Witness Voting

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

We had an interesting conversation during @sircork's Steemitizens of Steemit show yesterday about inactive Witnesses. When I first started on the platform, I tried to learn everything I could about its structure and rules, both written and unwritten. I came across this post from @jerrybanfield about the importance of Witness voting, specifically how and why to set a proxy. The statistics are dismal:

  • "... current participation in witness voting is very low with only about 15,000 accounts out of over 387,000 making even one vote equal to about 3.6% participation."

  • "Out of the few hundred accounts with over $50,000 in Steem Power, only about 22% are making any votes for witness ..."

  • "Out of the top 25 accounts worth at least $700,000, most including the founder and CEO of Steemit Inc @ned, are not making any votes for witness while only @roadscape, @freedom via @pumpkin proxy and @thejohalfiles are actually using all 30 votes."

  • "The majority of active witness voters are not using all 30 witness voting spots meaning that if participation by amount of votes is multiplied by amount of users voting, our total witness voting participation by amount of votes and users voting is near 0% when not accounting for Steem Power. When we consider Steem Power, no witness has more than 18% approval today which most of that being from a few large votes."

Note that the post was written six months ago, the number of accounts on Steemit has more than doubled since then, and both Witness standing and participation have since changed.

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Later in the day, I was buried under a million things to do - pretty typical, as many of you know - but saw a post by @enginewitty titled Frustrating Witness Update, which addressed some of this issue.

The current blocks being hashed are around 20,829,000, which will be a higher number by the time I finish writing this and even higher by the time you read it.

You can see the entire list of Witnesses here. Of the 400 listed Witnesses, only 121 are shown as active. Many Witnesses have been upgrading the RAM on their servers recently, but let's say for the sake of nice round numbers that 29 of those shown as inactive are just offline upgrading - that still means that only 37.5% of the Witnesses listed are active! So when I hear someone complain about Steemit being slow, and I see that they aren't voting for Witnesses ... well that's just fucking stupid. They not only want a Lambo, they want someone else to buy it for them.

Thanks to @drakos for this invaluable tool.


"Decentralization" is just a useless buzz-word without participation. Otherwise you end up with the wealthy who care throwing their weight around and the poor who care throwing their hands up in desperation. It becomes an oligarchy at best and fascism at worst. I don't begrudge those who joined early and/or are heavily invested in the platform, but I cannot stress enough how important it is to vote for good Witnesses who care about actively contributing to the platform, and ideally who are approachable with questions and concerns.

For instance, I like @gmuxx but saw his status as inactive the other day. I sent him a DM on Discord because I wanted to cast a vote for him, and he said he's no longer serving as a Witness. It was more important to me that he was willing to discuss it with me, and even better that he responded right away. I know the Witnesses are busy, so I wasn't expecting that. But that's precisely why he will get my vote if and when he decides to do it again. I also appreciate some of the top Witnesses' contributions, but the total vests (vote weight) of their voters makes their positions at the top secure, and I will re-evaluate my votes if that changes.

I don't recommend setting a proxy, because apparently some are voting for inactive Witnesses deliberately just to prevent others from moving up the list. To those users: WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU??? That's straight-up market manipulation, and you're not just hurting the minnows and dolphins actually trying to churn out good content that gets seen (ya, don't get me started on the shit-show that is "Trending"), you're hurting the long-term value of the platform as a whole.

If I have to pander to your short-sighted greed, that's your money they're fucking with! I spend an hour or so every single day making sure my Witness votes aren't wasted. Some of you should at least fuck off that stupid fucking meme you're making and spend that time on something productive. If you have to set a proxy, I can recommend a very short list of users who I know aren't playing games just to prevent any threat to their market dominance.

#thealliance pagebreak.png

If you ever expect to see Steemit out of Beta, and more generally see the platform grow (and therefore see your Wallet grow, because we are all still pretty much on the ground floor), you will do your due diligence to make that happen. I have a couple of suggestions for a future hard-fork, and admittedly I know (and care to know) very little about Steemit's high-school drama internal politics, so maybe I'm just talking shit and none of this is viable:

  1. Set an expiration time for Witness votes. I'm sure smarter people than I can figure out a practical duration, but this would eliminate inactive accounts' votes still counting and would increase the incentive for active users to both make sure their votes count and make sure new users we onboard understand the importance of Witness voting. One month? Three? Whatever. I don't see any downside to this and potentially a huge upside.

  2. Make each Witness vote carry equal weight. You want to upvote your own comment on some shit meme for $500? Fine. You're a bloody shit-stain, but that's your prerogative. You want to throw 25 Megavests at an inactive witness just to prevent someone else from moving up? Ya, you're rigging the game because the system is structured to let you do so. If you sort the list by number of votes, the top 50 shifts around a bit but 11 of those are inactive. That's on us, folks. This seems like a reasonable solution.


I care about this platform, many of its users and communities, and the good we do in the world using it. I want to see it grow and attract more unique and valuable contributors. Please be a part of the solution.

I will leave you with one of my favorite parables, which you may have heard before:

A scorpion is walking along the bank of a river, seeking to cross, and happens upon a frog. The scorpion asks the frog for a ride across the river. "How do I know you won't sting me?" asks the frog. "If I sting you, we'll both drown," says the scorpion. Satisfied, the frog begins to cross the river with the scorpion on its back. But halfway across, the scorpion stings the frog. With its dying breath, the frog gasps, "Why?" Replies the scorpion, "I couldn't help it. It's my nature."

