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RE: The Great Steemit Debate - Why Tone Vays persuaded me much more than @blakemiles84

in #steemit8 years ago

I want my stuff deleted from this site because the dev's flat out lied about their intentions here and I wasted lots of my time because I believed them and others that they duped.

I'm sure lots of people have noticed your post but they don't comment because they are scared the whales won't upvote their vapid crap.

If I used money, I'd buy so jilted steemers would have a place to post up without being buried under crap.


You're totally right about wanting your posts deleted.
I think they will implement this option, but they will remain in the blockchain, I think.
I understand you're quite angry and frustrated, but being too aggressive and disruptive is never the best way to face problems. Try constructive criticism too (after post deletion of course) ;)

You used to be able to delete posts but since steem started falling, they silently took the edit and delete options away for posts that have already paid out. I'm not worried about the blockchain because very few people have the brains or motivation to look at it and if things continue like they are, the blockchain will be history when the platform is abandoned.

I tried constructive criticism but was ignored because I have no power here. I suggested many ideas that would really improve the platform and users with much more influence than I have said they'd already presented those ideas and been ignored.

Sometimes, the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

I have no idea why, other than curiosity and sheer boredom, but I just watched the debate and it was comical how badly Blake "lost". I hadn't considered the locking down of steem power as the mechanism that enables the ponzi but it makes perfect sense.

Another thing that let me down about this platform is the possibility of sock puppet accounts. It would be so easy for a whale to create sock puppet accounts, upvote them to build their value, then cash them out. It really disturbed me when I started going through whales accounts and seeing that none of them are holding any steem. Dan's account had 13,000 steem at one point but he'd just powered down and that was gone the next time I checked. I also noticed that the whales are frequently upvoting the same accounts. All of their accounts and the ones they upvote are in power down mode every time I check too.

This thing stinks and if they want me to shut up about it, they're going to have to delete my content from their scam site and at least apologize for not being men of their word.

Welcome in the blockchain. I guess the more the platform grows the more we will see this kind of reaction.

scared whales won't upvote their crap

? There is no cost of voting. Why would they be scared?

Also, if you can source where the devs lied I would want to know that too. Make a post about that and whales will definitely upvote because the devs don't "own" this platform

If someone pisses the whales off by exposing their little scam, it's unlikely that the whales will vote for their future posts and most people here are money dependent civi pigs.

If you listened to any of the interviews or slack discussions there was all kinds of talk about the potential for steemit to expose truly world changing content and empower innovators. The exact opposite is happening.

I saw your debate by the way. You must have had some good herb or be really uninformed! That guy walked all over you and confirmed every suspicion that I had about this platform.

As far as owning things go, when someone controls 98% of a currency, I'd say they own it.

I also think that saying that developers lied is too much (or requires some proof at least).

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