Donation Post Proof of Payout Tonight: @dianargenti paid out as promised, extra sent tonite, as well as the extra SBD sent to her this past weekend also.

in #steemit7 years ago

I figure people will want an update on this, since 99% of people were fine with my post and so was Dian -- but the few people that were not have really kept a watch on my page, comments etc.

Below are the screenshots for you, of the extra donation I sent to her many days ago on the weekend anyways as a friend, which was a %'age of my previous payouts for posts that had paid out.

And the screenshot of today's receipt of the donation I promised to send her, paid out within moments of it coming in.

I have taken out my donation addresses in this post, that I use consistently, just like my approach to most things on here --- trying to remain consistent. I have inserted the donation addresses here again for Dian, should you wish to donate to her -- since this post was flagged down / unvoted etc from $800 to now $155 a few mins still here before payout.

I actually booked tonite off everything else so I was here to pay it out ASAP to her.

I've said everything I needed to say in the original donation post down my page 7 days back.

I followed the format most people do for donation posts, and one I have done several times before without incident until now. I have worked very hard to build community and make good content on here, support people, help people new to crypto and Steemit, as best as i can.

Here is that post for you and say a little prayer for Dian -- I know she is a good person and has been very nice on here to all of us, she is our sister.

I hope everyone will continue to support good people and causes, like Dian and their posts and comments will be upvoted -- All of us need a little help along the way.


Payment declined on this post.

Meaning the incentive for many people to vote for the post will be lost, thus the visibility will be lost --- and yes, I had seriously considered donating the rewards from this post - if any -- to her.

It was never about the money for me. It is sad that is what some people made this out to be about.

Dian's donation addresses / pasted directly from my original post I did 7 days ago ( link to post above) :

I advised Dian to edit her post and she did -- and insert several donation wallet addresses -- because BTC fork day was upon us -- and because BTC is expensive at times to send - and also people are not wanting to part with it so here is her edited info if you want to also donate something there:



As adviced, for those who wanted to donate directly to my bitcoin wallet.....

As also advice by my friends in steemit. I am putting other coin addresses due to bitcoin fork.

Here's my other coin addresses:

Etherium: 0x0529A855B17607ea2d9C767Bc12f1F56702e3a30

LTC: LN4zFwtiwJAV1GGp92yUNdyoka5QrK5YG6

BTC: 14tcDjnkRejxUf36RmMmfno8zAvrjwRG77

Her account here on Steemit: @dianargenti

Thanks for reading, have a nice day.

If you liked this blog post - please Resteem it and share good content with others!


Some of my recent blogs:


Images most days unless noted or obviously mine / stated otherwise: Gif's - via , Funny or / Pixabay.

Please note -- I will have limited internet access for awhile -- so PLEASE do not be upset that I cannot reply right away, or to everyone. I am dealing with some changes, and will have limited time online and will be happy if I get a few blog posts up a week.


Thank you my friend for the support given to me and to others who made it.... Steem on, and start the fire but on camp fire soon. Have a good weekend.

You too Dian. Have a nice weekend sister.

I hope you and the family are doing OK.

You're a man of your words :)

I honestly am.

Thanks my friend.

Glad she got some help, I sent what I could as well. Money is just a temporary tool, but helping someone when they need it is an eternal act of kindness. I will always focus on the positive and generally I avoid discussing the negatives in anything but a comical way, because it is honestly a joke to stress out and spew negativity when it does nothing beneficial for anyone.

Have a nice weekend man.

Thanks for the comments and support along the way.

Great to see that there are trustworthy people around. I will have a look at this and probably get involved, thanks for sharing the good news :)


That was pretty awesome of you ...a true friend indeed :) :)

I have tried to always help and do my best.

Thanks KA,

I appreciate seeing your name in my feed and what you have to say.

That's a wonderful quality to have :) :) You're so very welcome :) :)

You know, after reading that other post and this one, I have a LOT of respect for you, Barry! You stand your ground defending what you believe and don't let anyone bully you. You are awesome... :)

That means a lot to me.

It kind of turned into that about halfway thru the nightmare week last week that it turned into.

People just wilfully saw what they wanted to see at times, a handful of them and no matter what was done in the past, it did not matter.

Thanks for the kind words. I had a lot of msgs from people too scared of whale blowback on them to say anything publicly, and that should speak volumes for some of the continued issues here.

I've just tried to help people, be consistent and show up here daily.

Your comments put a smile on my face ---- it was about Dian..... a few turned it into about me...... it was very strange.

I dont give a shit about the whales. They don't upvote my posts anyway LOL. :D

It is about Dian and about anyone in the future who needs help. Some people don't have friends or family offline to turn to in times of desperate need, and I like to think that's what we're here for (to serve as another family so to speak)...

I feel the same.

I have had some help here. What you don't likely know is 18 mths ago I was run down by a car ---and my file is being buried due to my activism in the state, by all accounts it seems pretty clearly.

So I have been struggling along doing my best and just helping people here as best I can like I said.

Many people know what I am dealing with including the people who turned this into a witch hunt when I just wanted to help Dian.

Don't get me wrong, I get occasional help from kind whales...and better things will come with time I'm sure. :)

I had no idea about what happened to you. Wow... Who was in the car? Or do you not know? None of this surprises me btw.

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