The Taboo Of Short Steemit Posts

in #steemit6 years ago

While Steemit defines itself as a Social Blogging Site, I think that a lot of problems come from treating it differently than a Social Media Site like Facebook or acting as if content HAS to be a certain way. The main problem, in my humble opinion, is that it wastes everyone's time. So many write these long posts which could have been just as informative in a few sentences or a single paragraph just so they can argue that they 'put a lot of effort' into it. I personally don't think value comes from length of post; it comes from how the post resonates with people. In fact, I think that brevity can be even more admirable. Those are my thoughts right now. Empower yourself on Steemit by evolving out of the imagined RULES. I've been on here a year and I want to see growth. If 'likes' are meant to be value, then let people like what they want. If they like a post that is a single meme, all the power to them. Maybe you should start memeing. Rock on and Steem on!



I agree! There is also an obsession over vote power percentage. People like upvotes. I'd much rather get an upvote when somebody is drained down to 10% than no upvote at all.

amen to that! :)

I am torn on this ... generally I write much but say little. Alternatively I follow the words of Horace: Brevis esse laboro, obscurus fio. - When I labor to be brief, I become obscure.

Unlike Facebook the content on steem can be echoed on other sites which allow branding and allows the user to generate advertising rewards for both the themselves and their visitors. For example anyone can register on steemhost and create their own branded site. For instance this is what your site looks like on steemhost:

The advantage is you can iframe or register a domain and point to this page making it your own.

Hi you are absolutely right ..

I always prefer quality over quantity, and so will people when the platform matures.

Yes, 100% agreement

Great article.

Awesome Post! :)

Opino igual ya que he visto post muy largos que se tornan aburridos, el tema aqui es tener un equilibrio entre lo interesante del contenido y una longitud media que no aburra al lector. Un saludo

Amen! Muchos publicacions son largo y muy muyyyyy aburrido. Tu eres corecto; un equilibrio es probablamente la mejor cosa que puedes tener. :) Estoy continuando a practicar mi espanol, pero es un proceso largo! haha

Hi @biddle si la idea es tratar de encontrar un balance en las publicaciones para que sean interesantes para los lectores, about spanish i have to say you that i understand you but i think you need to learn more about conjugations :). Regards

haha agreed, my conjugations need A LOTTT Of work. definitely the hardest part to remember them all for different situations! :)

Steemit has mostly crypto posts aswell that most people don't care about, and only way to find good content is to follow people who create good content, because TRENDING and HOT page are fucked up

Thanks to you I feel better. I had this struggle inside of me if I'm doing the right thing on steemit. Well now I know. As long as I'm doing me I'm doing the right thing. Doesn't matter how much I make but if I share my true feeling about anything I like at that moment. Thank You.

I am waiting for the day, when Steem will be used just as Facebook and twitter is used, for sharing moments and thoughts, and not as some blogging site.

But you never upvote a meme😂, Just saying.

maybe if it was REALLLLLLLYYYY good! haha I don't tend to look at memes on here though, to be fair. cause of the format, I think. I don't want to click into a whole article to find a meme. I want to see them in a scrollable feed!

Yes, so that you can see the entire post in a frame, saves time and is efficient.
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