Thank You For Being Good

in #funny5 years ago

I'd like to dedicate this post to all those on this platform who work hard, honestly.

You know who you are.

And so do the rest of us.

Thank you for being good,


First, I'd like to thank you for waking up. Well done.

I'm sure that was no easy feat. Please don't strain yourself if you try it again tomorrow. Hit the snooze button all morning if you have to. You've earned it.

Good job. You were able to turn your computer on today. Fantastic.

A round of applause is in order. Seventeen likes.

Now that you're a professional blogger who makes the big bucks, your Facebook friends sure have taken a liking to you. Thanks for letting everyone know your next hit post is coming right up! So exciting. I can't wait.

Thank you for being capable of making another decision shortly after updating your status message.

Isn't it amazing how the coffee can make itself. Everything is automatic. You're not even required to think. That is until you decide to think about something to write about. Just getting to that point must have been difficult for you.


High Five for being able to put everything down and dedicate your mind resources to some solid thought processing.

NoNamesLeftToUse - High Five.jpeg
High Five

Moving Along

You entered a few words into a search bar. Amazing. I'm not even being sarcastic here. You have to actually know what you want before you get it. That shit is hard to do. Congratulations.

Selecting from the first twenty hits was wise of you. Those are there because they are popular and you would like to be popular too. I don't blame you. Nobody does. Good job on not being afraid to be yourself.

Thank you for highlighting the text like a champ.

That takes some serious hand-eye coordination. You didn't even miss a word. Truly remarkable. I'm taking notes.


You've been a blogger for a few weeks and still have access to your account. That tells me one thing and one thing only. You, are a responsible person. You'll never have to worry about losing your keys or access to the box where the things get pasted.

Three more clicks, your article is nearly finished, and that first cup of coffee is still hot. You should easily be able to pull this off nine more times today.

You work hard. So hard. Just thinking about it makes me jealous. I think it's safe to say, we all strive to be just like you someday.

Thank you for putting your honesty on display.

It must have taken many years to be able to build up that much genuine confidence.

To believe in yourself so much that you'd spend hundreds upon hundreds of dollars worth of advertising time just so your hard work and intelligence level can shine brighter than all the others must take huge brains and massive balls.

Not many thieves would walk into a store and kindly announce their name along with the fact they're planning on taking as much as they can carry out the door.

You're so strong both physically and mentally that you managed to pull it off without using weapons or threats.

I'm Speechless

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kindness, generosity, and most importantly; your honesty. I firmly believe all of those in your field could learn a few things from you. Leading by example is noble and should be commended.

It's true, you're one of the good ones. I think we can all agree though, it's takes a special kind of good to be that awesome.


Thank You, Plagiarizer


Good Day

The post above was first published and presented to the STEEM community on 2/9/2018.

I wrote it to poke fun at how idiotic a plagiarist can be. On 2/9/2018, someone used bidbots to push their finest example of a plagiarized post all the way up to the top of the trending page, for all to see.

It doesn't get any dumber than that.

"Hi everyone! I'm stealing!"

But it does get dumber than that.

Since long before 2/9/2018 and up until now (6/16/2019), nothing has been done to prevent a plagiarist from reaching the top slots on the trending page.

Last night I came across a post sitting in the third highest slot on Steemit's trending page. The opening line sounded vaguely familiar, so I clicked, started reading, more and more of it was somehow already inside my memory bank, so I Googled the first paragraph and found a link to a Facebook post.

I first read this "letter to a friend" years ago, on Facebook. I don't remember who shared it, or when, but it was like seeing a movie I forgot about until about a half hour in and then memory kicks in like, oh yeah! I remember seeing this now.

I say nothing has been done to prevent this, and they'll argue and say, "but we have blacklists now!"

That is reactive, not proactive.

I say nothing has been done to prevent this, and they'll argue, "but we removed the votes! They lost money!"

Meanwhile, those selling the votes get to keep the money they received when the plagiarist bought the votes. No matter what they say, my view is this: They truly don't give a shit.

The amount of time this has been going on proves that, in my mind.

Bidbots weren't the only entities promoting plagiarism last night.

I saw names of people who are apparently selling their votes now.

Well known and respected members of the community, voting blinding, promoting plagiarism, for profit.

I can joke about this problem. I will not mention your names though, and make a fool out of you, because you're doing a fine job of making a fool out of yourself. You don't need my help, but I'm sure when I visit your posts and hand you over a nice free vote, you appreciate it.

As a community, I think we can do better.

I'm disappointed to see, after all this time, nothing has been done, and not only that, now folks would prefer to contribute to the problem, rather than helping solve the problem.

I spent a good chunk of my time last night outing a plagiarist. Doing as much as I could with limited resources to get that mess off of the trending page before more consumers could be misled into thinking trash is actually popular around here. It did nothing but make me angry and frustrated. I didn't come back to this platform after a nice long break, to be angry, and frustrated.

