Steemit Suppresses the "conspiracy" tag. It doesn't show on filter lists. Why is that?

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

As of yesterday, there's a conspiracytheory tag, but people from reddit and other places had been using the 'conspiracy' tag on posts you haven't been able to see, because 'conspiracy' is the name of subs on reddit, voat, and other places. It's a common tag, it's a common convention. Even if it weren't, that's not for Steemit to decide. Tags are community based and based upon their use. In other words, people decide on them.

I believe maybe this "conspiracytheory" tag showed up because specifically yesterday, because I had sent steemit a message that they needed to fix this 'conspiracy' glitch in an email to them (to which they did not reply) sent aug 10.

Subject: conspiracy tag not shown

From: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=94eb2c11c7a2a5715f0539c037dc --94eb2c11c7a2a5715f0539c037dc

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Hello, I've found a glitch on steemit. The conspiracy tag doesn't show in your list even when searched. Here's more on reddit about the issue. You have a few days to fix this or we'll blog try to get community support about this issue on steemit. Thanks for your ongoing support. The site is wonderful.

On an unrelated note, I asked them about changing usernames and they didn't respond either. I sent them 3 emails to [email protected] and they did not field any of them. Very rude!

This is a freedom of speech issue: steemit is suppressing speech through this behavior. Allow me to remind you what outspoken leftist philosopher Noam Chomsky--himself a staunch anti-conspiracy theorist--has to say about conspiracy theories and speech:

Noam Chomsky finally says something honest about conspiracy theory

Posts tagged "conspiracy" won't show up on google and therefore wiill not show up in steem's site search since it's simply using google. This is because this tag filter is effectively 'hidden'. If there are no pages visible (accessible) by links for which to googlebot to follow, they won't. Googlebot would have to have a direct link on another visible page so if you tag conspiracy, you also have to tag something else or provide a backlink to it or else that post is not going to show up in google search results: ever.

Here is a longer article on why I think Steemit is a fraud being controlled by very likely the NSA


It would appear that steemit has some algorithm for 'moving those posts marked 'conspiracy'" into other subs. Perhaps it simply 'deletes' the conspiracy tag from the list of tags, unless a post is tagged 'conspiracy' by itself. Either way, it's unusual behavior that breaks the idea that Steemit is democratic and self-organizing.

This list seems to be the list of those articles that are 'created with the tag 'conspiracy'

It would seem that Steemit is still in the biz of curating our posts, which means it's actually worse than reddit, which has not and will not do that. Back to reddit.

Try harder NSA. I'm sure eventually you'll succeed. Meanwhile, we're going to be investigating where the founders of Steemit got their startup funding. It's just a matter of time. We always find out that you're behind all the treachery we are seeing in the world.

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