My 7-Days of blogging on steemit

in #steemit7 years ago


Being more of a scrambler, this was a bit above my pay grade. The conscious and deliberate act to write, and gathering my thoughts...

Lessons learnt

Building the base
I discovered steemit should be grown horizontally, then the vertical would take care of itself. One need to develop and work on content development rather than "how many followers got I". Overtime, when you are known for good content, you would be trusted enough to be followed by the community. Actually came across an account with over 100 followers but can't boast of $10 worth of curation, obviously he is in a race for followers rather than delivery. According to @fisteganos, you need not beg or ask for followers (, as steemit community doesn't work that way(unwritten law). Build your content and you would be followed.

Of course its a big offense. Having being flagged for not referencing, obviously I need no lecture on it as the need to give credit to the originator can't be over emphasized, even if the article have your thoughts and a number of changes conforming to your believe.

Steemit is a great community and i'm telling all my friends to come on board even if its for the money, over time purpose and passion would be discovered.

Let's keep steem-in friends and shout out to all my followers for making this journey worthwhile. Special thanks to @fisteganos and the Nigeria community for having my back.


Hey, I think you pointed out important things. I am also really happy be more active in my german community. ;)

One way that worked for me to meet some awesome new people: Commenting on their articles. Not the old "Well done, follow me" spam. But actually read their post and comment on their topic. People love when you talk about the topics of their posts, me included ;). It's a great way to get to know people and not just follow/get followed by them.

Steem on, buddy!

Exactly bro. You've being there since day one. Thanks man

You can say that again...focus on building content than followership.

Yes bro. Thanks

Hi @arkintea! Wow I am amazed that so many Africans discovered Steemit. Perhaps we can make our own tag so that we can actually support each other better? I don't always have the time to go through all the posts but what if we can make a tag like africa-united or something similar so that all people from this continent can support each other. Steemit is paying for my son's university costs now. It is amazing! I will follow you now. What a great way to bring people together. NO racism for a change! LOL!

Steemit is a great community and i've met a number of great people, including you and thanks for following, now following you. The Nigerian community is just growing and a programme #onequality is being implemented ( We plan to bring in more people onboard, cover the Nigeria base and then over time africa at large would converge as other african countries run their parallel programme. As such africa would have a wider base and helping hands. #oneafrica #africa-united

Thanks sir. Would keep you posted as we progress.

I am sure I am a! Full steem ahead!

Awwwww, poor me, sorry about that. Loool.

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