Recent activity on crypto currency investment(暗号通貨投資についての最近のアクティビティ)Part2

in #steemit7 years ago

Last time I made an article about adding hash rate of Genesis Mining of cloud mining service.
前回は、クラウドマイニングサービスのGenesis Miningのハッシュレート追加について記事にしました。


In this issue, I have summarized the preparations I have been doing to participate in Byteball Air Drop and the differences between the preliminary survey and the reality.


First, although it is Byteball, it is a service offering a chat application that makes it easy to exchange money with peer-to-peer (P2P) using the currency GBYTE, if you explain it briefly to those who are doing Steemit blog.
Chat alone is nothing interesting! As you may think, due to the provision of various services by Bot, it will be a service that has the potential to do anything, such as delivery, selling, gambling etc., a service that pays for the price.


And another thing, Steemit is also called super inflation currency etc. I think that there is an image spreading STEEM and SBD steadily, but as a result the number of users increases, the value of STEEM and SBD does not become too thin Just like keeping the current situation growing with hard fork as such adjustment, ByteBall also pays dividends according to the amount of GBYTE held on the full moon day of every month and the BTC balance of the Bitcoin Wallet tied up By doing so, we are improving awareness and expanding our users.

そして、もう一つ、Steemitも超インフレ通貨などと呼ばれ、どんどんSTEEMやSBDを配りまくっているイメージがあるかと思いますが、その結果利用者が増えて、STEEMやSBDの価値が薄まりすぎないような調整をハードフォークにより現状もなを成長を続けているのと同じように、ByteBallも毎月満月の日に保有するGBYTEの量や紐づけされているBitcoin WalletのBTC残高に応じて配当を行うことによって認知度の向上と利用者の拡大を行っています。

Since July 9th was a full moon, a snapshot of the holding amount was taken as planned, and the dividend was carried out.

The information I had been investigating in advance was as follows.

  1. By introducing the Byteball application, if you have GBYTE in the wallet, you get 20% GBYTE + some blackbyte (explain it on another occasion) for that 20%.

  2. By using Bitcoin Wallet which can sign a message, we can associate Byteball address with BTC address.
    GBYTE can be obtained according to the balance of BTC in the associated wallet.

  3. It is the same as shareholder benefit right and dividend right, but it collapses after the confirmed date (time), but recently it will soar before the vesting, so even if a lot of intelligible sellers go down, buying goes on soon The price does not go down much.

Then, how about it actually? . .

  1. There are FULL wallet and LIGHT wallet to create a wallet with ByteBall application. It is written that there is no FULL Wallet on a certain site, and it takes time to be authenticated unless you make it to a LIGHT Wallet on a certain site, so it is an annoying place to decide which LIGHT Wallet is better.
    Then, when you think about it what is originally from FULL Wallet, the answer naturally appears. FULL Wallet is part of the authentication process such as remittance of GBYTE along with 12 witnesses (Witnesses in the setting menu).
    Therefore, like me, I think that users should start using the Byteball application for about 10 minutes a day should not use FULL Wallet. In terms of NEM it means the same thing as setting up a full node with the mining right of the super node, WAVES, so if you can be stable running 24 hours a day, 365 days, you think you should create a FULL wallet I will.
    By the way, the difference between the FULL Wallet and the LIGHT wallet from the user's point of view is whether or not the restoration function from SEED can be used, but since the aforementioned currency called Blackbyte is anonymously remittable currency in the first place, leave no trace Hmm. Therefore, it can not be restored from SEED.
    Also, since the restoration function from SEED is only a single device wallet, multi-device wallet for improving safety can not be restored.
    Based on the above contents, let's use the full backup function as a user without using SEED.
    The full backup function is able to restore wallet information from a file saving wallet balance information etc. to an external device and a file saved in an external device such as restoration from full backup.
    By using this function, you can also restore the blackbyte balance information that does not remain in the history.
    When restoring with SEED, blackbyte's balance will be gone, so I think that it is better not to use it normally.

1.ByteBallアプリでWalletを作成するにはFULL WalletとLIGHT Walletがあります。あるサイトではFULL Walletでなければだめだと書かれており、あるサイトではLIGHT Walletにしないと認証されるまで時間がかかるからLIGHT Walletの方がよいとどちらにすればよいのか悩ましいところです。
 では、FULL Walletとはそもそも何なのか、それを考えると自ずと答えが見えてきました。FULL Walletは12人の立会人(設定メニュー内のWitnessesです)と共に、GBYTEの送金等の認証処理の一部を担っています。
そのため、私のように、1日10分程度Byteballアプリを起動するような利用者がFULL Walletを利用すべきではないと思っています。NEMで言えばスーパーノード、WAVESの採掘権を持つフルノードを立ち上げているのと同じことを意味するため、24時間365日安定して稼働させられるのなら、FULL Walletを作成すべきだと思います。
ちなみに、FULL WalletとLIGHT walletの利用者的観点からの違いは、SEEDからの復元機能が使えるかどうかなのですが、前述のBlackbyteという通貨はそもそも匿名送金可能な通貨であるため、痕跡を残しません。したがってSEEDからは復元できないのです。

  1. I could not increase the balance of the BTC address that I had tied in advance, so it was insufficiently verified, but I got it.
    The next full moon is August 7, so I'll try to verify again at that time.
    The countdown until next air drop is on the top of the TOP screen of Byteball official website.



  1. As a result, we reduced the value greatly by selling a lot of money just after the snapshot was taken.
    Also, even after the dividend was paid out, a large number of people selling it came out and further lowered.
    However, since the implementation of Air Drop is decided in the next full moon, it seems that it became a great buy place for people wanting to cheap for the next time.
    If we do the same price move as this time, we will gradually rise to the end of the month and we expect that those who do not need dividends will start to sell from before vesting.
    If you are a short-term trader who does not need a dividend, it is now buying, before vesting is selling.
    Those who carried forward the rights day in order to receive a dividend are not now at the time of sale, because I got 20% for the dividend and 20% or more for the price dropped. . .
    Since I am not the best Byteball, I am going to do another thing by paying the dividend I got this time when I went up to the end of the month.



Great information. I will certainly try it

I do not know whether it is useful because it is personal opinion, but I think that it is worth the try.

@asim got you a 8.06% @minnowbooster upgoat, nice!
@asim got you a 8.06% @minnowbooster upgoat, nice! (Image:

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