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RE: What do think about Steemit CEO Ned Scott's announcement that over 70% of Steemit Inc. has been laid off due to a lower bottom of the market than was projected?

in #steemit6 years ago

I just hope they don't pull the plug on the Steemit API though.. Word on the street is that 90% of all the dapps are free loading on's seed node. As soon as that 1 node bugs out, all steem goes to shit kinda..

Posted using Partiko Android


Witnesses would take that responsibility over...Dapps would undergo little outage just like the BTS chain did few days ago

The problem is, would they?

Thats a really cool comment and possibly very interesting. Could you please translate it into Nathenish and expand a little please mate ? I did get the bit about turning off Steemit and I couldn't agree more!

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I don't have the exact info or data, so bear with me here..

From what I know, a good chunks of steem dapps out there functions by using api.steemit as the back end. So basically, steem runs the seed node with huuuuuge traffic throughput to power up all the dapps you and I prolly use (asides for, the biggest steem dapp so far).

So a seed node is different from a witness node in that (im slaughtering it here) the witness node (imagine it as the "miner" for Bitcoin) signs and store the blockchain data but don't really serve the data out. That is done by the seed node (imagine it as the "full node" of Bitcoin).

You can imagine doing that will take up alot of traffic upload download traffic and is especially expensive if one is using a cloud server (which is what @steemit did).

If they pull the plug... Literally all the dapps that uses api.steemit will be cutoff and have to either find an alternative or run their own seed node.

I don't think it's anywhere near accurate but it's the gist for a non-techy guy like you and me. I hope someone will come along, read what I wrote, get pissed, and correct me.

The best way to learn something on the internet is not to ask, but to say the wrong thing with confidence.

Posted using Partiko Android

Close but off by an inch.

Witness nodes, sign blocks as valid and store them in the sequential chain.

Seed nodes are the arbiters of the ledger sequence number of the moment, consent to it and issue to the rotating witness receiving the next block to validate, ensuring a witness in rotation always has the next valid block id number.

Missing from your definition, but the one you actually mean, is what we call RPC nodes, short for Remote Procedure Call nodes. These are the middle men between dapps and the chain witness and seed nodes. All have to agree on block ids and contents, and both rpcs and witnesses contain full copies of the chain. These are the heaviest metal in the mix, and we have very few of them available due to their uncompensated expense.

Thanks! TIL..

So all 3 are equally important but only 1 type gets paid by the Blockchain, that's a scary thought.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah tell me about it, Ive had two witness servers for nearly 18 of my months here, and further actually wrote a business plan to create RPC nodes as a subscription service for dapp builders, but frankly can't afford to rent them for a business that they probably won't pay for until freeloading is not an option, at which point ,as discussed herein and as is apparently starting to happen, it would be a day late, eh?

I think a Steemian said somewhere in this whole comment thread that "people will need to pay to get connected to RPC nodes, they just don't know it yet".

Yea i'd say your business plan would do well to sit prepared for the right timing.

Fairly certain Steem would be boned if this happened and prompt a mass exodus. I really hope not. Are those that made millions here willing to sustain the infrastructure at a loss and, if so, for how long?

I think we would most definitely see a fork from a new database as we will need to start fresh to cut server costs. No sense in retaining the data from an derelect chain.

Hopefully, things change and we don't reach that point.

Posted using Partiko Android

Are those that made millions here willing to sustain the infrastructure at a loss and, if so, for how long?

They've had two years to step up, and only about 5 or 6 people/witness teams ever have.

That said, its really on the dAPP builders to buy and pay for the RPC nodes, its them that needs em to survive (and by extension us, but yes, they are the primary consumers) Not the witnesses, or the whales. Witnesses get paid for blocks as is. RPC nodes are swallowed up by the dtubes and so on. THEY and some do, need to build these, its their businesses at stake.

I'd love to read an exposè on who were the witnesses that stepped up, who were the witnesses that did nothing.. A sort of tell-all to reveal what each of the top 30 witnesses have contributed to the blockchain, whether it warrants them all the steem they earned all these while.

At the very least I hoped I voted for the correct 5-6 witnesses that did stood out.

Posted using Partiko Android

There is many places to get node lists and who owns them. This information is all over the chain.

Then, we will know penny STEEM is coming.

Now you're giving me ideas..

"Mom! I'm heading to the bank to get another loan! One more big sale is coming!"

Posted using Partiko Android

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