
Hey, it's fun to joke around and all that but I just noticed you delegate to Tipu bidbot and Tipu's vote hasn't been removed from the instance of plagiarism I recently found boosted up to the trending(joke) page. Here's a link with more information and a link leading to the instance of plagiarism can be found tucked neatly inside that post.

I would like to see that vote removed and the money the plagiarist spent on the vote should go to me because I'm awesome.

Thank you and have a wonderful evening.

I don't delegate to tipU anymore. Those are residuals from prior delegations, I think via some issuance and dividends of tipU coins.

Alright but if you know somebody who knows somebody, maybe they can get someone else to do something about it.

@cardboard is the man you after

That sounds like code talk. Is this agent cardboard easy to work with or should I wear a vest?

Agent Cardboard. Lol!

He/she seeks like a reasonable guy/gal but I would always recommend the best!

I tried to message @cardboard, the owner of TipU, but no response thus far.

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