The First Million Dollar Steemit Post $1,000,000 SBD

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

This Will Not Be That Post - But I'd Like To Discuss Some Possibilities


A quick browsing session on led me to see something quite interesting. The max reward in steem dollars is listed at $1,000,000. This started me thinking about what type of post I think could/should receive one million dollars for less than a days amount of time


I don't believe that at this time even if everyone were to upvote the same post that it could achieve a $1,000,000 value. However, I see this possibility in the near future if steemit continues to grow at the rapid pace that it has been.

If a catchy yet ultimately quite useless video like Psy's "Gangnam Style" can garner over two billion views with an estimated value to him of around $2,000,000 Forbe's Gangnam Style Monetary Breakdown, what would a meaningful post do on steemit in less than a day?

I can only think of a few posts that I would want to see earn a million dollars, and they would not be one that padded ones own wallet

What can 1 million dollars buy these days?

Focusing on one of my passions (Africa) I thought about what one million dollars could do to really change people's lives and came up with a short list here.

  • Food and water for 2,100 people in Africa for a year Quora - Cost to feed a village in Africa for a year(The numbers may be different, but it is an incredibly large amount that can be helped)
  • 125 water wells in Africa that would provide clean water to people who often have no choice but to drink filthy water and often become sick or have problems with parasites Cost for well in Africa

  • 10,000 mosquito nets to prevent the spread of malaria. Something MVP Nba All-Star Steph Curry has been involved with Steph Curry working with Nothing But Nets
  • 10,000 pairs of shoes for children who often get painful parasites in their feet called jiggers due to the fact that they cannot afford shoes. (more on this in a future post).
  • Untitled7738f.jpg

This is just a few of the many possibilities that would be offered with such a generous amount of money to someone who posts of a need. I can see in the future being able to fund emergency relief to aid those in crises. What an awesome platform that we are apart of, not to just talk about changing the world.......But to actually CHANGE it!

Maybe you have a passion to help others or a charity that's close to your heart. You have the opportunity here to build a trusting relationship with the community and benefit people without the means to ask for help themselves.

What post would you find to be worthy of $1,000,000?

Feel free to discuss your own answers below or what you thought of this article. I really think it is important to look out for more than just the one who stares at you from the mirror. Looking outside yourself is how a positive impact can be made on the lives of many

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Any feedback, whether positive or negative will get responded to as long as I can tell you took the time to read and make a thoughtful comment


Personally, I think a mil for ANY post is ridiculous. BUT, when you frame it like that - perhaps not so bad if the rewards were to give back.

Other exception I could see being worth it is if it was a major Dealmaker, Trader, or Accumulator who pumped like 10 figures into Steem and/or connected in some major players to takr the venture to an entirely other level...

Exactly. To have $1,000,000 to go to an individual seems outrageous to me, but I don't come from any sort of wealth in my family.

Upper middle class, but we always supported a lot of charities instead of doing lavish things.

I could see an app that revolutionizes the entire platform possibly making that much money, but only if the work that went into it was split a large sum of many man(woman) hours and given to a collective group to further a project, but not an individual.

I would be interested in seeing if someone could figure out what the payout would be if everyone did upvote one post based on the current number of users and assuming everyone had 100% voting power. I know it'd probably be more than I've made in my lifetime, but I feel like I wouldn't trust myself with it and would have to delegate it to some others instead of solely me.

I enjoy helping others, but I'm not invincible to greed and sometimes things look far more fun than giving to someone in need. But that's true of almost all people. Very few people are truly selfless givers. Maybe more so in other countries, but here in the US even though we help a lot with foreign and domestic emergencies and local charities, most people have far more than they need already.

And not to ask anyone else to do the same, because I see the value of giving presents at Christmas to those you love, but my immediate family now creates gifts for each other. Usually consumable things or my dad does woodwork for different members. We care more about time spent together than money on gifts. Part of that is due to different levels of financial stability in my siblings, but I don't really want more "stuff." Stuff is temporary and can be replaced. Time cannot be replaced.

I would love to see a leading international charity like IFRC join Steemit and use the community as a platform to raise SteemDollars to support a humanitarian crisis like the 2010 Haitian earthquake. I believe the entire Steemit community would rally to help relief efforts for the next natural disaster. I don't trust third party fundraising which is why I believe the largest charitable organizations need to establish a presence here.

Yes - it seems like a rather neat way of achieving what currently requires separate sites such as

A donation to help children around the world beat poverty. To make sure there are enough programs so that no child should ever have to sleep outside. Adults can always choose to do something, however, a child doesnt have a choice. That to me is worth a lot, but with democracy and the way programs work at the moment, it would take more than a million to help all children. We could always start small and help a city and then a country and move to other countries.

We will never be able to help all children, but that shouldn't discourage us. Even the saving of just one life is invaluable. If enough people really wanted to, we have the ability to get clean water to all. The problem is many companies have investors that require them to have a larger bottom line each year.

