For Those Sleeping Under A Rock - See The Value @sirwinchester Brings To Steemit

in #steemit8 years ago

The Value of Tony Winchester aka @sirwinchester

First I plan on sharing much of the profits from this post as I consider Tony to be a new friend and I feel he brings incredible drive and diversity to steemit

Tony is relatively new to steemit and he should give new minnows hope that it is not too late to be successful here on steemit. He does so many things well and created a #introduceyourself post that drew people in. Tony Winchester's Introduce Yourself Post

This is a great example of something that while is specific to him and cannot be copied because nobody has the same story as he does, but could be copied by other newcomers in format and expanded to fit your personal style and what you plan to bring to steemit.

He is a man of many hats - both literally and in the sense that he is a jack of all trades

A few of the many hats Tony wears:

  • Dancer
  • Singer
  • Entrepreneur
  • Cryptocurrency Enthusiast
  • Choreographer
  • Programmer
  • Multidimensional Author (Writes different genres fluently and creatively)
  • Social Media Marketer
  • YouTuber
  • Fluent in multiple languages (German, Computer, I'd guess math as well but I can't be sure)

And this is not an exhaustive list

I wanted to touch briefly on his talent as a dancer and his creative writing

Nobody can dispute his talent. I will gladly defend his passion and skill for dance. It is a joy to see such a passionate dancer and I have friends who will be inspired by his work here in Buffalo.

Within the realm of dance he is talented in many different disciplines and can create dances to a wide variety of styles. It is clear that music and dance flow in his veins and while it looks effortless, I've tried to learn hip-hop and can tell you it is not something one immediately succeeds at

Two different styles of writing that are equally entertaining even for me, as I am not a big fan of science fiction

Claire Remy: Ups and Downs of a young Athlete (Steemit Exclusive Story)

I won't give the story away, but it follows a young tennis star through some difficult struggles in her life. It is not only a brilliant story, but also Tony made a demand for future installments by asking questions of the users and releasing bite sized pieces that are easily readable. I actually teared up in part 2, but you'll have to read it for yourself to find out why.

Steem Cosmos Station: Is There Still Hope For Steemit?

I didn't think I would enjoy this futuristic story, but Tony made it accessible to both science fiction fans / future world enthusiast along with the core steemit audience. He found a way to bring in some great steemit/cryptocurrency humor that made me an instant fan.

This is just a small sampling of his work, but his drive is infectious. I'm not trying to put him on a pedestal, but I deeply appreciate what he is doing on this platform. While I don't encourage anyone to try to copy his posts directly, I would love to see people with passion as visible as his.

Anyone familiar with @stellabelle (and who isn't) knows she is hard to impress. He achieved that, and not by begging her to look at his content, or sending her $.001 steem dollars to get her attention, but by making and impact on her in the comments section. Read about it yourself here. a href="MINNOW RISING: If You Are A Minnow And Can't Get Upvotes, Learn From A Rising Minnow Star: @sirwinchester"> This is a great example of how to get noticed without spamming the comment feed with links that aren't relative to the original post. If you are still commenting "Great Post!!" take a note of how to add value to the comment section like Tony did and your rise through the ecosystem will be a much faster ascent.

This may seem like I am trying to suck up to Tony by outlining everything that I like about him. That is not the intent at all. If there were more people who delved deeply into his content and were inspired to use his passion in their own content, steemit will continue to become more valuable

I'm sure Tony has flaws (even though right now I haven't seen too many), but not only is he successful, but humble. The most successful/valuable people on steemit are those who are respected by all and not just the whales. Tony has shown interest in all levels of people and is reaping reward for his hard work.

"What Hats Do You Bring To Steemit?"

The answer to that question will not only help you succeed, but give you focus so that you are not trying to run in too many different directions at once and not doing justice to any particular skill. It's not about the quantity of the posts you do as seen by carefully crafted posts that may earn thousands of dollars from those who may post only a few times a week. It's all about quality and hard work.

"Sustainable long term success is not an accident. At some point hard work and dedication were poured into the work of those you see succeeding now. This is not a get-rich-quick platform. It is a hard-work-rewarded platform"

Yes I am coining that phrase but you may use it freely. If someone else has this same quote already I will gladly cite you instead

Hopefully we will see more Tony Winchesters flocking to steemit and making sure this platform stays creative and unique

Good Day To All!