I'm not going to get into offering solutions today. For nearly two years I've been pointing out these issues and offering solutions.

All it did was make me look like an asshole.

I once compared the vote selling and vote buyers to crack dealers and crackheads. I explained exactly what happens to a neighborhood once crack cocaine takes over. Property values plummet and the lowest of the low roam the streets.

Look around.

Where did all those fine people go. I followed them for months and enjoyed their work. Why are they gone? Who cares, right?


I've been informed, finally, after all this time, people are starting to notice the problem.

My response to that, was this:

2/8/2018 I said:

If everyone was forced to purchase $50 worth of rewards from these new tax collectors just to be able to remain competitive, that would make $50 worth of rewards the new $1.

Only now they're starting to see it?

Exactly what I said here:

Comparing the paid votes to crack cocaine and the effects crack has on a neighborhood. Drives down property values. I saw that from day one. I was right, and I said it all to help, so we wouldn't be here, in this situation we're in, and they fucking ignored me.

"If the value of the token was high, nobody would complain," they say recently. But I said all that shit, and more shit, during STEEM's all time high, because I didn't want to see the value plummet. So many these days are scratching their heads, wondering why STEEM isn't rising with bitcoin. They put the money in the wrong hands, and ignored all of us who would have done things to make this place lively and thriving. They took a huge shit on EVERY single quality content producer here. Called us names like circle jerkers... when all we did was produce content and HOPE for a goddamn vote, and since some liked our work, we got votes. I started with nothing, and worked up. How the hell can someone with 1000 SP like I had way back in the day be part of some elaborate scheme to share votes... when my vote wasn't worth SHIT! People just voted, organically, didn't care how much money I had. I wasn't alone either. There were thousands of us producing cool stuff and enjoying our time here. Nearly all of them are fucking GONE now. People move out when crack moves in and you're left with SHIT... and the property value drops. NEVER recovers.

To conclude.

That plagiarist will now pout about losing a few dollars and getting caught.

He'll start up a new account, move some tokens around, and be back at it so you folks can promote it. Solid teamwork, everyone.

Give yourselves a nice pat on the back and if you need a new set of blinders to wear after reading this, just have your people contact my people and we'll work something out. $5.99 and free shipping. Mine have a two year guarantee as well, just like the ones you were wearing before.

Have a nice day.

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png

"Maybe I should just buy your vote so you don't have to look at this reality?"

© 2019 @NoNamesLeftToUse.  All rights reserved.


It will never change until they dis-allow the bid bots. They keep saying how the free downvote pool will help this, I tried pointing out that no one has enough downvote poser in the dolphin or minnow ranks to make a difference.

Tell me why would I downvote something that the so called investors voted on? The investors do not want to have their bad choices pointed out, a couple of the bid bots removed their votes, but not all of them as a result of you pointing it out.

You spent hard earned Vote Power to downvote that post. Did it make a difference in the financial rewards he is going to receive? Would my wasting VP on it make a difference? All the downvote pool is going to do is allow the bid bot owners to say "no one else seems to care, the downvotes are free and none were received, why should we risk tarnishing our name by removing a paid for vote?"

I once pointed out to a whale he gave a very large vote to a plagiarized picture, I did so via the wallet, it didn't cost me anything other than the minimum 0.001 fee, his response was I like Cats, my vote stands he could care less he was rewarding a plagiarizer.

I would like to see it change, but it will not. So vote on content you like and see as honest, I have tried to put blinders on to this just to avoid the anger and frustration, it doesn't work, so I just try to keep moving on and bitching sometimes, (like you), about it every now and then.

I seriously doubt that that post will drop to zero and that his reputation will be hurt at all, or that he will even care if it is hurt, because like you said, he started the power down already and likely has a new account in for using the bid-bot banks.

I've even suggested ways that would allow bidbots to make money without having to promote junk and cater to suckers. A way that allows everyone to work together instead of against each other. Ignored.

Pretty much anyone with the stench of bidbot on them, I ignore. It's hard but there are plenty on here to interact with that don't stink of them. I wiped my witness votes this morning and taking the time to make sure my witnesses don't have their stench either. No upvoting, no following. they are persona non grata in my little steem bubble.

The whole plan from the start was dirty. Buy votes, pretend to popular, lure in unsuspecting consumers, gather their votes. If you look at some of the comments on that post I found, you can see how those people were duped. How is that good for our image and property value? It's so moronic.

Death to all bidbots!

Your maker is a gentleman and a scholar... and handsome too.

Am not that big of a fish but out of solidarity downvoted that sucker.

Bidbots OUT! Or at least with lots of restrictions. This has become ridiculous.

Suffer the wrath of my 31 cents, foul beast!

Hahaha, that will teach him. Together we stand!

