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RE: I'm going to put myself forward as being "....the most boring on Steemit"..!!

in #steemit8 years ago

Ha ha, well I dont think you are boring Stephen and you are as old as the woman you feel. As Trump lol!
I agree, I am also in it for the long game. I see Steemit as though it was Facebook 11 years ago. Facebook was revolutionary back then and once people began to understand its interactive power, it went ballistic.
Steemit is also revolutionary in that it is the first social media platform built onto a blockchain, plus tied to its own crypto.currency. As far as I am concern, this was simply genius and is without question the future in many ways.
As we begin to see, the first migration is coming from facebook members who begin to understand that it is "they" who are making Facebook shareholders rich by adding "their" content and by clicking "likes" .
Like Adam Curtis said in his recent docu masterpiece Hypernormalization; "The more people click, the more money the corporations make"
When they understand that by adding "their" content to Steemit, they are also adding to the value of Steemit, only this time they themselves are the shareholders. Thus, as member "content" grows so will Steemit´s value.
As well as this, Steemit is in a unique position at the moment and one that I dont see being exploited. In a world of fake news. fake media , any source that gets a reputation for truth, sincerity and integrity, will become very valuable indeed. Steemit has got a built-in system for this with its reputation levels. It might not be perfect but it is the best we have got on the web today. It is not only the censorship factor that is valuable but its the reputation for truth.
Being on the blockchain backs up this truth value.
In a way, I see it like a company that gains a reputation for fair honest business trading. As we saw in 2008, the companies that were dishonest were the first to crash because there was nothing in them. The companies that were honest, although only a few, did survive and went on to thrive.
I came to Steemit from Faceook, as I say, the first migration is coming from there. But there is also those who are not on facebook and for them Steemit will fell very natural.
When I saw that Facebook and reddit were censoring I was very happy because I knew this would only drive people away. And where will they go?
The future for Steemit is only bright and only Steemit members themselves can destroy it. For like the Roman Emperor Markus Aurelius once said " An empire does not fail by invading armies threatening its gates. No, an empire falls when its own people stop believing in it."
It was only when Romans stopped believing in the concept of Rome that their currency also fell. It was not a war that destroyed Rome. It was the fall of its currency. Both are indelibly linked. As is the US dollar.
Oh shit, I just realized, perhaps this was this a boring reply😃


You made a lot of great points.

"...the first migration is coming from facebook members who begin to understand that it is "they" who are making Facebook shareholders rich by adding "their" content and by clicking "likes" .." You nailed it. Thanks for the support and comment. Stephen

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