He does seem like a pretty cool cat.

Great intro to the dude, and expression of appreciation.

You are an excellent advocate. (Will make sense when you get into the Ultinate Investment Plan CD set).

Something I will definitely be looking into. Thanks for the kind words @rok-sivante (Every time I write your name I have a new appreciation for it.) Thanks again for sharing the story behind it as a post, and not a reply in the comment section. It allowed you to expound in a way that comments would not have done justice to.

I consistently find comments/replies turning into new posts/stories of their own... a steady stream of fresh inspiration at every turn... ;-)

One of the few places where comments actually carry extreme value. I try to take the time to carefully create my comment (even though some are probably too long), but I feel it is respectful to show:

1.) That you took the time to read the article
2.) To say what you liked or disagreed with
3.) To help that user with ideas that may benefit them regardless of whether or not it has a direct effect on your wallet

And fringe benefits to valuable comments:
1.) Earn respect
2.) Earn money
3.) Gain followers who appreciate your time and effort helping them

I think this is one of the very few sites that I am unafraid to share my beliefs out of fear someone will post hateful/derogatory comments to me. Those that do have their voices silenced and don't wind up hurting me so much as themselves.

Couldn't agree with that more, nearly a third of my posts were inspired by interactions in the comment section.

Thanks for all the hard work (@sirwinchester) and the impact you have made on my sons life (@bendjmiller222). He has told me about your conversations on Facebook and I'd like to wish you a safe time in Germany and wish you continued success.

This is my second comment ever and I decided I would share all rewards with my son since I am now retired, but I look forward to seeing more of your work even though I am usually not very visible on here and mostly enjoy reading the articles and seeing much of the photography (which is one of my passions).

thank you for your comment! It makes me smile to know that I have inspired someone's life and that your son even talked to you about it. What is a whale compared to that feeling ?!
Thank you for taking the time to comment, I really appreciate all your kind words. Glad to hear you enjoy using steemit :)

I feel so honored by your post, no upvote money or whale could compare to the feeling you have when you've inspired someone.
Thank you so much for all the effort you've put into writing this. Of course all the profits are yours, as a reward for your time and effort you put into creating this article.
It's crazy how many new people I've met during my short time here on Steemit, and to read those kind words from you and @stellabelle means a lot.
Hearing that I have inspired people motivates me to continue posting and creating more content!
Again thank you for taking the time to write this, wish I could upload more than once ;)

That actually brings up a good point. Why can't we upvote more than once? If we upvote twice would it not still use the same amount voting power? I would figure that the system was designed this way for a reason, but it would be interesting to hear exactly why.

You just have to keep on doing what you're already doing @sirwinchester you have whaledom written all over you

i can feel the heart in your work! Beautiful and real!

You are welcome! --i really like your name! i associate it with people i already know and 2's mean everything will work out fine!

While this story by @rok-sivante is fascinating and well worth the read Origin of Rok Sivante's Name

I also go into a bit of detail about my own in the comments if you wish to read there as well.

wow such a warm post. you seem like a very kind hearted person. keep it up. and I do feel inspired by @sirwinchester as well! great work guys

Thanks! I wanted to make sure that people knew I was doing this because I really like where he is taking steemit and not because I want to profit off his success. I see the long term value over short term gains.

I love to see how friendships form on steemit! very nice what you did there for him :)

Yes people working together and inspiring each other without a sense of greed or trying to cheat them is a beautiful thing. @sirwinchester is also confident in his abilities, but not cocky or arrogant. Very approachable down to earth guy. I'm honestly impressed with what he has accomplished in such a short time frame.

Truly inspiring Thanks for this post!

Hopefully that takes your own content to a new level :) We should always be striving to get better not only on steemit, but at anything we do.

i couldn't agree more - always be your best - is there any other way???

That's good news to me- as i am a hard worker!

Keep networking and commenting/learning from those that are on their way up and are willing to take time and help you. Too many people focus on just trying to get a whale vote. Whales are very busy, but aspiring minnow should be happy to help if they have the time. The whole ecosystem only works when people help each other.

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