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RE: Starting to lose interest in Steemit and considering calling it quits...

in #steemit8 years ago

Are you creating material specifically for Steemit? There is more than monetary value in continuing to post....building reputation, community, helping Steemit survive and grow just for its own sake. I appreciate you have limited time, many who post for little financial reward are in the same situation. If you believe in the platform then holding $3 in Steem that you made today from a repost of material you had already produced could be worth far more in the future. I hope you keep at it but understand if you don't see things the way I do, we're all different.

If you do decide to stick around, the distribution dynamics...which are already changing, may improve for the better more rapidly at some point. There would still be no guarantees that you will get the rewards you think your work deserves but you never know ;)

Best of luck


Let's hope so. I'd like to stick around and will as long as the posts generate enough to make it worth my time. I like Steem it, which is why I spent so much time on here.

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