Facebook Wallet Fridays! Show Me Yours! | E. 35 | That's Right. Think on That. A New Series for Outreach and to give FB the business for profiting off your time & surveilling you. Send this to Someone You Know!

in #steemit7 years ago

I believe this image says it all.

I've been thinking about this for awhile now. It is a profound statement on several levels.

It's been 10 years+ now and I still cannot find my Fascistbook Wallet, can you???

By contrast, I am the most regular guy on Steemit.

Here's a screenshot of my wallet page recently:

I am going to post this every Friday hoping the point gets out to all the people on here, and to those not yet on here!

FedBook has been collecting our data for years and clearly profiting off us all, and not given us a penny. Remember this!!

-- Thanks to @ned, @dan / @dantheman for giving us all this technology and life changing community called Steemit.

-- Fakebook is profiting off your labour and not paying you.

-- On top of that they are aligned with collecting your data with their 500 page Privacy Release nobody reads and closely tied to globalists and the police state to surveil all of us and gets away with it since we post and join voluntarily.

-- I will keep posting this until someone can show me THEIR Fedbook wallet.

-- I will keep posting this until Fakebook starts to provide humanity a wallet and ways to monetize the masses and contribute to helping people in a tangible way like Steemit does, after FB's YEARS AND YEARS of profiting off the masses and silencing dissent and political TRUTH - proving their ties to censorship, the police state and the globalists seeking to control humanity and the message and harm good people.

-- I am giving Fascistbook every chance, regularly and publicly to address and correct this situation without malice, prejudice or bias. Well, not much anyways LOL. (:

Facebook BLOCKED me from sending this, via DM to several people just now, so I tried sharing this to their FB pages instead and was still blocked, proves my point here, right???


Ok it is your turn, send this post to a friend, share it on Social Media sites, click/save or send the main/first graphic to someone, use this post or the contents, how you see it to spread awareness or help a friend or family member.



Try to engage and help others, we are SteemitFamily I always say!!

Oh and look what popped up in Twitter now also!!




Look Fascistbook wants me to PAY THEM to boost my post and take my money, LOL

Thanks for reading, have a nice day.

If you liked this blog post - please Resteem it and share good content with others!


Some of my recent blogs:








If you feel my posts are undervalued or you want to donate to tip me - I would appreciate it very much.


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Please note -- I will have limited internet access for awhile -- so PLEASE do not be upset that I cannot reply right away, or to everyone. I am dealing with some changes, and will have limited time online and will be happy if I get a few blog posts up a week.
This has really upset some people but I do not force my opinions on others, or need to communicate every detail of my life or issues, most people do not care anyways. I invested around 10 hours or more a day on Steemit most of my first 13 mths here, I just do not have that time in my life right now, and that includes for replies and voting/curation.
I have done my best, sorry if you do not understand like some are clearly having a problem with. It's a blogging platform, and I will do my best at everything, and to keep blogging.
Carry On.


So true, I gave up on FakeBook many years ago, only used it about a month, but back then it seemed very unsocial, and more a way to track everything you're doing!

I now have an account, but it is only been used in promotion of crypto, and not very active on it! If FakeBook would split their profits with its user base I might change my mind and use it just a bit more, however, I would still remain on SteemIt over any social media site!

Wow that would be awesome. Nice information bro

Good job & niiice infos
Thank you sir

Resteemed it, shared it - on facebook, I think that was the idea? (If it wasn't please let me know and I'll take it down).

You wouldn't want to see my wallet. Trust me. It's not so dramatic just yet. ;)

Hey, why are people flagging your posts here, or elsewhere?? That was a good comment!

  1. Posted my finest-ever meme mocking Trump. Oops. 2) Posted evidence of guy flagging me following Trump meme being a most unpleasant racist (anti-semite, at least). It kind of took off from there! ;)

Thanks for asking. He's helping me grow as a steemian, I suppose. I shouldn't complain (... so much. Though, you could argue I do). Cheers.

No dude, You are being down voted because you thought as an Britain it was a good idea to chime in on American's right to bear arms. The last people who should be sharing their opinion on America's gun rights are Brit cucks. You don't even have free speech in your nation because you let the government take your fire arms away. Now, You people are getting arrested for having cutlery. It makes me sick to think I am half Anglo. I am sure the best English left for America long ago.

You were hardly down-voted. In fact, only $0.01, but you decided to write at least a hundred posts using all manner of vile sexual insults which show your true character. You claim that all of the people down-voting you are the same person. You are wrong. Action Now Network is a private discord channel where people on Twitter and other Social network ask each-other for assistance. That is how we were able to dox you. We work as a team. We found your swingers profile on www.fabswingers.com. Just incase you decided to delete your profile we thought it smart to archive it here, http://archive.is/YLY6M

No wonder you debate with ad hominems, and call people homosexuals, and all other manner of vile insults. It is all projection. All of it. As far as @mathiasian calling out jews for their role in subverting Western Civilization goes, that is his view. The only reason you name call, and insult is because you have no valid arguments to refute his assertions.

As has been stated previously, You will continue too be down voted for your absolute lack of couth. You are a fake person who has deep underlying mental issues. Let me put it like this, your buttons are easy to push, and we will keep pushing them. Okay? Thanks for playing...

Show me anywhere on this site where I've called someone a homosexual ONCE! Otherwise, please stop libelling me.

PMSL - you're a bona fide retard.

And the rest of this nonsense?

@steemcleaners !!!!

That profile you created doesn't bear ANY resemblance to me whatsoever. So, I hardly created it on the swingers site you're obviously using for yourselves.

(I'm still convinced you're just a bunch of accounts belonging to one sad individual.)



The meme was posted around 19 days ago. Then sad little @mathiasian got all upset and started downvoting me. You know it and I know it.

FFS - lol! :D


Hopefully, I can re-block you and leave you blocked now.

@barrydutton - I apologise for tammymc's bizarre outburst

I won't comment any more on this post.

The profile is like 8 years old, dude. LOL! You are a freak!!!

Damn. I said I wouldn't comment...

But to clarify - there's a difference between labelling someone something and asking someone a simple question.

The English in the title of the post was poor. Then, your so-called brother asked why those people were always 'European style socialists'. God knows what he meant by that. It sounded like he was being a little homophobic though. Hence, I pointed out to him people could still love him even if he were that way inclined. But in denial, say.

So that's that settled.

Or Hallelujah as they'd say in the good book.

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