
Sorry, I looked at your link and only saw Marxist shit😟

Frederick Engels was not an anarchist right?

"Other writers, while admitting the distance between Marx and Engels and Stalin, are less charitable, noting for example that the anarchist Bakunin predicted the oppressive potential of their ideas. "It is a fallacy that Marxism's flaws were exposed only after it was tried out in power.... [Marx and Engels] were centralisers. While talking about 'free associations of producers', they advocated discipline and hierarchy."[93]"


The Marxist view like the advocates for a true free market may never be realized because of those pesky inbred psychopathic demons lololo

" like the advocates "?

are you saying that it is because of other people a free market can't exist? My first link had examples of market socialism, the only true form of free market.

There has never been a free's a pipe dream...edit...the psychpathic demons will never let markets rule themselves...anyway, I'm done. I'm sorry for my poor English and Miss-quotes.

there can never be a free market with private property*
not that I want markets to begin with

From your link.....Marx and his co-worker, Engels, consistently argued that socialism (or communism, they used the terms interchangeably) could only evolve out of the political and economic circumstances created by a fully developed capitalism. In other words, production would have to be expanded within capitalism to a point where the potential existed to allow for "each [to take] according to their needs". In turn, this objective condition would have created the basis for a socialist-conscious majority willing to contribute their physical and mental skills voluntarily in the production and distribution of society's needs.

Hence the quite from Brzezinski

Brzezinski described Marxism as a further vital and creative stage in the maturing of man's universal vision... Tension is unavoidable as man strives to assimilate the new into the framework of the old. But at some point the old framework becomes overloaded. The new input can no longer be redefined into traditional forms, and eventually it asserts itself with compelling force.

I argue a true free market has nothing to do with the state and democracy is anarchy in its purest form.

I still don't understand the point of your quote

In a capitalist system socialism will replace the old capitalist frame work....the capital needed to feed a socialist system will devour the old the old system collapses there will be need for force to bring in communism.

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