
Hehe thanks. I wasn't aware today was the Superbowl until I went out for groceries. I guess the post will go unnoticed, is that why you mention it? hehe

half that so you would know where most peoples' priorities will be today and half to just make it publicly known I don't give a rat's ass about the fooseball LOL!!!

  • where are you anyways???? You are not Canadian are ya? I have no idea.

Ah, hehe, thanks.

Quebec. I have mentioned it recently here as well:

So let's turn to my local area, Canada, and Quebec.

This attack has taken place in the province in live in, Quebec, Canada. I'm located in Montreal, about 2 hours drive away from Quebec City.

OK. Yes, as per some of my msgs to you by DM on Fascistbook, just to update you on some challenges on my end, I let you know about the other day. Have a good day, it is neat you are in Canadastan also.

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