Steemit is ad free so they can choose to do with the money as they see fit. This community of like minded people has so much potential for making a lasting impact on the world. I haven't been this excited about anything as much as I am right now.

Ive been doing charities too and just recently i donated steem dollars and steem earnings for baby david. Im also planning to make a blog about a foundation ive closely worked with to help generate funds for their advocacies. If there would be a million dollar post ia hope it would be for the greater good.

Exactly! I hope it's someone or a group that wishes to give back. I could see something like a cancer research breakthrough that needs funding or some other projects that have people at the center of their mission.

Very touching post...upvotes for you...generosity is in people's heatt...the largest country of generosity is USA...there is not one field we lack to get protected for any kind of life especially human...

Yes I agree! I might also say that while we are very generous, we are also very wasteful and selfish at the same time.

Myself included, I get excited about the newest iphone or the coolest new gadget, but taking the time to step back from our consumerism (whether a daily $3 coffee or a something far more expensive), lives are being lost that could be saved with a few quarters.

We don't like to think about that. It's much easier for most people to change the channel when that news comes on or switch to netflix or something more enjoyable.

I feel we are responsible for how we handle our money. And while I have no problem enjoying it, I think investing to save lives is more worthwhile than getting that bigger newer SUV or boat.

I'm already more well off than 99% of people in the world. I don't need more stuff. I need less. But that's how my opinion has been shifting. Everyone is free to believe what they wish about their finances.

I agree with you. We always think "stuff" makes us happy, however, what makes us happy is free: love, family, friends, enjoying time outdoors and creating new experiences. Then we could help out more with the things we dont need.

Some of the happiest people I've met lived in sheet metal homes held together by the straps of old sandals. Not only did they smile and welcome me, but shared what little they did have with me. I went to the Dominican to help others, but received wisdom from the people there that goes far beyond anything a dollar amount would ever would.

I agree! I am in the process of downsizing and it is embarrassing how much stuff I have that was totally ridiculous to buy. That money could have been put to such good use elsewhere.

Don't forget we live in a world that says 'we need' on our daily bases...need is not how much...but it is a need...and our stands have changed to how much more our neighbors have than what else we can share with our neighbor...if our neighbor has a Toyota, I would need a Mercedes...that is the quality of today's generation...we live on a daily base...if we see now with Steemit...if we add our Steem and Steem Dollar to Steem Power we can save and add more and that generosity we can distribute in the long run...we should not forget to stay longer we got to get stronger.

Yes. Almost every advertisement is simply telling us "If you have this______you will be happier" I can't remember the time when once I got that item, I didn't immediately look for the next item to set my sights on. Consumerism is just a part of our culture and it is not an easy thing avoid unless you consciously make an effort to do so.

What post would be worthy of a million dollars.... What a difficult question because the importance or "worthy" weight is so subjective. While reading this, I couldn't help but think about the 1 billion dollar powerball jackpot that everyone was frothing over a few months ago. Imagine - just imagine if the winner had actually given every single person in the United States (for example) 1 million dollars each, they still would have had grossed over 500 million dollars. Why can't we, as a society pull each other out of trouble and need? I don't need a million dollars in the bank to be happy. I just want to pay my bills and find joy in the doing and living. What does a million dollar post look like? I may never know.

Yes! It's one of the things I hate so much about political campaigns. The billions of dollars spent on people promoting themselves could be put to good use. Instead of buying ads, I wish there would be a candidate that say "The media and social media will cover me without me needing to," and then proceeding to use the millions or more in funding to help people homeless people have a place to stay or give to help addicts get clean.

If anyone can debate with me that billions of dollars to advertising companies is a good use of funds, I will gladly hash that out with them. One of the reasons I don't donate to any party on my tax return. That same $2 could keep someone alive instead of trying to air the skeleton in the closet of a rival.

Good post! I especially like this discussion your post has generated. It is affirmation to me that steemit community will one day change the world. And I think it already has!

Steem on,

Yes as long as greed and corruption don't cloud the minds of people when they receive larger amounts of money, this platform will continue to shine a bright positive light in a world where most strive for what they can get out of the world instead of what they can offer to the world.

LOVE this idea! Wonder whether the Steemit programmers could make some way for post authors to designate all earnings from a post to go directly to a designated charity?

I experimented with using my writing to benefit Wells Bring Hope - but failed badly... well, except that I contributed :) so there is that. I created a campaign in honor of my high school graduating class' 30th reunion and challenged us to donate 30 wells to mark the occasion. Maybe someone's Steemit post will actually accomplish this!

It would have to be a real crowdfunded non-profit project that can be verified and audited.

Yes I think if organizations could provide their tax free number and go through some verifications and be required to post statements and videos showing what they were doing with the money, then maybe it could proceed. Someone will always attempt to cheat the system, but if we have the right checks and balances, I think someone could create a way to easily transfer money to those in dire need of it.

very nice post :)