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RE: Likes Don't Help People

in #steemit7 years ago

The other day (the other week), I was tempted to share something on Facebook, then I thought twice about it. Facebook is so saturated and people skip through long posts and don't read them. A Like doesn't mean anything, and all people are trying to do on there is posts silly stuff (most people, not all) or try to look like their life is happy and busy and awesome, even when it's not.

Instead I shared what I had to say on Steemit. Made a few cents from it, but the people who read it appreciated it and I knew I could reach people who would value what I had written, regardless of the monetary gain from upvotes, people were interested in what I had to share. More and more, I share on Steemit random thoughts I might have about something, rather than share that on social media.


This ^^ ALL this.

*the people who read it appreciated it and I knew I could reach people who would value what I had written, regardless of the monetary gain from upvotes, people were interested in what I had to share. *


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