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RE: Over 500 Fresh Followers And Posts Get Only 3 views?! - Im Losing Steem - Cant...go...on...

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Here's a couple thoughts. I looked at your page on Facebook and even liked it, I forget how many people like your page on there but it's a lot. I just looked, close to 200,000 and I do believe steemit has somewhere around that amount of active users.. So your page on Facebook is around the size of steemit..

So.. You've got good numbers over there. Now.. If you only had 500 likes/followers over there on Facebook, do you think you would be getting significantly different numbers?

I've studied the algorithims a bit and there are studies out there that show that Facebook shows your stuff to 1% or less of those following you.
So, yeah you should be getting a bit more than 3 on some of those posts perhaps, but.. Not that much more.

I've personally noticed that I get more interaction here on steemit than I do on my Facebook page with roughly the same amount of followers over here as I have over there.

SO in my experience.. The algorithims here have been better than Facebook plus I get paid something.

Something else you may want to consider is the time of day you post, there are certain times of day that are better or worse as I would imagine you would know.

Also you should perhaps interact a lil more with people who comment on your stuff cause that helps pop your content back into the feeds as well if I'm not mistaken.

I commented on one of your posts the other day and pretty sure you didn't respond. If you did it may have helped your post get seen more, each time someone likes or comments or whatever, that helps it get seen more.. So try to encourage people to comment on your posts, ask questions, stuff like that.

I mean even if someone says something basic like "Nice post".. Just saying "Thanks" will help rather than totally ignoring it.

I'm sure there's numerous other things that can help but.. You've got almost half of the followers I've got in around 1 month that it took me almost a year.. So in two months you'll have what took me a year or so.. I mean.. I think perhaps you're a lil used to(perhaps spoiled, I probably would be too if I had that many followers) your huge numbers on Facebook and aren't really putting this into perspective.

Also, I share similar kinda stuff that you do often on my page and.. It's just not a very popular subject compared to other stuff.. Most people are not interested in the occult.. That's one reason it stays so hidden.

And finally.. I'd just like to say, I hope any of that helps, if you have any other questions I'll try my best to answer and I personally hope you don't go cause i enjoy your content and I'd like to see it around more in general and not just on Facebook.

Cheers and good luck with everything!


Oh man @apolymask I'd kill for a follower like you! Great advice! Upvoted and Followed.

Well you're a charmer aren't you? Lol. Thanks for the nice words. I checked out your page and I liked some of the stuff you posted so you earned a new follower!

Haha. Awesome! Thanks for the follow and the uovotes! Woulf aooreciate your thoughts on my posts.

Checked out your page and followed back! :)

Word. And you're welcome. I'll share my thoughts when they flow naturally! See you around on here!

Sure! Thanks man.

That rare weather phenomenon and the canyon shot are some of my favs gor now. All the best! See you too! :)

I followed you too! That was a great post. I really did not know people are not interested in the occult - wow!!! I am so very interested in it.

Seems that interaction is what I am missing. I will try to interact more, but honestly, I get spent after posts, especially since I do it on a few blogs and facebook pages as well. Im also deeply involved in a craft outside of the online world which takes time. But again, I can see how interaction can help me.

However, with your point about Facebook... I also have a personal page there with only a few thousand followers, and when I post just about anything, I can expect a hundred or so interactions with the post. Besides, we shouldnt be comparing Steemit to Facebook. We are supposed to be anti-Facebook here. The reason why they only share your posts with a tiny fraction of the following on "fan/business pages" is so they can sell you the rest. Steemit, as far as I know, isnt trying to keep you from your followers for potential profit.

Seems that interaction is what I am missing. I will try to interact more, but honestly, I get spent after posts, especially since I do it on a few blogs and facebook pages as well. Im also deeply involved in a craft outside of the online world which takes time. But again, I can see how interaction can help me.

I think a good way to look at it is like "starting over", and when you start over it takes a while. Though you have a great boost immediately because you have a big site on Facebook and I guess stuff elsewhere to help you there and that's an extra bonus on steemit because the whales tend to favor people with bigger influence.. You have a lot going for you that most people on here don't.

In regards to your comment about Facebook and the other stuff, I'm not sure if there's a difference between personal pages and fan/business pages in that sense, there might be.. This stuff is ultimately not disclosed to us so we don't know how it works exactly, thus studies have been done.. But we don't know for sure.

I'd say similar with steemit, though.. They might have come out somewhere in their whitepaper or elsewhere and explained what the amount is, I wouldn't be surprised if you could find that number if you dig.

