult time and about your infection - that can itself be exhausting so I hope your health care pros can get this tackled soon.

Take good care of yourself!

I greatly appreciate you stopping by, I still need to write about the festival I attended at the beach where I had to explain to my wife who you were lol. I'm feeling much better now so the anitbiotics, lemongrass/ginger tea, oils and positive vibes must have all worked! Those were some really rough and long days that are now in the past finally! So there's one one more hurdle jumped, so on to the next one. Thanks again!

So glad to see you. No comment necessary. You push yourself pretty hard, but as you said it is just your nature. When you are feeling a bit better I am sure you will be writing and posting about your most recent adventures. Until then, know you are missed. Love you my friend! Be well. 🐓🐓

Thank you for your kind words as they are greatly appreciated! 😊

Hahaha! Look at that shiny silver set! That's perfect.

:) I couldn't help myself.

I feel for your health problems. I rarely ever have problems myself even though I am old. I am in my 7th decade of living. When I do have any kind of problems. I feel like someone or something is picking on me. Ha
You are right about posting. It takes a lot of time. We can easily get burned out for a short time.
Thank you for trying for all of us and Steemit. I appreciate it.


Thanks Francis for the continued comments and support and I have to admit, I'm really jealous of your healthy lifestyle and the way that you can work on your land so often as well as visit those magic money holes :)

You are truly gifted!

Crazy, i see your photos passing @papa-pepper and always thought about your originality, never i stood still by the fact you were in pain. You do not ask for sympathy but from my side you do get it, because it is hard work to keep up even when your health is not playing up. Did you ever try cbd oil? For me it worked miracles. Thx for keeping us up to date, keep on sending them pics in you are i thought in winnersposition ! And keep on cary your illnesses like you are, because you do not show it to your outside world here on steemit.

I appreciate your kind words and I have tried the oil that you have mentioned, although it didn't really have an impact on me like I was hoping for. I only tried it briefly so it's possible that I didn't give it enough time.

It really depends on the quality, most oils are only small percent of the real.oil. you buy 30 ml oil and only 15 percent cbd is in it. Always check the real percentage. It also is not a miracle, but it would surprise me. I wish you good health !

Sorry to hear you are in pain man. Kudos for toughing it out though, at some point everyone encounters something that kills their motivation or makes it difficult to continue.. I am sure you will prevail though.

Yep, it's just one of those things that I like to chalk up as "shit happens." I just needed to get on here and type something I guess to get back in to the swing of things. Thanks for the comment, 50!

come on bandit you can do it! just choose a post and get those fingers typing! lol im actually feeling the same way only got 2 posts up in the last month, my phone is full of photos and about 5 posts to write up! now steemit is back to normal we just have to get back in the swing, peace brother :)

I've noticed that things were running smoother today than usual, so that's great news! Sounds like we both need a kick in the arse! lol

I just got a post up now its back to you! :)

That's one hell of a spot and quite the set up you have there. Check out my 357 post, maybe it will be motivational lol. I know I still wanna see more.

Guns always cheer me up, I will definitely check it out!

There's just something about the smell of gun powder.

Yeah, tell me about it! On the weekends before my wife and I go out for dinner, I put a drop of Hopps #9 behind my ear so I will smell good for the evening!

It's damn impressive your keeping up with papa-contest a true warrior man, I got eliminated like day Hope things get better for you man, but I don't think you'll let it stop you!

I remember when you got eliminated, it was over something simple like barely missing the time deadline wasn't it? I got a feeling that will be what takes me out, a technicality that I overlooked or something lol. Thanks for the comment.

Yeah I had my photo in a separate post and put a link in the comments. It was a whole bunch of photos in a series I was gunning for some bonus points... lol. But oh well, glad your going strong

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