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RE: Should Steemit, as a Social Network, have an integrated Chat function?

in #steemit7 years ago

I definitely feel that Steemit has a long road ahead of it. As to your point, yes, there should definitely be an implementation of a chat function on Steemit itself for further engagement within the community. I think a bigger issue Steemit might want to address right now would be driving more adoption of the platform and gaining more users, which as of this point, I would say, Steemit isn't doing the best. The signup process requires quite abit of time on top of phone verification, of which I personally had some quite some challenge doing before finally being able to get it. As much I do definitely understand that those parameters are set in place to avoid abuse of the Steemit system, I believe much has to be done to streamline this process to further the adoption of Steemit as a platform, for, without users, the platform is worthless. And I see the registration process, in it's current state, to be a little too challenging which potentially drives away a large number of individuals who are turned away through sheer frustration.

I nonetheless love this platform, what is stands for and intend to be a fully contributing member of this community and want to see it flourish to it's full potential!


Thank you very much for your great comment @ansonoxy :)
Your point about the registration process is definitely something that´s holding Steemit back a little. It´s currently taking a long time for new user to get started, so that a real mass adaption isn´t possible right now.

But you always got to see the good side of it as well. All the people who´d just be spamming us with "please follow and upvote me as I want to get rich quick..." comments are as well among those waiting for their accounts. So all the patient ones are hopefully those who will add real value to our great Community :)

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