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RE: Dstors Needs To Return Haejins Money

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Maybe he will learn the importance of ettiquette when using a business account. I'll bet that @haejin jumped the gun and became mad the trust bestowed upon him had vanished, because he lacked the professional demeaner needed to deal with prospective customers and investors.

Then instead of opening dialog, like he should have, he went on the defensive from being butthurt, because his ego couldn't handle the necessary disciplinary action against him.

Whenever one takes a beef public, acting rashly and without showing the hard proof of the actual numbers it is because the proof doesn't exist and they are lying and/or they didn't document anything as they should have.

None of that makes theft excusable. The thief indicated clearly the funds weren't his and made promises to return them. Good job with the whackjob story you seemingly apear to need so you can justify the act as not theft, because without za papers zere are no fundz, no admission, no corroborated evidence on the chain for all to see.

Where's the actual receipts, descriptions of the intent of each individual transfer and the contracts with the signature of the recipients? Without this @haejin is shit out of luck. A screenshot of the transfers are worthless if there was no memo attached documenting the intent. Hell, much of that could have been used to pay his own developer for all we know. What inside knowledge do you possess? Heresay is not relevent.

Hell he could be talking about returning his own funds as payment for haejin doing all his demands, I've cracked it!

In closing, I will not state matter of factly that he isnt owed anything. I have never said this and actually mentioned straight off he may be due payment for some of his accomplishments, like drawing up the whitepaper.

You called him a thief. You also called him a liar, not outright but repeatedly by calling his testimony heresay, and implicitly each time you made indication of duplicity, deviousness, and deceit on his behalf.

You are so intent on winning, rather than being rational that you have only been on the attack. You should be somewhere in the middle and asking for more info which I have done with my examples.

You asked irrational and nonsensical questions, after you hurled accusations, called people all maner of things and you initiated all of it with false, confused claims.

Also, even if he is owed funds, but this needs to go to court to settle, then @dstors should put the funds in an escrow account until the judgement is made. Legally, as long as the funds are available to disperse as necessary, @dstors doesn't need to release any funds to @haejin and it's not in their best interest to do so.

You're an idiot. Holding the funds hostage and taking this to court as to dispute who owns the funds when it is clear as day by admission on the blockchain, corroborated and evidenced also on the blockchain is indicative you are an idiot if you honestly believe ANYTHING more needs to be presented to demonstrate beyond a shadow of a doubt that the funds belong to haejin and the best course is to return them asap.

As long as @haejin continues to try this topic in the court of public opinion, he is showing his hand and it's probably because he doesn't have any legal ground to stand on.

Of couse, who would have thought you can have arbitration without legal action, preposterous, he must not have any legal grounds to stand on, otherwise he'd go to court.

#suchafuckingidiot #businessetiquette


It's fitting you chose the sound of a Sheop as your username.

You have proven yourself to be too moronic to converse with, so I'm only commenting for the DV. My goal is to bring the rep of this account into negative territory.

You address only the subjective portions of my comments, rather than the factual advice and points outlining @dstors legal responsibilities. This is a typical tactic for fake ass bitches whom are backed neither by facts nor basic common sense. You're a fake and your lame ass non-content proves that.

Instead of specifying anything relevant or explaining yourself for the numerous slanderous lies and mistakes and answering the simple question you talk about my username, claim I proved to be too moronic to converse with, claim you're only doing it for the downvote, then go on ahead and address me and try to claim that I'm fake because I'm not backed by facts or common sense.

So why did he say that he would return the funds that he left in the wallet when it hardforked and is him saying that, and haejin corroborating it, not only the thiefs demands, not facts, and it is not common sense that: it's not a loan, not a Gift which you claimed he claimed and claimed that you were not "properly", in so many words, corrected about, and it's not kali's money as "investment" when he's clear as day about THE FUNDS NOT BEING HIS.

I'm fake though says the idiot who claims he responded ONLY to get downvotes, stoopid ass reverse psychology or what, since you wasted your time trying AGAIN to avoid answering the question or acknowledging how obnoxious and outright confused you were, let alone to the last effort at painting youself into a corner/digging the proverbial hole before this "You're superficial you fake" idiocy^2 where you said that he probably doesn't have "legal grounds" to stand on, and he should persue that route. Idiot.

If you don't have an argument, resort to basic bitch shit like claiming I didn't focus on your "factual advice".

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