Steemit users need to break their coinmarketcap price checking addiction and work more on marketing Steemit to the masses

in #steemit8 years ago

Every cryptocurrency community becomes addicted to checking prices at . The highs that a price jump can give a fan of a specific coin are quite enjoyable. Although constant price checks are fun, in the long run they are not productive uses of time. You already believe in the LONG RUN that your coin will be worth more in the future than it is today. You have to make yourself immune to the price fluctuations that will occur between the present and the future. In the case of Steem and Steemit, the future price will heavily depend on the popularity and user count of Steemit. The present version of you can make a big difference in the future price of Steem and the future user base of Steemit by proactively marketing Steemit through every social media platform you have access to. You can create a Steemit post explaining the social media earth shattering potential of Steemit and how your friends on Facebook (or where ever you end up posting it) need to get on board and have a chance to get paid. Living in the Steemit bubble and shouting to one another about Steem being worth more than Litecoin won't get new users in here and if new users stop showing up then Steemit and Steem will not be sustainable in the long run.


Always enjoy your videos brotha!

I'm trying to follow in your steps man so I made a vlog on YouTube.. Will u please check it out and let me know what ya think :D

I will check it out now! Thanks for telling me.

Keep count of referrals by using the url format for example

Hey there! That is not working for me. Are you sure that is correct? Thanks.

It's keeping track, just not saying anything.

Well is the information listed anywhere that we can see?

Just was on phone with older brother explaining more about steemit & I think he may be joining! Steemit has great developers and the concept like you stated is almost perfect and should be here for the long hall. Thanks for another great upload!

I have also told relatives about Steemit. Relatives are a great starting point for word of mouth marketing. Thanks!

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