Your Steemit "Batchmates"

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)


First, what is this "Batchmates" thing?

The term "Batchmates" is something I learned from the Filipinos.

According to Wiktionary

Noun batchmate (plural batchmates)

  1. (India) classmate
  2. (Chiefly South Asian and Philippine English) A member of the same graduation class as another.[1]
  3. (Chiefly South Asian and Philippine English) A member of a batch

So essentially, to me, one's "batchmates" are the people one began their journey with.

For me, my batch mates are.
@shellyduncan, @choogirl, @gohba.handcrafts, @bmj, @phelimint, @scooter77 @dreamiely ~ Pretty much the original #TeamAustralia crew.

From the very beginning I saw the possibility of all of us growing together as we continued our Steemit journey. At the time, sure Shell and Choo were already well on their way to Dolphinhood, but for the most part a lot of us were beginning from zero.

But I knew it's only a matter of time until we all grew and one day we will all be dolphins and whales.

The Pattern

If you look at some of the OLD, OLD original Steemians who registered back in 2016, you'll see they mostly vote for each other, some people call this the "circle jerk" I'd prefer not to call it that and pass judgement.

I prefer to see it as, possible, loyalty and friendship.

You will see the same pattern in my voting. I have most of my batchmates on auto vote (I'm not even gonna be shy about that) and some I curate manually.


Before I ever knew anyone on here I knew them first. They have had my back on this platform longer and more solidly than anyone else. Me being the loyal person that I am. I return the love.

I look at my single digit payout values and see a lot of those votes are from my batchmates.

Is this the power of the "batchmates" system?

When this all began I didn't know anything about anything. All I knew was these awesome people keep voting for me and I'd be a douche not to vote back. It didn't matter to me if their vote or mine were worth a total of "jack shit" at the time. It mattered that I show my support.

What am I trying to really say?

This is for the newbies.

Support your fellow newbies for they are YOUR batchmates.

We all go through the motions of being a new fish in a new pond and although experienced users will be there to assist. No one but you and your batchmates know exactly the feelings, dramas, challenges of being in your current position.

To me that is something to bond over.

It shouldn't matter that they have ZERO Steem Power because that is only temporary. Trust me. THAT will grow over time, that is if you/they don't power down constantly.

Even then, after a while, it doesn't even matter if they do Power Down. After a while they become your people.

To all the newbies reading.

Please invest in one another.

Steemit is a big ocean, getting bigger every day.

As much as we "experienced" Steemians try to support all the newbies, sometimes some do get missed.

I've seen this happen and I've seen people leave the platform due to lack of support.

If you all supported each other I think our user retention rate will dramatically increase.

When I started Steemit in June, I didn't have access to ALL the resources, communities, groups, that's available now to new users. In fact, @TeamAustralia formed only days after I joined, and look at it now.

This is an always growing and evolving platform.

Please don't feel discouraged. Your time WILL come, but it all depends on you ENGAGING people on the platform.

Engagement is your path to success

I engaged my batchmates. Well, we engaged each other, bonding over our posts and discord. In a lot of ways we invested in each other, and through that we have all grown.

Don't just engage your batchmates. Engage EVERYONE.

When I say ENGAGE. I don't mean you go begging for votes. I mean, go out there, read some blogs and put a decent comment up.

Get involved in the community.

This is the true path to your Steemit success.

By getting involved you get to meet more people that can be YOUR people.

For me, that's @goldenarms @deveerei @topkpop @luvabi @grazz @enginewitty @saffisara @steemitph @dandalion @asbonclz and so many more.

This is because I go out there and engage Steemians. Wether it's on Steemit or Discord or Facebook.

People forget Steemit is SOCIAL media. So get social peoples!

Yes. We want everyone to read our posts, but are we reading anyone else's and making the effort to comment?

Think about that next time you post your blog link somewhere.

You may not think it's important, but as much as you want your post supported, another person out there wants support for theirs.

Someone's gotta get the ball rolling.

Let that someone be you.

Now go out there and curate and comment your big heart out and see how much more fun Steemit can be.

Happy Monday everyone!

