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RE: Steemit Needs Series: Please comment with your ideas to improve Steemit!! | E. 21 | Sept. 26th, 2017 | Community Engagement | Archives to help Developers / Community.

in #steemit7 years ago

Although we all love the idea of decentralisation, there can be advantages to having some things centralised. Like a notice board for example. Perhaps you want to make sure everyone hears about something, a scammer or other valuable information that all should know about. Or perhaps you have arranged a live gig etc. Also there are a lot of valuable services on Steemit that are hard for the beginner to find out. The Steemshop, The Art Gallery, the bookshop for example. These took me ages to find out about. If I knew of a central place to go when I signed up, this would have been enormously helpful. A central noticeboard type place for such things I feel would do well. But it has to be visual. People love simplicity.
I know we have the "promoted" category but from what people tell me it is not really working as well as it used to before the last hardfork. (when it was 24 hrs to upvote rather than 7 days). It seems that folk view the "promoted" section as a kind of cheat to get their posts seen in order to make money and so they are ignoring it. I dont know how true this is but this is the feedback I am getting.
However, all understand the concept of a "notice board" perfectly well.
We have such a notice board in my village. I see people looking at it everyday when they go to the post office. I saw two new posters on there this morning "Apartment to rent" and "Brass Concert this Sunday"
Imagine a page where you see lots of little icon type pictures that tell what it is like a click-bait header with a small image) and you can click on it and see further details if you wish. The notice board could have a limited time of 3 days for example and after that it is automatically deleted. If anyone abuses the system with scamming or advertising then they could be banned thus eliminating such selfish behaviour. Just a thought.


Good input as always.

I went looking for you awhile back. Tagged you a few times in posts that reminded me of you.

Hope you are good.

Thanks Barry.
Its been a tough 5 months. The summer season is when I make most of my income. I run an art gallery and I also own a restaurant. This year was exceptionally more busy than usual with a lot of unexpected challenges. I had no time at all to blog or even look at a computer. I really missed it too, which see as a positive.
I have sold the restaurant now as it was taking far too much of my time. I took it over about 8 years ago and it gradually started taking more of my time. It was an exciting experiment for a while but it was not me really. We live and learn I guess.
I appreciate you thinking of me Barry, tagging me. Sadly.there is no way I would have seen them. Two reasons; One it seems I do not get a notification when someone tags me (not sure why or what is wrong there). And two, I have not been on my computer. So please dont think I ignored you. You are and always will be one of my favourite people on Steemit. You were one of the first to welcome me. Hey we have some history you and I!
I dont have Steemt on my mobile but I am now looking into doing that. But as I say, I appreciate the gesture. That means a lot my friend. In Norway we say; "Sette pris på" - which means "We put a high value on your action"
Good to see you are still active my good fellow and you are looking much healthier and positive these days.
I will be more active on Steeit now so dont be surprised to seem my comments on your posts again.

I do have a brotherly love for you man, thanks for taking time to settle these things for me in my mind and our friendship today!

I will tell you this..... since you have been on here, there is no way for the last few mths for me to get to every reply like I used to man... it is just impossible, I did the best I could for the first 8+ mths doing that brother.


I understand you Barry. There are just so many people on here now, it is beginning t explode. Just so you know, if I write something on a post of yours, I do NOT expect to get a reply because I know just how busy our lives are these days. I do not feel bad at all. If I do get a reply then I see it as a bonus.

When friends, do not see each other for a long time and then can just pick up where they left off, that is a sign of a genuine friendship. Even though we have never met, I always had that sense of a friendship with you Barry. I have always had a good gut feeling about genuine people. I have never once been wrong.

So no worries man, Im just glad we are back in contact again.

Keep posting my good fellow ;)

I am feeling something!

IDK what is going on here!!!

What is going on inside me AA!!???


ha ha ha nice one

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