When i fall in love with steemit

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Here how my attitude changed from rewards seeker to steemian who value community.

    Hi steemian, when i first join this platform my attitude was as same as dealing with cryptocurrency, to be honest i was suspicious and careful, the concept of social media in a blockchain operated by cryptocurrency make me think about it as a place to earn easy money only , actually steemit introduced to me as a place where you can get easy lunch. I was dealing with steemit like Poloniex or Bittrex (trading platform) in term of privacy.

     I joined with my family name as sort of anonymity and i put a random picture in my profile,  back then i posted some blogs about Altcoin, with time i have been expose to very nice and warm community overall so i started to love the place and decided to post my introduction blog after like 4 weeks from joining steemit.

                                    me checking steemit at work (hospital) end of my duty

Blog changed my attitude

  That blog made my day, i was a newbie who gradually start to love the place and want to get involve in steemit, my reputation was about 30, anyway i posted a blog bout my self, wrote it in quickly so it has some mistakes and it has poor quality in term of text editing. A storm of warm welcoming comments started and rain of upvotes all day.
  I woke up next morn to find my little blog got 200 vote, seen by 190 steemian and have 55 comments, that was huge for a newbie, my reputation went from 30 to 50 in one day, i got upvoted by @ned (it is a chance to thank him and stag him here also 😊 ), i was WHAAAAT is it Ned one of the founder? maybe it is faqe account how can a founder get time to read steemian blog? i checked it, out its real. this is getting interesting, the introduction blog got like 111$ but comments and reading was more valuable to me.
you can take a look (introduction blog)

@steevc in the second day mention me in his blog (follow Friday) and wrote about how is awesome to know new people from different part of the world (i am Sudanese from Africa), i didn't know Steev before and i was impressed by his nice attitude and friendly personality, Thank you Steev.

Since then i share my personal thought freely and comfortably, now i think about steemit really as my closest online social platform (almost abandon facebook), great community.

@hilarski , @tfeldman , @kyusho  and others always check out on me and i do the same, i started to know more about steemian and really care about them, check out there blog, upvote what i like, comment and resteem some time.  

Then i met @justtryme90, @tommycordero, @immorjas, @acidyo, @achim86 and others, forgive me if my memory didn't help me, very nice people, i am glad i know them, every now and then we meet in my blog or their blog.

Some just upvote without comment, some i think human and other bots but am grateful anyway.

I am enjoying open-mic, steemit-photo-challenge and cryptocurrency blogs

@fulltimegeek tips me once with 6 STEEM, just as appreciation, it was nice welcoming attitude.
I like and use  @elyaque padges some time
@pfunk helped me establish steemitclinic channel in steemit chat
@screenname mentioned me many time
@curie some time put may name in their blogs
@steemtrail gave me a trail token once


I realized that i started to enjoy steemit when i stopped thinking about it as only money factory, of course rewards is vital, its in fact what make steemit unique but it won't make me enjoy that much here, if my intention didn't change i would have left in first month.

Finally, I want to thank all steemian who make me realize that this is a great platform because of community and there is more valuable things here than rewards, those good steemian who make this place better every day.
Thank you 
image source


I think many of us share a similar story. Come to steemit to experiment with the idea of a crypto based social media platform, and all of a sudden find your self with friends. Transitioning from thinking of this as a way to make money, to thinking of it as a way to interact with people is where it gets more fun. After a while you find your self with a pretty big following (I've no idea how I have gotten 800 followers... thanks to those people by the way its humbling) and your posts do earn some money. Its pretty surreal TBH. I like steemit, it has introduced me to people from all over the world that I would never have had the opportunity to interact with otherwise. A story that is likely repeated by so many others. And will be repeated by so many more in the days, weeks, months and years to come.

You are on of the best steemian @justtryme90, you help without asking, i admire that about you.
totally agree this blog story likely happen to many steemian , community keep us together
as you use to say Cheers :)

I used to say cheers, and I still do :D

Cheers my friend. Keep up the good posting, I'm not going anywhere. I hope you aren't too. There are a lot of good people on here, and if this platform is to grow and succeed it will need all of us!

Other than going offline when i have 24 hour duty (once weekly), i am not going anywhere also.
Some time i check steemit in hospital, sort of addict to this platform.
It will grow and we will welcome them with open arms like what first generation of steemian did to us.
Cheers :)

Yes in deed, thnx for input @lakshmi 😊

Thanks for sharing your story, it was very interesting and inspiring to read!

Thank you @jaki01, glad you like my little story
following you to read yours

Thanks, and I follow you to! :)

means a lot coming from expert like you
by the way i am following you since i was newbie :)
Thnx @benjojo

You are too kind, I'm no expert and lean very heavily on the true experts we are very fortunate to have within our Steem community. Fortunately, there's a place for us all and what a place it is already! With your kind of attitude, which is thankfully becoming more prevalent, we are going to shake the world.

This attitude is around sense i came, i learned it from good steemian, those how believe in this platform potential.
Totally agree about shaking the world (good spirit), I think we are part of something great right now
i hope all steemian realize that we all can win :)

Great Post! Upvoted and Followed!

Thank you @slickwilly, following you now :)

That is the best way to think about things, its more fun to do something you like. If you only do it for the money eventually it will just be a Job and the money will influence you. I seldom make anything for my posts of the dark sky but that is not why I am here. I just want to spread awareness and appreciation of having dark-sky locations.

totally agree @azfix, you are doing well man, i am following you now, i think if you focus on making real good friends that will make steemit more joyful :)
don't give up just give it some persistent and patience
wish you the best

Thanks for the follow and kind words

Thx bro for sharing your story with us

You are welcome my friend
happy that you showed up @achim86 :)

Thank you so much @azfix,
That is so nice of you my friend, you surprised me man, it is not that great bro, its just little above avarage post Regarding meaninful content and maybe less than average regarding writing.
I sent you some coin, thnx again bro , I wish you always the best

Thanks @araki
I love the fact that this post is getting a conversation going about being part of a community. I try to promote any content that I think is cool and other people will enjoy. I do not have a lot to spread around, so I just try and bump up cool things when I can.

Good attitude man, you will do great in steemit
sorry for late reply, i was in work :)

Sorry for the super late upvote and comment.

Thank you for continuing to be an awesome contributor on Steemit and for mentioning me.

Talk soon!

Thanks a punch @fulltimegeek, good to see you man
It's been a long time, i hope you are doing fine.

Great post that resonates with the majority of steemians on here. I look forward to feedback and thoughts the most! It has been great to interact with you about medicine!

That photo is awesome. When I'm at the computer at the hospital it is so tempting to get on Steem but I know I would never get anything done so I just check after work too haha.

And cheers and good luck are always great ways to end something haha!

Happy to see you @tfeldman, Yeah It looks like same happened with most people, by the way i started checking open-mic in steemit after you post some songs .
I like what we did so for in steemitclinic :) and agree about checking steemit after work but some time i can,t resist take a quick look with my phone :)

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