💗 Arly

Image courtesy of

PS. Sorry if I missed some people when I was tagging away


Hug You are one of my people too darling! So glad to have come across you and engage with you and become friends with you. Love ya darling

I'm so glad too hun. Thank God for @thealliance ! Much love to you @topkpop xx

having batcmates nor teammates in.every aspects of our life endure ourselves to become motivated..thankyou for this information..i hope someday i will be with a team for me to improve everything

I agree with your sentiments regarding batchmates. I for one adore mine.

You do have a team! @SteemPh.Cebu.

Have you met @jassennessaj and @themanualbot And @itinerantph? They are all from Cebu and I know they have a fantastic support system for Cebuanos on Steemit.

Of course we at @SteemPh are always there for you.

Welcome to Steemit!

thankyou sir..well i haven't met them yet though im hoping so for it..but im always following about there blogs as well as @steemph.cebu community

I feel exactly the same way, we did really build something strong in those early days. It was that mixture of curiousity, overwhelm and confusion that really helped me to strengthen the bond with everyone then, and I can never underestimate the power of being part of a community and getting involved. I love the term batchmates and we've certiainly all grown a lot in the last 6 months,
It's also been so much fun!
I hope some other new members are able to do the same and see the benefit in the friends they make now.

Phil I swear that kindness you did me by writing me out of STEEM Lords... Doesn't matter how big or small my account is, you'll always be on my auto vote 👌

Being part of a community was the ultimate game changer wasn't it? We went from Team Aus, me to SteemPh, you to Steemsilvergold, and of course TheAlliance.

7 months in I don't think we're doing too bad :)

I hope the newbies see the benefit too. I know my Steemit life would be shit without you guys.

Awww, that was a fun steemit moment eh? I guess we'll always have that special bond! I'm pretty sure the designer of the first ever Steem Silver Round has a permanent place on mine too!

This is so true. Steemit can be such a lonely place in this big ocean if you don't find some fellow minnows and grow together through thick and thin, and for better or worse.

gah I knew I forgot more people to tag! Sorry mate.

Community is a key element here isn't it? It's almost an essential thing nowadays.

Community can make or break the platform. No worries, you have a huge community now on Steemit so I know it would take you all day to recognize/thank everyone. Keep on growing and best of luck with the business! Hope you find a happy medium for both.

I love this term Arly. I do feel like there's a special bond between our "batch mates" given we all started a roughly the same time.

Yep the bond of having to go through a whole heap of shit together, and watching the ocean swell with minnows while we sit at the beach and drink wine ;)

Lol. Ladies hour!

Now, where's Dolla gone?

@bearone .. I totally agree with you and I like the word batchmates . No knows it better then when you first join and the people who you first start engaging with .

Glad you guys like the word batchmates, I really like it too :) And absolutely, it's the people you start off with that you form the strong bonds with.

I suppose back then life was simpler. We were all broke and just had each other ;)

Please invest in one another.

I think this over looked a lot, especially when people start getting bigger.

On a side note how do you set up auto voting?

I think it is overlooked too and I think we need to remind each other what it was like to be here especially in our first month (if they make it that far)

I use for my autovote :)

Lovely. I'm so delighted that the people I follow always feed me with the right information and the secrets of steemit. I'm new here. Frankly speaking, I've not been following any newbie since I came on board. I channeled all my efforts trying to get the experts upvote my posts which is actually not yielding meaningful results. From now on I'll try to get as many newbies as possible so that we can all grow together. Thanks for this enlightenment and I'm resteeming it straight away.

Thought this post was pretty splendiferous
so it has been included in
the latest issue of 'Notes'.
Pop over and see what the fam is up to!

"Batchmates" that's new one for me too. Though I'm now kind of stuck thinking we fell out of a factory or hatched out in some big nest XD


I bloody knew I forgot to tag someone important!! Sorry Ry! Haha we hatched in the Team Aus nest, there was no going back after that.

Lol. I thought "Where's Ry?"

Lol ikr I'm terrible. So sorry Ry xoxo lol

@bearone - I can totally relate to the batchmates concept because I am an Indian and have bonded with my batchmates. thealliance family are my batchmates on Steemit.
Thanks for highlighting this. Upvoted

@vm2904 friendly neighborhood lion from #thealliance

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