Feeling Down Minnow? Like You Arent Being SEEN? Remember, Just KEEP SWIMMING! Positivity TRUMPS all! Tips! KARMA is real! Spread love and you will receive love!

in #steemit7 years ago

 Spent hours on a post? perfected and re-perfected?... waiting waiting... 3 hours later  *1upvote*  

Ever felt this? We ALL have!

Dont worry, you arent the first, and you wont be the last!  so CHEER up!  I can honestly say that everyone, especially myself, has been discouraged at/by Steemit at some point or another.  Dont get me wrong, Steemit is the most amazing platform I have ever seen, and the community is the best collective of people that can be found.   


DONT worry! You are CLOSER than you might THINK!

Nonetheless, After those late night hours hunched over a computer perfecting a post and posting it only to feel as if the Steemit community has given you a big middle finger can be an extremely hard pill to swallow!  If there is one thing I can tell you from my personal life, its to keep smiling. As my Pops used to tell me,

 "Son let me tell you, A smile is worth a helluva lot more than a frown, so always keep smiling, no matter what you are facing because Smiles are priceless." 

 (I unfortunately do not have any picture of my father and I :( , I had to "collage" a picture of my dad and myself.  Uncanny resemblance huh?!)


"Once you frown, you have given up your personal power to make a choice about your situation.  No matter how bad it gets, noone can take your smile."


When I was young, I took this advice literally, smiling and joking my way through the hardest of times.  Looking back I now see he was trying to instill an inner peace within me.  And I want all of you Steemians to do the same! FIND YOUR INNER PEACE!  Post with love and good intentions, and it will come back to you! 

 As Steemians, It is in our DNA to wish only the best for others,  as we too have found this platform to improve upon a craft, art, or improve ourselves overall.  Be it financially, spiritually, or knowledge,  we are all here for a reason.  A PURPOSE! "Well What am I supposed to do on Steemit?"  That answer lies within you!  That is the beauty of Steemit!  Its the loving parent that always told you that you could become anything in the world, to chase your dreams and never look back!  So GET out THERE and FIND your CALLING! With this said,  Please my fellow STEEMIANS, keep posting, keep creating, keep your peace, you drive, and most importantly your SMILE! With LOVE from me to you!  

"United We Stand Steemians!

"For The Steemians, By The Steemians!"

Donations are never expected, but are always appreciated!

Donations accepted via:Steemit.com: bambam808

Bitcoin Wallet: 1FxaHbawZZzSLMtDyeohYZjZGNUnxj7ufC 


this renewed my hope in the platform.

thank you!

We're actually lucky to have discovered Steemit on it's dawn. Give it some time we'll become the big fish of Steemit :)

You are 100% right. my brother! 43 baby!43 repping!!!lol

dolphin around u

I definitely needed to see this post, as a minnow and the current price dipping like shit only made the middle finger slightly longer... Hahaha 😂. Thanks for the cheer up and I definitely try to keep smiling more, cheers and enjoy your weekend 👍

Of course buddy! Shoot when I made my first posts, steem was at 12-15Cents! so I definitely know what you mean! but gotta just keep on keeping on!

You know black people ain't too fond of swimming. These water analogies frighten me lol...

Yo this shit killed me man... so funny!

JAHAHAHAHA this made me laugh so hard

@bambam808 keep going with the posts and you will be successful, here's wishing you all the best my fellow Steemian

Thanks ! Steem on!

Thanks @bambam808 I have definately felt this way. So I end up doing memes.lol. My highest voted post was a randowhale meme. 59 upvotes but only 6 views and 67 cents. I put my heart into some well thought out post on addiction/harm reduction, serious issues 3-4 votes. I do like you were saying though I just keep steeming forward.
Have a great day my friend. @steveblack

exactly- gotta just keep it up! Thats how I was and look at now! :) Keep on STEEMING forward brother!

Thank you! full steem ahead!! choo! choo! lol

Love this post! It lightened up my mood ginger samurai..

When you look at it, compared to other sites steemit is much easier because we came here so early. In contrast, it's much harder to make it on youtube/snapchat than it is on steemit because of the sheer no of people who use those services.

So its much better than it looks, which is something we should always keep in mind when we think of why our posts dont get a lot of votes.

This happened me once and it is pretty shitty ,you cant do nothing but expect the best. AND DO THE BEST!

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