Welcome to the first Steemit.com clone ( yes there is an l instead of the i)

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

This is a warning post !
This is the cloned site http://steemlt.com ... And yes there is an l instead of the i ....

This is a fully fonctionnal Steemit.com website, you can even log in, but if I were you, I wouldn't do it .... I haven't checked or read anything about the way the passwords are encrypted. Hopefully the browser encrypt it before sending to the server. Has anyone investigated that ?

I have described here(https://steemit.com/steemit/@artakan/how-to-build-your-own-steemit-com-website) the methodology to create your own version of Steemit.com.

But appart from that, it means we will see coming many new steem websites, with different color and shapes, and maybe other functionality. Human imagination is without limits it seems.

I am really looking forward to watch all this unfold, and if you have an event more brilliant idea than what we have now, maybe you can contact me and we can work together to make it real.

ps: you are welcome to come here, whenever the original Steemit.com is down .... That shouldn't last, as this website was more created as an experiment.


It's cool that there may be other web sites to access Steemit with, but I'd always worry about typing my password into some unknown site.

@neoxian That is a really good insight. I'm about to push a PR that allows you to do an openid style login to other sites using your steem account. It would be ideal if we could give sites specific access to specific things. We already keep our private keys clientside BTW. We don't actually stay logged in here. Instead we appear to be signing a message that auths us and then registering to a websocket.

This is the best news I have discovered since getting on Steemit. Thank you...

Yes that's why I did this in a provocative way, and I really hope we will get answers ....But it's working I logged in with my password, and it works .... Now I will go and check the code to see how it's done.

nice experiment
hope don't access to people's keys and have another misfortune again, it would be good that together we can improve the platform with clones and new ideas 8]

Thank you for the info.

Good catch!

I hope this isn't a phishing site, that logs your password. Of course your password will work if it interacts with the Steem blockchain. The hash for your password is stored on the blockchain.

No it's not, I made it .... it's more like a provocative experiment... but it could be ....I am just wondering how we will trust other steem websites, based on which criteria ....

Nice update thank you for keeping our security at interest

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