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It's news to me that some of the large stakeholders are purposely voting for inactive witnesses to keep other witnesses from moving up. People are free to do what they want with their stake, but only within what the system will allow. (You can't vote for 31 witnesses - so there are limits - as another limit I'd really like to see inactive witnesses purged from the rosters after - I think I've heard proposed - 90 days?) Thanks for taking the time to share this information. I learned a few things today :)

It was news to me too, but I trust @enginewitty to be honest, and he's my source for that bit of info.

This was a great post. Me hopes the new wave of steemians take time to read this. We can not always change the past, but this was helpful for our future. Myself, I have 7 more votes that i have some flexibility with. But I hope everyone gets out there and at least votes for 10, even 5, just to get started.


Good info, friend!

So did the frog and the scorpion drowned!!!?? I can't stand the suspense....

The moral of the story is: Don't blame the scorpion for being true to its nature. Blame the frog for thinking the scorpion would do anything but be true to its nature.

true story. I was just playin lol!!

How often can we vote? I'm afraid I can't change my mind afterwards? I only have 25 votes left! lol

You have 30 votes and you can change them at any time.

Oh thank god. I'm not good w/commitment ;)

Some good information on this very much overlooked subject, it took me a long time to start voting Witness's and I still did not realise what it was all about then either. Slowly I have learned more, but you have to hunt for the information and really it should be easy access - so everyone know's why they should vote for a witness. As a community vote, the top 19 with the most votes from Steemit accounts (us) get access to the block rounds and earn 1 Steem per block they resolve - it can therefore be very lucrative to get into the top 19 slot and access to regular block -resolving. This also explains the mentality of encouraging voting for inactive witness's - they won't be resolving blocks which leaves more for those at the top! The general rule though is we should each be voting for 30 Witness's - and we should choose to vote for the accounts we find engaging, post regularly and contribute to the community - the work they are doing is very important and the equipment required to run a witness server is very expensive to buy or rent - which is why some may drop out after a while and become inactive.

" ... you have to hunt for the information and really it should be easy access - so everyone know's why they should vote for a witness.

So much this.

" ... we should choose to vote for the accounts we find engaging, post regularly and contribute to the community ... "

And this.

A witness is far more likely to get my vote because they are involved with the community and are approachable. I know many of them are really busy, but there's no reason every single Witness can't take a few minutes or an hour out of any given week to update the community on their projects, answer questions and concerns, etc. Sure, it's not a requirement, nor should it be. They're just far more likely to get and keep my vote because of it.

We gotta find a way for you to really come out of your shell.
You hide your true feelings. Its OK, once in a while to let people know. To add a little motion in your posts.

Try to let your feelings shine through.

LOL ya, I have a bad habit of biting my tongue, right?

😂😂😂 that is exactly what I was thinking. So reserved this one - she needs to tell us how she REALLY feels. Great post @ancapbarbie - I set Shadows as my proxy because I knew I could figure out all the witness stuff while trying to figure out everything else. Thanks for your excellent work!

Totally good information here.

How interesting it would be to see if the dynamics of steem / steemit changed if witness voting was changed from weighted to unweighted.

I am guessing the account creation factories would move into overdrive for a while to reassemble the status quo.

With 16 of the top 20 witnesses (and 8 of the next 10 just in case) heavily supported by the mega Freedom for Pumpkins vote, Status Quo is very much the tune we all should be dancing to...

PS Who are the Pumpkins that need their Freedom?

Ya, I have spoken with a couple of Witnesses about my second suggestion, and both stated that unscrupulous folks would just create as many accounts as it took to achieve the same result. So maybe that's only a good idea in theory.

I know the story as the scorpion and the fox ;)

Ya. I've seen it as the scorpion and the turtle too. I use the frog because the fox isn't known as a good swimmer and the turtle's shell might protect it against a sting.

tactical story telling. lol

Exactly. 'Cause you know someone won't be able to resist the urge ...

Wow, you have really said a mouthful there my friend. I’m fairly new to this platform and breaking my ass to put out good content daily. I can’t believe that the people that could really help make a difference to us minnows are sitting on their hands instead of helping. This was a great informative read. Thank you👍

I'm fairly new too, but I talk with a lot of different individuals and communities, mostly on Discord. It's totally overkill to check the Witness statistics every day like I do, but doing so regularly is part of using this platform effectively. I'm not interested in a mutiny - yet - but if every one of us pays attention to it and votes for good Witnesses, both the quality and quantity of the platform will improve. Imagine one day we have 2 billion accounts like Farcebook. We better have more than 121 active Witnesses.

I’m a member of #steemsilvergold and just applied to #the alliance. Our witness sends out daily recaps of posts from our group. He has answered my question on discord as well. I know that he’s not inactive. But I totally get where you are coming from. Cheers🍺

You have 30 Witness votes, and yes @guiltyparties is a boss. You can see the entire list of Witnesses and who votes for which (if any) Witnesses from https://steemian.info which was created by @drakos, who is also an excellent Witness. Anyone too busy to even vote for, let alone research, Witnesses ... well I'll call bullshit but rather than try to convince them that they're lazy turds, they can just set @sircork, @enginewitty, or even me as a proxy. Probably others too, just the three of us I know for a fact stay vigilant about these important votes.

Wow, that's a high level of trust, thank you Barbie :)

Thanks for the info.👍

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