Steemit Needs Series #42: | A Fun Post! | Pls. Comment With Your Ideas to Improve Steemit!! | 2/22/2018 | Community Engagement | Archives to help Developers / Community.

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Hi again everyone! I am keeping my word to keep the series going!

I would like you to comment with your visual aids or written ideas of what you think Steemit can use to improve the Community for features and why.

Let's do this!

Part of the reason I do this series and share other things / series I do, is for the TON of new people coming to Crypto and Steemit daily, I mention this daily in a post or comment somewhere.

They need help and resources. They feel lost when they are Steemit / Crypto noobs. I know I did.

I had help along the way, and I always remember that and do my best despite my challenges to help people daily and when I can.

The Philosophy of Steemit:

  • Build a Community. Help One Another.

  • Blog. Comment. Find Good Content.

  • Get Paid.

Comments sections here are GOLD as we know, some great TIL learning and tips usually pop up too here.

Comments sections are great learning places for all of us -- but new Crypto folks especially.

We are all early adopters here, if you are even close to reading this today. I say this OFTEN to remind people.

I just love you guys. I haz such the feelz.

Crypto can help so many people.

We can use Blockchain and Crypto for so many great things to help humanity and that is mainly why I am involved, especially with all my past activism against government and police state corruption on the record.....

....but once in awhile it is fun to just joke about everyone going to the moon with lambos and whatnot.

It's important to gather feedback from new crypto and Steemit folks as well as older ones.

Views, Spam, Engagement & Meaningful Comments:

Views and engagement still seem to be down and that is why I try to do so many posts / series to BOOST engagement.

The last while I have been wondering if it simply because we have so many accounts here now.


I was the first person to blog that I am aware of - of us crossing the $300k account mark months ago. The other part of me is thinking -- how many of those are just bots because that is a rising problem?

And if there ARE that many accounts.... one might think the comments section would be growing exponentially with all our posts too, right?


Spam and spammy comments are one of the biggest topics now every single day in the community here and many of us are struggling with it, and how to deal with it.

It's OK to gather new ideas but if the same issues pop up, that is great too, because it will send the message that something is more important to the developers and Steemit Elders.

-- My goal is again - use this blog post as a resource to help the dev's and the community members. I can combine them into one post later on if needed to help developers or members.

It is easily searchable also -- as I use the same key phrases / words etc. in the title to keep it searchable - more easily.

I was trying to pick good tags...... I decided to use the TIL or HOWTO tags -- hoping someone either looking FOR help on learning something -- or someone looking TO help on these things would comment! I thought about that one for a couple mins.

If you want to tag people or share it so others can comment and contribute also, that is great. I have my own ideas and see a lot of people talking about it, but as someone who is NOT - I REPEAT NOT! tech savvy like many of you, and who is relatively newer to the Blockchain and Crypto stuff, I know my role is limited to give ideas, I am just a Fat Minnow LOL.

But I have been an activist for years, I am used to building community and gathering info and trying to help so I guess you can blame the activist side of me for this idea which I think is a good one -- an INTENTIONAL POST on the idea, to gather stuff in one place and be easily searchable and findable for all the IT types and developers etc.

Just my way of trying to contribute. I did not even know for sure what tags to use in this post, and I actually spent 5 mins looking and researching the best ones in the past to try and use, before I posted this LOL. I will edit the tags ASAP if you give me better ones to use!!

Noobs can find the TIL or HowTo tags and nuggets here helpful, as I mentioned earlier here.

If we can get some good feedback going, we can use these ideas, all in one place and people can refer back to them. That's why E.1 / E.2 /E.3...4/5/6/7/8/9, etc etc - was in the title, I am hopeful it is helpful as a resource.

We must always head towards the path of Liberty. And help others on this path.

I Keep Asking... Are We (Born) Free, or Are We Not??

Thanks for reading, have a nice day.

source of most main images -- they have tons of free pictures for us all to use - give them a look if you are new to Steemit/blogging, etc. !!! -- That is me beside my hammock in the bush though!!

My Philosophy In Daily Life & Travels:

I have always tried to be kind to people every day, as part of my life Philosophy, since I have always believed we can achieve more TOGETHER.

My path to Crypto and Liberty is with you guys.

We are all early adopters here, if you are even close to reading this today.

Be encouraged.

If you online search my name + PIZZA -- you will see my deep love of the pie as I seek to eat it, wherever I am, or whatever I am doing.

