The Best Way for Steem to be Mass Adopted is to Stay Clear of the B word and the C word.

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)


And the C word is not C U Next Tuesday by the way. We are at 43 cent (euro) per steem now. Bitcoin is sinking like a slow puncture and last December seems like a long long time ago when we were all swinging from the chandeliers naked with bottles of champagne.

Me Last December

Since then the great crypto winter has lasted the Spring, the summer and now well into the Autumn. The chandelier lies broken on the ground with me underneath it. I doesn't look like it is getting better anytime soon. With the easy money in December came the get rich quick brigade and the phoney coins started appearing soon after with no tech backing it up. You can tell straight away when the guys behind the coins look more like Russian Lada car salesmen than computer programmers. I watched a few coin launches and they were astonishingly poor while the coins themselves were valued at over 50 million respectively. With scam's plentiful in all new industries, cryptos reputation has been hit hard.
If you ask any person that is only mildly aware of cryptocurrency the first word that comes into their head is scam or pyramid scheme. This is even without the scammers. It's new to them, people hate change. Internet money. You are having a laugh. Aunty Joan an avid instragram user who doesn't know or doesn't want to know about bitcoins and the like is never ever going to go near Steemit if she thinks it's a cyrptocurrency.
I don't want them hackers or scammers to take my money. Them things are cons.
People are afraid of crypto and rightly so. The space hasn't really been that crystal clean with shady deals happening here there and everywhere since its infancy. Describing how bitcoin cash or eth classic formed is hardly going to persuade a whale investor to part with his hard earned money. Some of the goings on you wouldn't see in the wild west. @janton you should do a few posts about some of these guys. It's probably the reason why they introduced central banks into the mix years ago.
Crypto Whales Meeting 2018

Steemit is part of the Steem blockchain........ on the blockchain ....... in the blockchain.......... the blockchain...... We love saying the word blockchain. Really bloody love it. Blockchain is the buzziest word on the net today. To be a blockchain company must feed ego's. Massive ego's. We can't wait to say it. This is our problem on the platform. We are not advertising what steemit actually does. All we say is blockchain this and blockchain that because it makes us feel more intelligent. Yes blockchain is the incredible tech behind our glorious Steemit but in order for Steemit to gain popularity we need to advertise it in a way to make it easy to understand to the normal Joe Soap. Blockchain means nothing to people who are not IT people. Cash for posting a blog means alot more. If you told someone you can earn money for posting blogs or photography on a social media, they would laugh at you and then realsise you were serious and sign straight up. They would then figure out how to cash out once they are in but they will be hooked by then. Why post on facebook, blogging sites or answer questions on quora when you can get paid on Steemit , Musing or Appics. The day I received my first few cent I was delighted.
Established author extraodinaire I thought to myself.
JK blanchy

Steemit needs a marketing campaign apple style without using the words blockchain or cryptocurrency. Steemit is way more than these two shallow Hal's. It is a community of people who help each other whether it is financial or emotional help. There are alot of lonely people out there in the world and I would think they would love to hang out in a discord group like @helpie or @steemitbloggers or many more groups and just feel included and have some social interaction with nice people. I pop in and out of discord and I am amazed at the kindness of people on here and also the closeness that the community has with each other (They all legged it off to Poland last week and had a great time.) Everyone gravitates to their own interests and find their group that they like the most. I was in a group hangout the other day and a guy started rapping. Fair enough. He was awful but I liked his confidence. And then some auld lad started going on about the Vietnam war. I was just amazed at the spectrum that this platform covers. Young and old, rich and poor. There really is a place for everyone here and this is what we need to promote. Our people and our culture!
I've never heard the marketing guys advertising Tinder saying
Tinder is a python based algorithm that finds you a match
Who cares how it runs,it is the platform itself we need to market and the community within it. This is why I stayed. I don't know the first thing about blockchain but I do know that @comedyopenmic made me laugh tonight. And this is what keeps bringing me back.

Steemit Bloggers
Join us @steemitbloggers
Animation By @zord189


YES! You have got it exactly right, my friend! Resteeming!

