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RE: Dealing with the current frustration of Steemit

in #steemit6 years ago

It's written very nicely and from an angle that many fail to see it. So many people here for the short gains, and only a small core portion of the community is here for the ideology, movement, progress and development. If people want to sell, sell, fine with me, i'll buy. Since i had no capital to buy, i had to earn it, it's not easy, and earning fiat other places are not too either. System of course has it's flaws in token distribution and concentration but that was unnecessary evil. Anyone could have bought steem for 4c Nobody wanted, i did not know about it.

SMT's will roll out eventually and they will even up things. I am glad Steemit Inc decided to go for scaling issues first, as with the effortless on boarding the snowball will start paired with SMT's. Feeling small with 1k SP or 2k SP? Well wait a bit, people felt poor with 10k BTC back in a day.

Jealous that somebody has got 100k SP or more? Well then it is your problem and you will most probably be miserable for the rest of your life. Life is not fair, but get the most you can our of it. All it takes now is an effort.


Yep this is a great comment. I'm new but I've been online since 1995. I swear! Dialup, disks in the mail for a free hour of internet. I believe today, this can be a long term gig. ALSO the fact that Steem isn't that easy to buy. Meaning not on many exchanges I believe will help it's value long term.

gotta run to IRL work but I will bump this to the top.. thanks mate.

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