| What is the purpose of Steemit |

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I think there is a huge misunderstanding happening right now. Members are losing the purpose of the site everyday more and more. So what really is Steem? Lets find out.

Because of the trend of whaling right now, I would say the site has split into two sides, or two types of thinking I would say. Lets talk about them.

This basically is what Steemit is and should be. The people that stand on community side, does not care if their posts get tons of money from upvotes, they wont go whale catching. They just like the community, the communication with other and spreading positive vibes. Say what you want to say and don't feel ashamed of what people think. Unique and original posts. Of course, money will play some part of this side also, but nothing is done to get the extra attention by whales by posting in the right times or just about the things that our "whales" like.

And this is the part, that most of the loyal Steemit members will dislike.
These member will be using sites like CatchAwhale to find the best time, post only in topics that the whales like and mostly, wont even post unique content. Just something pasted, or just fake. Like I would say 70% of the introduction posts. Most of the people are fake, a lot of them post their introduction everyday, by just changing their name and using sluttier pictures next time. These people are the ones, who thing Steemit is not a social website, but more like a money making site.

What changes should be made
If people think this is a money making site, then edit it like it would. First of being edits in the crediting system. What I'm trying to say is, blocking for what you can and can not get money. For example, introduction post? = no money at all. Why some people may ask... That would be like going to an job interview, explaining who you are, your hobbies and giving them your CV. And for that you get 10k$, just because you went there.

Who is responsible for all of this
I clearly can't say exactly who, but I would say the whales are the ones.. By up-voting low quality content, they are showing that everybody who posts a picture or a fake story will get tons of money. That's how they bring here lazy, fake people here, that are only here for the money.
And in the same time, they think that by posting low quality posts (Like 10 random words, copyrighted pictures or articles) is enough. And the crazy part is, they think that they deserve it, they spend maybe 10 minutes of their day and they think they deserve 10k$ at that point.
Whales should look what their are doing, since they are controlling this page is some way. They should upvote posts that are unique(Like mine, not saying that you should upvote it now.. just an example) not trash.. Don't bring your value down..
These spammers and fake story posters should be gone, they trash the whole community.


I think the purpose steemit created as a distribution medium for steam coin...

If that actually happens I will be one happy guy. Unfortunately I do not see that happening soon.

The reason is that the creators and the people who have large stakes think that popularity and what sells on FB and twitter will take Steemit forward.

While I do not completely deny that opinion I support a view that there has to be some exclusivity in the platform. That can be achieved when there is content which is not found elsewhere.

The valuable content will itself rise the value of the platform. I do not see any enthusiasm in that area.

I am waiting for things to change. If this continues for maybe couple of weeks, I would be happy to spend my time writing on Quora and spreading knowledge for free. At least there are people there who want to read words and are not lazy to just look at pictures and upvote.

that's really nice article you did and to be honest i was one of those who only seeking for upvoting but I recently relized that steemit is only to post somethings that is not around and also depend on life stories that actually happens

Hit the nail on the head. Thanks!

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