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RE: Wanna Zap?

in #steemit7 years ago

I find that the tags I used were extremely accurate by the way, ;) :P


I upvoted this at 100% since whatever that is felt the need to have to be on top of my post, feel free to upvote this, If you already stated this and I got the point you don't need to do that unless you have control issues, well so do I so I want my comment on top of yours, ladies on top! lol :P

"Reverse Cowgurl"


wooo hoooo let's get the party started since I dared put my post on top of the overlords after getting the freaking message :) ready set go

It will be One Helluva RIDE!!!



Soon, my Dear Squirrel :D
We shall vanquish the steemcleavers! Mwuahahahahaha....

I upvoted, but you're still a quarter away. You could downvote the steemcleaner comment...


I did! But just 10¢, most of my SP is delegated out to deserving Steemians!

Incoming VOTE SWARM might just Put it over the Top!

phuque it, calling in the Big GUNS...

Randowhale :D

this is fun
I am amused AF, hope you are as well , ha hahaha

It's like Da MOLE, against da man!!!

Cleavers dinged me once, also, but I did actually misuse the tag...
You? Not so much! :p

nothing russles jimmies like a Vegan who is outta F's to give

Is a jimmy a meat eater? lol

PS: I believe @randowhale will strike our victorious final blow by midnight, EST :D

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