Has Cheetah Gone on Vacation? The Copy/Paste Spam Has Arrived.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

As I scrolled through steemit today, I found myself greated with page after page of plagiarised content. Word for word, just cut and paste from another news source! Where is Cheetah? Who is checking that this platform isn't being destroyed by lazy creators trying to make a cheap buck from others work.


Yesterday I wrote about meaningless spam which was clogging up my news feed since the 4 post limit removal; [https://steemit.com/steemit/@bkkshadow/has-steemit-spam-arrived-i-think-it-has]

...and today in a different part of steemit I have discovered a different problem...How do we keep a lid on this type of behaviour? What can be done? Posts that add no creativity or value to the platform, steal rewards from the pool which should be going to content creators. Something needs to be done....



I pointed that out to a few witnesses on Steemit.chat ...and did ask @everittdmickey about it. I just unfollowed him because it was filling up my feed with stuff I was not interested in or had already seen the original

Yes... I little bit annoyed by @everittdmickey posts.... his posts make my feed full, so sometimes I miss a valuable posting because his post covered another post. :)

I saw another user called him out on it and he was beligerant and unapologetic.

The dude strikes me as a hostile vet. Not my cup of tea.

I noticed it too! Maybe Cheetah gives you a break after you reach a certain reputation?

That could be why....but It's even more disappointing that this behaviour is coming from a high reputation user and being rewarded by others who should know better...

Maybe it's another experiment.


@acidyo thanks. Its my way of remaining sane ;)

the crap began with the experiment and then has continued with the hardfork. Might be time to bring back the pineapples ;)

Another bombing run?

That, um, photo is all yours if you want to use it, btw.

HaHaHa...Pineapples Awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

Feel free to report these spams in the #steemcleaner sections on steemit.chat, I believe anyx (cheetah) is active there. If this has something to do with the reputation he has been able to collect and that's why cheetah isn't working - than that is something that can be handled by flags.

We all know how reputation works - you get posting rewards - you gain reputation, obviously some users who have gathered the reputation from posting actively and non-spam before can turn around and start spamming - or have sold the account without our knowledge and the new owner thinks he can continue collect more posting rewards by copy-pasting content.

I couldn't agree more. It's super annoying. I preferred the 4 post limit. Who on earth could put out quality stuff any more than that? I can barely manage a post a day, and not even on weekends.

Agreed, but I get about an hour or two each evening on stemit and in this time I like to write at least one story and then spend some time curating quality content. If I were to spend my time flagging all the abuse I see at the moment I would have no time left.

Agree with you, I at least I make an effort to produce original content, and I do not receive the same rewards, someone who copy and paste...

Yea it is full , but who cares , any way voting here is automatik so maye 100 people look at the posts ?

I care, and you should too for the future of this platform it cant become filled with unoriginal content and spam.

I have weekli some rewards for submit this posts to steem cleeners so i do care ! Problem is much biger because to less of us care to read and chek posts here . If you know also cheetan dasunt flag if surce is add - RIGHT ? So every one is free to copy paste if add the surce ( NOT even a sentence of original content is upvoted to 10 20 $ because is posted from a guy with reputation 70 + followed from upvote guild ) . Do you thing this is the right way ?

Hi, I'm not sure I understand your comment but I think I do, and I think we are in agreeance. Copy and paste should not be rewarded.

Copy and paste with add the surce also must be flaged if there is not original content to support it !
Sory for bad english when i got so intresting topic usual i answer without pass tru online correction :)

Its ok, I think I understand, and I agree with you.

Agreed! This is crazy. Flag flag flag them off the platform.

What makes you think this is spam?

Did you even look? Its just copy and paste from another source without adding anything..

Yes, I did look. Would you care to answer the question?

(edited my comment as you wrote this) simply cutting and pasting articles without adding anything adds no value to the steemit platform and forces peole to wade through pages of low value posts to find something worthwhile. Its spam and its cancer.

"adds no value to the steemit platform"

It adds no value to you maybe but I've clicked through a few of his articles so it is indeed adding some value to the platform for some. I even upvote his posts sometimes too. If people don't like it they will stop upvoting it and his incentive will go away.

"forces people to wade through pages"

So what if it adds posts? No one is being forced to wade through anything, they choose to wade through the new section. That is what they are being paid in curation rewards to do. If this site takes off you can expect much more crap to sift through. It's a good problem to have.

steemit should reward original content and not become a repository for cut and paste news articles. If I wanted to read Huffington Post I would go to Huffington Post, not steemit.

So, what does @steemcleaners look for and tag as “plagiarism”?

Word for word copying and pasting from any source.

"steemit should reward original content and not become a repository for cut and paste news "

Fair enough, that's your opinion. My opinion is that there should be a type of post for external links much like reddit provides. Sharing news stories from around the internet is a large part of social media.

"So, what does @steemcleaners look for and tag as “plagiarism”?"

He's only providing snippets with a link to the full article not the full article in it's totality which is why he isn't being flagged as a plagiarist. The distinction they usually use when punishing users is if they were trying to deceive people and pass the work off as their own.

100% copy and paste is 100% copy and paste no matter which way you spin it.

I personally don't think it's spam, hence why I didn't flag. It's low-effort content but not spam.

Unfollow or mute are both viable options at this point.

how is 100% copy and paste from another source not plagiarism?

This from steemcleaners:

So, what does @steemcleaners look for and tag as “plagiarism”?

Word for word copying and pasting from any source.

Meaningless copy-pasta. How long before we have bots doing this en masse? Steemit is heading down the road to mediocrity with spam, memes and copied content.

Simple. If you don't want it in your feed, then unfollow/mute the people who post it and unfollow the people who resteem it. If it's getting votes, then it's providing value to someone.

Thats not true.. I saw few months ago a user with a test post.. It made 4 or 5 dollar. A test post? Votes and money doesn't equals value on steemit. (Everybody may dislike me for that) On topic. Spam or no spam. Bulk posting is not what I'm here for. People told me the same thing yesterday why dont you just "mute" Okay.. So bulk posting(spam) is okay. And starting a discussion about it ( to improve the site) is wrong?

So bulk posting(spam) is okay. And starting a discussion about it ( to improve the site) is wrong?

No. Starting a discussion about it is also okay. I up-voted the post because I think it's a good discussion to have.

I just don't agree that a post with an excerpt and a link is spam. Some readers may want to use their feeds as news aggregators. For those people, link/excerpt content is perfect. Other people want to see original content. Those who are looking for original content should not follow users who are going to be clipping news articles.

It has been my observation that most successful social media sites have very little in the way of original content. If steemit is going to be a successful social media site, I think it also needs more than just original content.

I just don't agree that a post with an excerpt and a link is spam.

You right people should be carefull before calling some content spam.

It has been my observation that most successful social media sites have very little in the way of original content. If steemit is going to be a successful social media site, I think it also needs more than just original content.

I agree big time.

Got me thinking how much views crapp on youtube get. And an interesting docu just a few in one years.

Thanks for your upvote follow you now


Thanks. I returned the follow.

he was doing that even before the hardfork, techically he can do that, practically you can unfollow or mute him :) take your pick I tend to not vote, since he stopped writing, not my business to keep others in line, I'd rather see who goes where, I can say I don't have time to read through waht he posts and I just skim the headlines, it's just some articles and headlines anyway all US, or most of it

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