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RE: STEEMIT Updates: State of the STEEM: Overview w. Charts/sources for New Crypto folks or those not wanting to look up info LOL. Crazy Gold Rush Days of Crypto, Encouraging One Another & New Steemians / Crypto Family.

in #steemit7 years ago

LOL. I will try man, I have cringe worthy punnifications inside me bro. I am trying to deal with life stuff plus my blog and replies and maybe you should just pack up and drive and visit me and we can bombard the interwebs from my igloo together, on a united front - they will never know what hit them man!


LOL careful what you wish for, I don't have a job at the moment and I'm applying for a passport.

Bring your mukluks and maple syrup.

We have so much igloos!

When I get to Ontario, just ask for Barry right? Everyone knows Barry.

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