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RE: A Reminder: CREATION with no CURATION Puts Steemit Off-Balance... Hands Up Who Else Is Frustrated?!

in #steemit7 years ago

I make a point to answer every comments on my posts, I might be missing the ones that come 4 days later on it, but for the majority of them, there are all from my lovely fellows and it is a pleasure to answer, thank youing, and communicate
...Does it take time ? Oh my it takes a lot ;-) but I post once a day instead of posting ten times, because I would hardly feel to leave my posts just for being upvoted with not caring of the people who took time to leave a comment...
Here is a bouquet for you to uplift your mood @woman-on-the-wing ^_^
romeo fleur.png


I'm with you dear Barbara! I would rather put out one good post a day and take time to communicate with everyone who stops by! Then there are so many wonderful people putting out great content I don't want to miss any of that either. I'll even go a few days in between posts if I don't feel like I have something worthwhile to put out.

My rewards are pretty low most of the time, but I figure I would rather take time and really connect with people and hope that eventually it will even out! Much love to both you ladies! 🤗

You are both the women after my own heart :-) I am not big in the numbers of followers, but I am whole heartedly sticking with sensible people who take time to interact and appreciate other people's time and goodness.

You are a wonderful woman too my friend! Lots of really awesome ladies (and some gents 😆) I have met on here that I am so happy to support and get to know better!

You do right @icybc, stick with the bloggers who appreciate and support, and not with the selfish others! I think I may have told you of my appreciation recently, but if not I want you to know I always do appreciate your support! And I will continue to return that support because I like what you post! :-)

Thank you @barbara-orenya and @plantstoplanks! Have a wonderful day!

Yeah, I noticed you're one of the bloggers who isn't getting many votes either these day @plantstoplanks, just like me, and it bugs me greatly because your posts are genuinely interesting, informative, and clearly you put much time and thought into them. Grrr! But hey, I give you my word you'll continue getting my support, because I want you to keep sharing all this great stuff, and fingers crossed in a little while things will improve! What a good thing you're a sunny person!!!

I try not to get too frustrated since I had absolutely no expectations when I first got on Steemit and the rewards go far beyond the upvote values. It is a hard pill to swallow though when I see a very simple post that probably didn't take any time to put together get 10x the support than my post that I spent not only hours putting together but also time in the kitchen developing. And that is by no means me being disparaging to the more simple posts--some of those are great, too! It just makes me wonder what I could do better. Regardless, I very much appreciate your support and I try to reciprocate with the quite a few others who I also know take the time to read my posts! I'd still much rather 10 genuine followers that I can connect with than 1,000 who don't even read my carefully worded post. 😘

Same here! It's not the numbers that bother me either, like you say it's better to have a handful of genuine followers than stacks of indifferent ones. I don't think there's anything you could be doing 'better'... I don't think the issue is anything to do with posts lacking something, it's that people aren't really reading or even scrolling through the feed. They're quickly having a nosey at the trending posts and clicking a few buttons. Or at least that's my observation of late! I hope the fact lots of us have had chance to discuss these issues might encourage more reading again! :-)

Aww thanks so much, I ADORE your wonkies @barbara-orenya! Your loveliness has indeed lifted my spirits! I think you and I approach things in a similar way... usually no more than one post a day otherwise, like you point out, there's no time left for reading and voting other people's posts. I also find the interaction side of things a pleasure, and not sure why anyone would want to skip that aspect? Maybe if rewards is all that's in people's head then community doesn't matter so much. But community is what makes Steemit wonderful, so I do hope we can pull through this odd phase and get back to love!!! :-)

I do think both community and rewards count, because i like it the most when, doing what I love, I get likewise rewarded for that...I mean, that's how life is meant to be, it is not meant to be a struggle to obtain money and hate money because it is only painful to obtain... As an artist, I choose to do what I love and let the joy of doing it be my first reward...then it has somehow to lead to rewards, in a way or another, because when you feel abundant, abundance comes more and more, it's a natural law, so if it brings money, that's cool, if it brings beautiful people, that's cool, if it brings peace, that's cool...
Then the better way to let abundance enter in our life is to make what pleases us, like interacting, if we love that, and then feel abundant of all the kindness we are surrounded with, and one day or another, it will transform in more cash rewards if we don't prevent money to come in our life by focusing on it's actual absence ...

Oh my goodness, I love everything you said there... so true :-) That's why I've never chosen to get more into the technical and game-playing-to-boost-rewards because that's not where my heart lies. I love the chance to get creative and then to share that with a community that (until very recently) has always welcomed and appreciated that expression of myself, and that's never happened in my life before. I never felt this accepted anywhere. I live in a very remote area, with no neighbours even, or family, or friends, and so Steemit is my social life! It's a very special community but has amazed me how quickly its foirgotten some of that specialness. But hopefully it's not lost, just on the backseat for a while until we start reminding ourselves what made Steemit wonderful in the first place. But knowing there are still poeple like you here is really encouraging, and I appreciate your input to this discussion VERY MUCH! Thank you :-)

It's a pleasure and you put your finger on it just there :

it's not lost, just on the backseat for a while until we start reminding ourselves what made Steemit wonderful in the first place

I think you just have to focus on what you love here to make it re-appear just right now,
the thing is not to get caught on negative discussions on things or people, cause before long, it brings more of that things or people in your vibrationnal neighborhood, and that's the opposite of what we want, don't we..? ;-)
I wish you a wonderful and aligned day @woman-on-the-wing ^_^

You are so right! It's always good to be reminded, thank you :-) I too wish you a wonderful day (or night, whatever time you're on!)

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