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RE: Steemit Evolution: Going Beyond

in #steemit7 years ago

Very well said. The way i see it, having the mining system based on creativity (upvotes) is the icing on the cake. The Steem Blockchain really is superior to others when it comes to being a Medium of Exchange or even a Unit of Account!

less than 3 second transfer time no matter the distance. Immutable transactions, decentralized store of data... Those alone are enough reasons to start thinking in SBD instead of [insert fiat money name here] when it comes to buying/selling stuff!

Come to think of it.. man.. the next time im selling a service/product.. im doing it with Steem. Howbout that for a "use case" huh?

At least the way i see things now is on the personal scale. afterall, a country is made up of the collective of personnel. If enough people act/think like us, fiat currency will be made obsolete, being replaced by Steem, at least if people want to transact with us. (you wanna use lousy paper with no value or wanna do it online?)


That was exactly what I want to get it to people the moment I see the possibilities in steemit. You earn within your means, you spend within your means. The more people realise this the better it becomes because it is just so much easier and totally transparent. No one can run away from "under table" and even if we eventually have to convert it into fiat currency, we are still giving back to the society (and the government with tax) by enabling more people to have better options to sustain themselves and away from limitations and control.
Then hopefully, less people are frustrated with poverty and concentrate on more important things, family; and with strong families, strong nation.
Thanks so much for being in the same page as what I see it. And we hope that through this we can let more people see the simplicity of it and decentralise the burden of governments and have abundant sustainable ecosystem.

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