It is ridiculous. I was alone at first trying to get that crap off the trending page last night and now I feel alone here talking about it, and pointing out the problems. Will this post hit the trending page? Fuck no. Why? Because so many would prefer to promote pieces of shit now, and they're getting paid to ignore this and the thousands of good folks who were forced to leave.

well, l have been away a few days and had a higher than normal VP so I flagged that post before upvoting yours. It isn't much, but it is something. :)

Thank you, for doing that.

"Why isnt steem price moving"

"Why is the trending page such a cesspool?"

Yet, they continue. I see blacklists as a lazy solution.

It angers me also. Gonna suck if this platform fails....I really wanted to be a steemit millionaire one day. All I do is stream now...I'd like to get back to my regular posting, but I only see the shittiest of shitposts make money consistently. I'll have to give it another go soon. Not to make money at this point though, but to just contribute quality to the platform. Something it seems to be lacking lately. 90% of my voting power goes to flags these days. I think it is proof how broken our utopia has become. I hope it changes soon. Good to see you're still around though. It brings me some hope.

I hope things get better soon as well. It's good to see you again.

Steem is pretty much reflects the real world, except that we can't leave the real world. I have to admit to putting the blinkers on and just looking where there are things I want to see, which is not the trending page.

Posted using Partiko Android

One of the most common phrases around here is "I don't look at the trending page."

The folks pushing content there shot themselves in the foot. I've attempted approaching some, wanting to explain what's really happening. Many seem quite delusional. Bought fame and actually thought they were famous. It's difficult to get through to those kind of people.

Sometimes you've just gotta leave people to their delusions. They're only going to drop them when they choose to.

Posted using Partiko Android

That's one of many reasons why I don't look at the trending page. Of any site. For any reason XD (well except in the case of dA which basically forces you onto their stupid trending page as soon as you visit, used to be able to set what filter you wanted once but then they decided they knew better and everyone had to see what they wanted them to see regardless of whether there was even any remote interest or not)

Also one of many reasons why I've just decided to stick where I stick.

I still wander the wastelands. Trouble finds me or I find trouble every damn time.

You are a much, much braver soul than I XD

Thanks for watching the place. I can appreciate your need for vacations.

It's Father's Day. I say this shit, I do this shit... and now I kinda feel like I feel after talking to my oldest daughter about how much of a waste of time drinking on weekends is. Yeah, yeah, dad, I know, I know... does it anyway.

[while ignoring everything he says] Happy Father's Day!

Apparently there is something in the human nature that tells that quick profit is good, however it is achieved. The whales should be driving the success of this platform that they are the ones who tolerate and maybe participate from the bidbots. I must say that I did try the bidbots last year, however, it left me with a bad sensation. "This is not natural, I said". I guess, an idea shoudl be to create a pledge, a list of people who would pledge not to use the bidbots. this list of people should grow big enough to start putting pressure on the whales. Just an idea...

Sorry to say but I think it's too late. It has taken some people nearly two years to even see the problem. Another two years to do something about it...

They used to praise a guy named Jerry for centralizing thousands of potential curators SP into one paid vote that he gained the most profit from. People delegated because they were promised profits, then sat and wondered by nobody was voting for their posts for free, while Jerry was making bank on every single post he did. It was basically a pyramid scam and these people people applauded it, saying it was great for the value of the STEEM. All lies but because it was pushed to the trending page, people believed it, and lost money, then left, and we're out thousands of potential curators.

None of these people care. That's how I feel today. That's why so many left. There's nothing to care about.

We are dealing with human nature, at its worse of course. We can always keep our community of people who believe in good content and rewarding them with good curation, somewhat closed to the influence of human negativity

It's hard to knock out plagiarism in just about everything. Luckily on here it's so much easier to find direct evidence on it, but unfortunately it usually doesn't stop them getting Steem.
One person I hate is jazminmillion who just thinks copy and pasting articles is fine as long as she provides a link. Then when she gets downvoted she rants and abuses whoever does it.

Yes, there are plenty of folks who don't understand or see the value in original content. Just amateurs who are here to extract tokens. Like I said, the trash everywhere can only bring down property values... but you know what dude? I'm just yelling at clouds. People sell their votes, whatever, act selfishly... I'll never see a vote from them now for talking about these problems. I won't even get a hello. I see them and to me it's like that old friend, who now does drugs. You don't want to turn your back on them, kinda want to fight for them... but they'll just keep using, and hate you for trying to help.

If I could give you a higher 5 for this, I would, but that's pretty fcking high. ...and the cat... LMAO
I'm all for cleaning this place up though.

Man... back when I wrote that, it was so much easier to laugh about it. Now, all I can say is, at least I'm not as angry as I was last night.

I put that cat in the weirdest little places. It's a joke that's been going on for nearly three years. At least that one makes people happy.

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