Life Goals:

-- Get Paid to Travel and Blog about Pizza & Those Travels.

-- Buy a Pizza Store.

-- Become Crypto Currency Independent and Love Liberty and Life!

-- Continue to Hold and Sell Real Estate as I have done for clients since 1991.

Don't let anyone tell you twins are a problem ever!!!!!

FUD or no FUD!!!

If you liked this blog post - please Resteem it and share good content with others!


Some of my recent blogs:


Most stock Images / Gif's day to day- usually via , Funny or,, PixaBay unless otherwise noted, with thanks.
Please note -- I will have limited internet access for awhile -- so PLEASE do not be upset that I cannot reply right away, or to everyone. I am dealing with some changes, and will have limited time online and will be happy if I get a few blog posts up a week.
This has really upset some people but I do not force my opinions on others, or need to communicate every detail of my life or issues, most people do not care anyways. Carry On.

If you feel my posts are undervalued or you want to donate to tip me - I would appreciate it very much.


LiteCoin (LTC) - LKdsnvSXk9JW99EiNicFMGKc1FXiBo9tUE

Ethereum (ETH) - 0x3Ad69Ff057C9533ca667B2d7E3E557F5eeFd4477

Ethereum Classic (ETC) - 0x5ab2b08d4ce8d454eb9d1ecc65c6d8b0c5f9784c

EOS (EOS) - 0xD37bEFf5bf07E3aa432de00cE0AaA8df603A4fB0


Good night all, will check in here tomorrow on you!

Really nice post. Thanx for sharing your thoughts.

Steemit needs to fix the confusing error message that comes up when you try to create a username starting with a capital letter. "Each username should start with a letter" - it does! People get frustrated and leave with a bad memory of Steemit


newbie here give me a piece of advice 😰

i have suggestion to steemit , if we can add a new tab of reputation with trending new hot promoted and reputation , this will help whales to get direct easy access to minnows and read post easily..... ;-)

First I will suggest the regulation on the use of voting encourages laziness. If possible there should be a panel that will evaluate the quality of content one wants to use voting bots to promote, if it actually worth promoting, then approval is given.
The use of voting bot encourages people to post articles that have no quality content in them, and at the end they make huge return from it while a quality content written by someone else who does not use voting bot is not appreciated. I am not saying it should be banned, but let it be under restriction to only articles or post that are worthy of its use.

Will also suggest the reduction in the data usage by steemit platform, let them work on it and see that it's data consumption is reduced. When the data consumption rate is reduced, it will encourage people to remain active on line, my friends I introduced to steemit keep telling me that their data subscription does not last longer anymore especially when they visit steemit. This has made some of them to quit from the platform due to financial difficulty in buying enough data that will sustain them on steemit.
Thirdly, more tutorials for newbies will be encouraged, especially videos on how to succed on steemit.
These are my few personal suggestions.

I agree with you, I see the presence of the beginner steemian less attention and we should be more attention..thank you..Nice to know you @ barrydutton

Issues with signing up should be worked on. Lots of prospective Steemians are faced with the challenge of getting their account approved easily

I agree @mickyscofield. Although we are growing fast, we could still have lots more smart, useful and extremely intellegent areqindividuals STEEM could benefit from

I need to be able to control the topics I see on the left hand side, like choose the topics I like to follow rather than having 20 generic ones 15 of which I would never look at.

I need a button for my feed next to my 'blog' and 'wallet' links on the right.

I need the posts that are less than 30 minutes old to show up at the top if there is a curation bonus for that time window.

I would like to see a bot that auto-flags/bans/mutes anyone who posts identical and/or short comments.

I would like to see a bot report feature and a spam report feature built in, and for a lot of accounts to be banned for this.

I would also like to see a word count bot.

I would also like to see steemit stop using amazon and google, because these companies are integrated with the u.s. government and have indicated over and over again they don't care about individual rights, privacy, or paying their taxes. Or their workers. Or anything besides profit really. You can't have a community if all you care about is profit, which is, I suppose also the nature of steemit whales.

So far, steemit is one giant sybil attack. Police, propagandists and scammers got here first and they are bound to see the idea fail while squeezing every last ounce of value in one giant pump and dump.

I wish I could easily tell if a comment came from a follower. Like if your followers had a symbol next to their name or something. Also would be cool if I could organize people I follow into lists like the art people and the crypto people and the photography people were all in their own lists.

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