Great article, but I think your headline deserves an A+. It's a perfect example of how headlines should be. It's not clickbait, but I simply couldn't resist coming over to check out what B and C stood for, lol

ha! sir blanchy! look at those cowboys! You found a good one there, look at that green tie, never seen one like that before, lol. Nice dusters too and good mustaches. Ok anyways thanks for the mention and there is alot of good humor in this post, very funny..JK Blanchy! lol.

The only thing about getting new members though is the rc system, do we tell them that they'll have to put some money in so they can grow? I haven't been able to get anyone interested so I don't know what you would tell them about the new system because it looks like it's designed more to keep people from joining.
Dang I kinda wanted to hear about the central banks!

just wait for when the price rises. You wont believe how this place changes, bit like a new pub opening in Ireland offering free drinks. Money will lure them in and all the abandoned accounts too.

Commonsense posts like this, have no place in geek world, young man!

You are 100 % correctin your perspective, I believe.. (or at least that's what I've been arguing as well).
I get shouted down with 'SMT's', , or

ps you are not correct about the central banks

It's probably the reason why they introduced central banks into the mix years ago.

..that's a different thing altogether...

@lucylin. here we go again about central banks!! If I knew you were checking in I would of said regulation and stayed well clear of the CB word 😜. Hahaha.


You'd be disappointed if I never pointed out facts...

Great post! Must admit I shared 'Aunty Joan's perception when I first heard about Steemit too. Like you say, its hella' lot easier to get involved if you advocate the platform differently.

I thought you mean Bitch and Cunt but now I realize you mean Bitcoin and Crypto😂... just think about this time last as the gold rush....I still think all of potential is still there it’s just going to take real time and effort now😁

Not denying that in the slightest. My bags are packed . But why wait for a gold rush when we are sitting on a gold mine.

If you told someone you can earn money for posting blogs or photography on a social media, they would laugh at you and then realsise you were serious and sign straight up. They would then figure out how to cash out once they are in but they will be hooked by then. Why post on facebook, blogging sites or answer questions on quora when you can get paid on Steemit , Musing or Appics. The day I received my first few cent I was delighted.

To my utter astonishment, this is quite far from being the usual reaction I 've got. Crypto scares the living daylights out of most people - even the kind of people you'd think would embrace complexity with ease. Many think there must be something fishy about the idea of getting paid, however little, for producing content on the Internet. That's because they're used to having access to everything free of charge.

There's an argument you might find useful depending on where you live. Steem is an online content delivery platform owned by its users. It's like a co-operative. In the Nordic countries, people shop at co-operatives every day. The retail markets are dominated by a few large co-operates in Finland and Sweden. The individual supermarkets and other retail outlets are owned by individual merchants who are also shareholders in the co-operative but the customers are shareholders, too. The discounts you get by swiping your loyalty card are your share of the profits (of the chain, not the stores). The majority of the population are very familiar with the concept. Steem is to social media what co-operatives are to retail.

The fact that the administration and internal bureaucracy of the Steem platform are automated using the blockchain is immaterial. The cryptocurrencies STEEM and SBD are like the points you get by using your loyalty card that you can cash out if you want. There's nothing unusual about Steem. And the fact that there is little no ad revenue or any other fiat revenue to support the price in addition to investor money is nothing out of the ordinary at this point , either. The valuation of the tokens is based on future expectations of revenue that the investors have. That's very common in growth industries.

Of course, the above may not be able to appeal to a lot of right wing Americans to whom the word co-operative may sound too much like communism. It might work better appeal more directly to their greed instead.

The retail industry up your way sounds really good!! 😀😃. It does depend on the country you live in . Us Irish get suspicious if you get something for free . This new world of getting paid for content creation is new to us so my experience is different from yours because there is a different mind set. We will get there eventually but it sounds like your country is miles ahead of where Ireland is.

When it comes to crypto adoption Finland is very backward. Decentralization is an even harder sell because people naively trust the authorities here. Getting crypto for online content creation sounds like getting money for nothing but it's really not. No one but early adopters with loads of SP to self-upvote with or powerful friends is getting paid anything for posting pictures of their cat or their lunch on Steem, either. But if you have a large audience it's different. It's all about the eyeballs. Most people have no idea how badly they get shafted by centralized social media outlets in terms of loss of revenue and control over their content.

Posted using Partiko Android

Well said blanchy!

We are entering into the buy zone....75% drops have been the norm :)

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