You could also be getting more on Facebook for numerous reasons other than that, for example you might have a lot of your personal friends and family that comment regularly which help boost it, or you might have certain people who regularly argue on your posts.. These things really make posts explode.
I'm sure there's a lot of people out there who know how this works and use it to game the system. I don't.. But I'm sure there are a lot who have fake conversations or bots that say stuff, I think steemit has some of that as well with the bots and such. It's not perfect, it's just a bit better than Facebook.

Ultimately I think maybe some day there will be a platform better than steemit, but right now.. This seems to be the best one in my opinion.

Another thing you might want to consider IS what I just mentioned above about the bots. I think many of our followers on here are bots and not real people, thus the numbers we see are uncertain. Who knows how many bots are following us.

That does seem to be a problem with steemit but I'm not sure you can stop it. It's freedom.
They can limit it, but they don't seem to that much and it's pretty obviously happening in my opinion. So.. When you say 500 people.. That might be.. 400.. Maybe more maybe less. And 1% of that then is even less.. So.. I would be careful to judge too much until your further in.. Give it another couple months at least. I've been here almost a year and I don't have nearly as much of a pre existing fanbase as you. You have a lot more potential than I do on here right now.

And yes it does get tiring responding to people and stuff. I'm not nearly as big as you but I spend a ridiculous amount of time responding to people and it makes my wrist sore sometimes.. Seriously. Not cool. However.. At some point.. it's just too much and you can't keep up with it.. But you should try to respond like as much as you can in my opinion.. It only helps with everything from peoples opinion of you to the algorithims and how much your stuff shows up in peoples feeds.

I also take it as a challenge to see how creative I can be in my responses even if they don't give me much to work with. :)
I think it can help with communication skills if you look at it the right way!
Anyways.. I need to get to other work. All the best to you, we need to see occult stuff become more known and less hidden, so I wanna see the people out there who are putting this info out do well! We need more people sharing this kind of info and just more aware of it in general! Peace man.

I have said this before; the problem is that there are too few people with power here (its HEAVILY centralized, not decentralized at all, which destroys the whole point of social media - its like Rupert Murdoch having a forum on which he only allows the opinion he likes to get published) - no amount of small people liking a post will give it anything like the reward of one "whale" liking an introductory page or a stock photo.
This will remain a pretty useless place until that changes. Just look at the content being posted. Mostly junk being posted by friends of the whales to get rewards and a thousand wannabees who also post junk thinking that it will work for them also.
People who write intelligently like you are very rare.

I think there is a problem with whales, but I wouldn't go to the extreme of this place is "useless" I posted on Facebook for like 8 years and never made a penny, even if I'm not one of the big fish on this platform, I made more on my first post than I ever made on Facebook.

I'm not sure anyone is out there arguing that it's perfect, but it is refreshing as hell to see people making an effort to give back to the people who provide content.

The hope is that in time as it becomes more popular, some of these issues with the whales and such will be more ironed out, but even if they weren't it's still a MILLION times better than any other social media including YouTube in terms of how it gives back to it's content creators.

And in regards to what's being posted, I disagree again. I see a lot of good stuff, I find it more interesting usually than my feed on Facebook. So..
It sounds kind of like you have a few valid issues, and then you just demonize the entire platform cause it's not 100% perfect even though it's making much more progress than any other platform in regards to rewarding the people who use it.

I guess you could argue YouTube has probably paid out more, however.. You could say that platform is the same and it's only the BIG FISH who make money over there as well.

I've only made around $4 on YouTube.. But here on steemit, my account has been worth up to 6.5k, in roughly around the same amount of time using it.
The price fluctuates of course, but I could have cashed out for that much already.. So I mean.. Clearly.. A smalltimer like me with a small audience has made WAAAAAAAAY more on this platform than any other platform, no.. More than ALL other platforms combined.

What's your argument in regards to that, plus the fact that it's a lot less censored here? How can you say this place is useless, when I've made more off of my content here than ALL other social media combined? And I'm not a whale, I dunno if I'm even a dolphin.. I'm definitely not one of the big fish.

Maybe you're just following some boring blogs, most of the people I follow post awesome content regularly.

Well said @apolymask... the point I keep adding to people is that "something" (on Steemit) is still better than "nothing" (on Farcebook and elsewhere)... and we often tend to forget that YEARS went into creating our presences on other social media. Sure, I came here with a Facebook page that had 16K likes... but that took six YEARS to build. Hello? Sure, if I were on Steemit six years and still getting ten views per post, you bet I'd be complaining!

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